I want you (part 3)

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Beam's P.O.V.

I woke up in a happy mood. I had a good nights sleep. I feel like today it's going to be a great day I don't know why. I got up and did my business and took a shower. I prepared a quick breakfast and sat down to eat. I quickly sent a text to Forth letting him know that I had fallen asleep the night before.

Beam Future crush?: -Sorry I fell asleep yesterday. Didn't mean to leave you hanging. Should I make it up to you later?-

I sent the message and left for class. As I was entering the classroom I heard my phone ring. I quickly picked up and saw a message from Forth.

Forth your crush: -Hmm interesting how are you planning to do that?-

Beam future crush?: -How about we have dinner together?-

Shit did I ask too soon? We only started talking yesterday and he only accepted to being my friend we are not dating. I was nervous when I heard my phone ring again but I looked at it anyway.

Forth your crush: -Actually I already had dinner plans with my friends. But it'll be great if you can come?-

I'll take what I can get. This is also an opportunity to know more about him and how he acts towards his friends.

Beam Future crush: -Sure just tell me the time and place and I'll be there.-

I was content with how things were going. I really think I'll be able to get him to like me.

"Quit smiling like a fool while looking at your phone! You are creeping me out." Said Kit.

"What don't you want me to be happy?" I said.

"Is Forth talking to you?" He asked looking at me. I noticed this grabbed Pha's attention too.

"Yeah we've been texting since yesterday. In fact today I am going to have dinner with him and his friends." I said proudly.

"Damn Beam you really work fast." Said Kit and I could see Pha nod his head at what Kit was saying.

"There's no time to waste." I said focusing on my phone again when I saw another text from Forth.

"We lost him already Kit." I heard Pha say but I just ignored them.

The day seemed to go really fast and it was probably because I was a nervous reck. Funny huh says the guy who yelled he liked Forth in front of the whole engineering faculty. But this time it's different because this time I have something to lose. When I made that decision I was mainly focusing on the superficial things like that he is hot and strong and all that stuff. But just getting to know him as a person even if it's just been a day I could feel a strong attraction for him and I don't want to lose this. I don't know where this is gonna go but I want to find out. I don't want to mess up the chance of us potentially being together.

I tried to dress up as nice as possible without overdoing it. I was tempted to call Kit and ask for his opinion but I didn't want him to make fun of me. I'm the one who's always teasing I don't want it to be the other way. In the end before leaving I ended knocking on his door.

"Does this look fine? I don't want to look like I put too much effort in you know? It's something casual it's not even a date since his friends are coming I'm just an extra." I started rambling on but Kit cut me off.

"Hey you look great as always. Good luck leave before you get there late." He said smiling at me.

"Aren't you going to tease me?" I asked looking at him confused.

"Maybe next time. Now go don't make him wait I'm rooting for you." Said Kit giving me one last smile before closing the door.

Well that was weird but I have no time to think about since I am going to be late if I don't finally leave. I got there on time and saw Forrh was standing outside of the restaurant probably waiting for me. Without thinking much I quickly stepped out of my car and approached him.

"Hi, glad you could make it." He said greeting me.

"Yeah thanks for inviting me." I said. We walked in and he led the way towards the table with his friends. I sat down next to Forth and found four pair of eyes looking at me.

"Guys this is Beam, Beam this is Max, Tul, Park and Lam." Said Forth introducing us.

"Hi." I said to all of them.

"You look familiar." Said Lam looking at me and I gulped.

"He's the one who confessed yesterday to Forth." Tul answered Lams question and I could feel my cheeks heating up.

"Oh thats you! Man you have my respect! I was impressed by you that must've took some balls to do." Said Max giving me a hive five.

"Seriously though none of us could believe it. I don't know what you saw in this idiot." Added Park.

"Ok let's stop embarrassing Beam for a minute." Said Forth and I was glad I didn't have to answer what was it that attracted me to Forth.

We ordered some food and kept talking and I just loved this guys. They are so loud always joking and laughing and we were certainly attracting the attention of everyone there. But we were having so much fun. I don't know how much time has passed or how much we had drank and eaten but I was getting tired. I didn't want to leave though this guys are awesome. I looked at Forth who was next to me and he turned to look at me and smiled. I did the same and took the opportunity to lay my head on his shoulder.

"Let me rest here for a minute I'm getting kind of tired." I said expecting him to move. But instead of pushing me away he continued talking with the guys and started stroking my head. I felt so at peace with him right now he's just so warm I feel like he bring me happiness. But on the other hand it was scary that I was developing such strong feelings towards him. I mean this was the plan all along but what if in the end he still just wants to be friends. I looked at him one more time.

Well only time will tell for now I'm just gonna enjoy being with him. After that I turned my attention back to the crazy loud gang of boys in front of me. As long as he lets me be close to him I'm happy not moving my head from his shoulder.

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