Annoying freshman (part 6)

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Beam's P.O.V.

Apparently we arrived way too fast. It's been fifteen minutes and there's no sign of the bus. I wanted to call Kong but I didn't want to get yelled at so we opted to wait for them at the entrance of the resort. Arthit was talking in the reception but it seems like we needed Kong for them to give us everything.

"I can't wait to see Kong's face. He must be so freaking mad. A two hour drive with no way of communicating with us. He's going to kill us." I said shaking my head. Knowing my brother he must be furious.

"You're fine I'm the one who has to share a room with him." Said Arthit and I laughed.

"It was your idea!" I said and he shrugged smiling sheepishly. "Why are you so quiet." I said turning to Forth.

"I'm just thinking which way I need to run when P'Kongpob arrives. Here I was thinking that I was safe because I was coming with you and it seems like I'm even in more trouble because of it." He said and both Arthit and I laughed.

"It's all Arthits fault!" I said.

We were all distracted talking that we didn't notice the bus had arrived and all the freshmen were unloading everything. A furious Kongpob was approaching us.

"You three! How dare you do that!" Screamed Kong using his hazer voice. I looked behind me to see Kong his face was red and if looks could kill we'd be six feet under. I grabbed Forth's arm dragging him with me behind Arthit.

"It's his fault!" I said loudly.

"Ah yeah you were the one driving! And that brat turned the cellphones off." Said Kong. Well shit we are in deep trouble.

"If you were nicer this wouldn't have happened! I had to teach you a lesson." Said Arthit confidently. He's dead meat already. I need to find a way to save Forth and I. 

"I'll deal with you later." He said glaring at Arthit and he gulped. "Now you two." He said turning to us and Forth grabbed my hand this time him being the one pulling me away. I looked back to see that Arthit was holding Kong.

"Have fun! I'll deal with Kong here. But come back for dinner." He said and I smiled. Well if he wants to deal with him I'll let him. We stopped running when we were far away from the hotel. Personally I would've run to my car again but oh well.

"I'm so tired." I said catching my breath.

"He's not following us anymore." Said Forth.

"Yeah last I saw Arthit was holding him. I bet he would've beat our asses just for taking his wife away." I said.

"You and your family are crazy." He said and I nodded.

"Well now you know what to expect. Besides you are just as crazy saying you fell in love with me at first sight." I said rolling my eyes.

"See I'd fit right in." He said confidently and I face palmed.

"Why do I even bother you are a lost cause."

"Yeah right like you aren't attracted to me." He said starting to walk again.

"How can you be so confident!" I said trying to catch up with him when he stopped walking abruptly making me stumble into him. He turned to face me grabbing my waist pulling us closer.

"Well if you don't like me why aren't you pulling away." He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Because you startled me!" I tried defending myself.

"Right what about now." He said leaning closer clearly about to kiss me. But I didn't want to pull away. I was going to let him closing my eyes. I felt his hand on my cheek pulling me closer. Just when our lips touched I felt something hit my head. I pulled back startled.

"First you disrespect me and now you are out here taking advantage of my brother." I heard Kong yell.

"Damn after all this time you are still so freaking close to the hotel. You were asking for it." Said Arthit shaking his head.

"Kongpob you know I like your brother! You even agreed to help!" Said Forth.

"Yeah well I changed my mind you are too much of a brat for my brother. Now come here I'm going to beat you." Said Kong starting to chase Forth who started running again.

"Here's the key to your room. You are sharing one with Forth since you are the only one who seems to be able to calm him down. Also that was part of the deal. Forth agreed to help Kong with the freshmen if he could have a room for you two." Said Arthit and I felt my face getting hot. "Awww you are blushing." Said Arthit.

"Stop teasing me! Those two idiots." I said getting angry. I grabbed the key to the room. "Just for that he's sleeping on the floor. I'm leaving now when those two stop fighting tell Forth." I said and Arthit nodded. Just as I was leaving I saw Forth stopped running and Kong did too. The two of them looked at me confused.

"I already told him about the room." Announced Arthit loudly. They both looked at each other before looking at me with guilt.

"Why did you do that." Said Kong walking to Arthit who shrugged.

"Beam wait." Said Forth and I just kept walking ignoring him. We arrived at the room and Forth just staid quiet after I ignored him which for some reason only made me more mad. Once we were both in I closed the door.

"Whatever you thought you were going to do with me because we are sharing a room forget it, it's not happening." I said feeling angry.

"I wasn't thinking of anything! I didn't thought P'Kongpop was serious. I also just said that to make him mad. I didn't even think he would agree!" He said and I looked at him suspiciously.

"I don't believe you." I said and he laughed.

"Come on are you serious!" He said and I nodded.

"I'm trying to make you fall in love with me not hate me." He said and I shook my head. "Come on I will do anything for you to believe that I'm serious." He said and I turned to look at him.

"Anything? Are you sure?" I asked one more time and Forth nodded.

"Fine I'll believe you. But you need to do something first." I said and he nodded. I smirked already forming the plan on my head.


This story was supposed to be a one shot! Like seriously I give up I'm not capable of doing one apparently hahaha. Anyway I already have a new cover so I'll be changing it soon. Also I'm changing the name from one shots to short stories.

Ah I almost forgot again. But for those of you who liked the bet. I already posted the first new chapter continuing the story from where it ended here! Also I'm going to try to post another one tomorrow. So if you liked that story and want to continue reading it you can find it on my profile as a separate story by the same name. New chapter start from the 22!

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