Confused (part 5)

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Beam's P.O.V.

I walked happily to class. Waking up next to Forth after confessing our feelings for each other yesterday had me in a great mood. I walked into class and to my surprise Pha and Kit were already there. I walked towards them and sat down next to Kit.

"Wow Beam what's got you in such a great mood so early?" asked Pha.

"I have a boyfriend now" I said. They both looked shocked.

"You have a what?" Said Kit while him and Pha looked surprised.

"Didn't you noticed Forth was courting me? I mean he comes to pick me up everyday! He even bring us snacks when we're in a study group!" I said

"Well we noticed you two were close but not that close" said Kit.

Pha nodded before adding "But were happy for you as long as you're happy! Congratulations on finally getting a boyfriend like us"

"Thanks! But let me tell you, you two are such bad friends you didn't even noticed!" I said actually a little mad that they don't care about what's going on in my life.

"You're right we are sorry! How about we do a little get together this evening? That way we can welcome Forth into our group. We will invite Wayo and Ming" said Pha, Kit nodded enthusiastically.

"That sounds good" I replied. At least they are making an effort.

When we had a break I called Forth.

"Hey love" said Forth when he answered after the third ring.

"Hey babe, the guys want to do a get together this evening will you come with me?" I asked. I was expecting him to answer quickly but he hesitated a bit.

"Sure" he said after a while.

"Great see you later then Love you" it felt great being able to tell him I love him freely.

"I Love you too" he replied before hanging up.

I got on with my day as usual and at five Forth came to pick me up. We went to my dorm to take a bath and change. Since we have been spending so much time together Forth has clothes at my dorm. I took a bath first so I was now waiting for Forth when Pha sent me a text.

Pha: I'm already at my place with Wayo. I called Kit and he said he's on his way with Ming so you can come over anytime.

Beam: Forth is taking a bath when he's done we'll leave.

Pha: ok 👍

I fixed my hair in the mirror in my room and grabbed my wallet and keys.

"Forth! Hurry up Kit and Ming are already on their way to Pha's house" I screamed at him.

"I'm already done" he said coming out of the bathroom ready with his jeans and black shirt. He came closer to me he wrapped an arm around my waist pulling me closer to him. "You look good" he said.

I wrapped my arms around his neck. "You don't look too bad yourself" I said then kissed him. When we separated he kept me close our foreheads pressed together.

"Isn't this better, we could just stay here the two of kissing maybe doing even more than kissing" he said moving his lips towards my neck. I enjoyed the feeling for a while but then I separated us.

"Not that I mind you being this affectionate but you seem weird since I called you this morning. What's wrong? You don't want to hang out with my friends? Don't you think I haven't noticed how you hesitated before agreeing to come with me and how you took longer than usual in the bathroom. You can tell me if you don't want to go I'll understand" I said cupping his face in my hands to make him look at me in the eye. He sighed leaning his head into my hand and closing his eyes for a few seconds before he responded.

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