Drunk (part 4) the end

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Beam's P.O.V.

It's been five days since I refused to go to lunch with Forth and I haven't seen him since then. I really shouldn't be surprised but a part of me was disappointed he didn't try harder. I decided to stop thinking about him and focused on my studies I walked alone towards my usual table. Today Pha and Kit were out with their boyfriends so I was alone. The food line was quite long so I decided to focus on studying and I'll get it later. I was so concentrated on my books I didn't notice that someone had sat down in front of me.

"Are you ignoring me, or you didn't notice I was sitting here?" Said a voice I recognized instantly. I quickly raised my head and looked at Forth sitting across from me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked confused.

"I wanted to see you! You didn't think I would give up so easily right? I was just a little busy. But don't worry I was thinking about you the whole time." He said confidently before giving me a wink.

"Whatever I don't care," I said looking back to my books but I couldn't repress the small smile on my face.

"Have you had your lunch?" He said ignoring my comment.

"No, I'll get it later," I replied.

"I'll get it for you I haven't eaten anything yet either," he said standing up and leaving before I could refuse. Oh well, I am hungry anyway. Soon he came back with two portions of food and two bottles of water. I closed my books to make space for the food.

"Thanks, how much do I owe you?" I asked.

"Nothing, it's on me. Don't even try to fight about it just eat ok?" He said before I could protest.

"Fine, it's your loss anyway," I said before I started munching happily on my food.

"Want to go to dinner later?" He said then took a sip of his water.

"No thanks," I said focusing on my food.

"Come on I can't take you on a date? How am I supposed to make you fall in love with me." I sighed if only he knew. I shrugged not knowing what to say.

"Fine, I'll just come to have lunch with you every day."

"Suit yourself," I replied nonchalantly but deep inside I was excited to spend time with him every day.

We finished our food in silence then he got up.

"I'll see you tomorrow my Beam," he said smiling at me.

"I'm not yours!" I said blushing.

"Yet, but you will be," he said turning around and leaving. This guy really! I can't with him.

The truth is he kept to his word. A month has passed and he keeps coming every day. He always brings me something whether is a bar of chocolate or something else. Without realizing it I got used to his company. It started slowly I stopped acting so cold towards him. Then I waited until he came to eat until I even bought food for the two of us. It really made me fall for him even more. I sighed this is getting out of control. At that moment Forth arrived with lunch for the two of us Tom Yum for him and fish and chips for me and two bottles of water.

"This is delicious, here try it," he said feeding me.

"It's really good, give me more," I said and he feed me again.

"Now you try this," I said returning the favor.

We kept feeding each other. Then he whipped the side of my mouth with his finger. I just stared at him. Dammit, as much as I enjoy playing couple with him I need to stop this. I turned around and focused on my plate.

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