Love at first sight (part 5) the end

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Forth's P.O.V.

When I woke up in the morning I instantly noticed Beam wasn't in my arms. I looked around and something just felt wrong. I think he left, but why? I told him I would accompany him to his dorm. As I sat up in bed I noticed something on the night stand it was a note from Beam. I picked it up quickly to read it.

-Forth ❤️

Thank you for saving me on Saturday night. I don't know what would've happened if you weren't there. I had the best time this weekend with you. I'll treasure the memories we've made forever.


I looked at the note confused for a second. Did he really thought I only wanted to spend the weekend with him? Or is he just trying to get away from me? I don't know but I need to get to the bottom of this as soon as possible. I need an explanation at least. I know we did everything in a super fast pace but he seemed ok with it. I got dressed for the day and made breakfast. I was thinking if I should go confront him now or wait until lunch time. I remember him mentioning he had the same lunch hour as me so I decided to do it then. I was currently in class telling Park and Lam everything that had happened.

"So after everything he left you without saying goodbye! I mean that's hilarious! Serves you right for all the hearts you broke." Said Park laughing.

"Seriously though the one time you seem genuinely interested in someone and he didn't last two full days with you." Continued Lam and I huffed mad.

"Stop it, you two are having way too much fun with this. Besides I'm going to him at lunch this has got to be some kind of misunderstanding." I said annoyed.

"You hear that Park, he's going there after being dumped. Man we lost him." Lam snickered and Park joined in they were having the time of their lives teasing me. Finally it was time to go but before I needed to do something.

"Well since you like teasing me so much it's my turn now. Why are you two always together? Everyone seems to think that you two are a couple are they right? I know at least one of you has feelings for the other so now you two figure it out." I said turning around leaving two stunned men on the table. Lam was red as a tomato with his mouth hanging open, Park was the same but he was furious.

"Forth Jaturapoom you come back here right now!" Screamed Park and I just continued walking while laughing. I quickly got on my bike before Park came after me.

I quickly drove to the medical faculty praying that Beam didn't go out to eat. I walked in and people were looking at me weirdly. They probably thought that I have problems with somebody here. They were looking around to see if I was alone. Seems like my reputation precedes me. I found the food court easily and was looking around when I spotted Beam sitting down with someone I knew. Perfect I thought approaching their table.

"Hey Phana long time no see." I said approaching their table, when Beam heard me he quickly turned to look at me wide eyed for a second before focusing back on his food.

"Oh Forth! It's really been a long time. What are you doing here? You can sit here if you like." Pha said pointing to the empty space beside Beam. I nodded and sat down looking at Beam who was avoiding my gaze.

"Who is he?" I asked Pha playing dumb. I noticed Beam froze and I wanted to laugh but kept on a poker face.

"Him? he is Beam and that's Kit they are my friends I told you about." Pha replied.

"Hmm this one looks like the person I'm looking for." I said and I heard Beam mumble something I couldn't understand. Pha and Kit looked at me confused.

"Beam? I doubt you two know each other." Pha said looking at me weird. 

"I must be confused then. Pleasure to meet you Beam, I am Forth." I said smiling at him and giving my hand for him to shake. He glared at me then at my hand before shaking it and I almost laughed. Kit stood up to go to the bathroom and I noticed Beam was about to stand up to leave too but I grabbed his hand stopping him.

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