Friends with benefits (part 6) the end

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Beam's P.O.V.

I woke up in Forth's embrace. This was nothing new to me since he always finds a way to cuddle me while I sleep. I turned my head to look up at him and was surprised to find him awake.

"Good morning." I said looking up at him. He bent his head to steal a kiss. "Forth!" I said startled and he laughed.

"Sorry couldn't help it." He said and I sat down on the bed getting out of his embrace. This was not good for my poor heart.

"How long have you been awake." I asked trying to rub the sleep away from my eyes.

"Just a few minutes." He said and I nodded. I stood up to go to the bathroom and when I came out he was cooking breakfast. I was grateful because I enjoyed his cooking but I really thought he would leave fast. I mean really what are we doing here? We used to be fuck buddies and now he just spends the night casually at my house just because he wants to. I really can't understand him sometimes. Soon he put a plate in front of me and we started eating.

"After this I have to go." He said and I nodded I wasn't expecting him to stay anyway.

"Ok." I replied.

"Do you have any plans today?" He asked and I paused to look at him for a second trying to figure out why he asked me. I couldn't.

"I don't know, not for now but maybe later I'll decide to go out." I said and he nodded. He finished eating first and stood up.

"I have to go see you later." He said before grabbing his things and leaving and just like that I felt lonely again. He has way too much impact on my life. When he was here it was like all my troubles went away. I miss him already. It was stupid I hate love.

I was thinking about what I could do today. I didn't want to stay here feeling sorry for myself all day. I guess I could go to the mall it's better than being here. I took a shower and got dressed. This time I decided to text Pha and Kit to see if one of them was free. Phana couldn't since he was already out with Wayo. I was about to leave thinking it would be the same with Kit when he answered.

-I was going over there with Ming right now. You should join us. Don't even try to bullshit me with wanting to be the third wheel or I'll cut you. Meet us in the parking lot in five.

I smiled reading Kits message. I imagined him typing furiously thinking I would say I didn't want to be the third wheel. I just replied with an ok and grabbed my wallet and stuff before heading out. Ming and Kit were already waiting in the parking lot when I came out.

"Ready to go?" I said when I was close and Ming nodded.

"It's good that you came or I was going to drag you here." He said and I chuckled.

"Ming what did you do to Kitty today. He seems angrier than usual." I said and Ming laughed while Kit glared at me.

"He woke up like that today. I'll just get him some food when we arrive." He said.

We all got in the car and drove towards the mall. Kit was a bit grumpy but I didn't mind I was used to it. But poor Ming was still having a hard time with it. Everything he said Kit will respond sassily. I couldn't help but laugh at poor Ming. He doesn't know what he got himself into. When we arrived Ming got some food for Kit and that seemed to tame him a bit.

We were walking around helping Ming buy some new shoes. So far it's been fun these two don't really act like a couple in public anyway. I swear if I didn't know them sometimes I'd think Kit just wants to kill Ming. They are always like cat and mouse bickering about anything and everything. In the end Ming always lets Kit win which I found cute. They really seem to love each other.

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