Unexpected (part 5)

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Beam's P.O.V.

When we walked into the house the first thing we saw was my mother pacing back and forth. She quickly stopped when she noticed our presence.

"You're here! That's good. Now hurry and get dressed. We will be having dinner soon. The guest will be arriving soon and I expect you two to be there." She said sternly I just rolled my eyes and walked to my room with Forth following behind. I grabbed some clothes going into the bathroom. I was done as quick as possible letting Forth use the bathroom. I put on some shorts and a button up shirt. Once Forth was done we both went down. I notice a few people there which I didn't know. We sat down at the table with me between Forth and a girl I didn't know. This time my mom was chatting with the guest and it seemed lively. After a while the conversation was directed towards me.

"So Beam your mother tells me you are studying medicine. You want to be a doctor?" She asked and I nodded.

"Yeah I am on my third year. I want to become a surgeon in the future." I replied politely.

"That's great! You should be top of the class I imagine." She said and my mother answered for me.

"Well he could do better. He's always on the top 10 but his friend Phana that one is the real genius he always has been in the top of his class." She said and I stayed quiet. I work really hard for my grades and I'm proud of them. But she's always comparing me to Phana making me feel bad.

"Oh but that still good I'm sure he works hard." Said the lady and I just smiled at her and nodded. Forth took my hand and squeezed it reassuringly.

"He could have better grades but he leads a certain lifestyle that takes away from his potential." She said and I gasped. She knew that was a sensitive subject.

"You know I left that in the past. Besides my sex life doesn't concern anyone here and it has nothing to do with my grades. Now if you'll excuse me I am done with dinner." I said standing up and leaving. Once I was walking away everyone must have been quiet since I could hear my foot steps. I walked to the backyard where the pool was. I was so mad right now that I didn't hear Forth approach until I had him in front of me.

"It's ok." He said pulling me in for a hug.

"I'm so mad." I mumbled against his chest.

"I know." He said stroking my hair.

"I need a drink." I said. I went back inside to grab a bottle and two glasses. I returned sitting down on one of the lounge chairs by the pool. Forth did the same and we started drinking.

Forth's P.O.V.

I've been outside with Beam for a while drinking. I'm still on my first glass but he has drank a lot. I think she hit a nerve with the comment about his lifestyle. But I don't understand I've never seen him ashamed of who he was. But now that I think about it I can't remember the last time Beam was with a girl. I do remember that it was weird when we noticed he'd stopped but we figured he was just busy and was going to get back to it soon. But I haven't seen him with anyone else for a while. Something must have happened then.

"I'm really sorry you had to see that." Said Beam out of nowhere.

"It's ok, it wasn't that bad." I said and he laughed dryly.

"Yeah could've been a lot worst. I'm so tired of this game were playing. We pretend everything's fine or ignore each other until one of us says something hurtful. I've tried to make things right. I'm a good kid, I get good grades, I am a good person. But she's always comparing me with Phana or Kit and I'm never enough. Everything I did it was for her because she wanted me too but she doesn't appreciate anything I do. To her I will never be good enough. One things Forth that's all it took. I revealed to her something. She was always the person I trusted the most so I told her first thinking out of all people she'd have my back. But instead she turned into this monster who I can't stand. I love her and I want the old her back. But I can't change what I told her even though I tried." Beam stopped his rant because he started crying. My heart broke for him. I sat beside him in the lounge chair putting a hand on his back.

"Let's go to your room Beam it's already late we should get some sleep." I said and he shook his head.

"I don't want to go inside." He mumbled sadly and I nodded.

"Ok then should we stay here?" I asked and he nodded before looking at me.

"Can you sit down correctly." He said and I looked at him weirdly but complied to his weird request sitting down on the chair completely instead of on the edge. He scooted back until he reached me laying against my chest. "Let's stay here for a while he said now drinking from the bottle. I decided to let him and just wrapped and arm around his waist. I'll take care of him tonight.

Even in his drunk state he never revealed the reason he's fighting this much with his mother. Just that he confided in her something personal and she instead of being there for him criticized him. I was curious but didn't ask. If he wanted to tell me then he would've. I tried to stop Beam from drinking more countless times but he didn't want to saying he just wanted to forget everything. He was stubborn so I waited until he was drunk enough.

"That it no more let's go to your room." I said grabbing the bottle from his hands and he tried to protest but he was too drunk.

I put the bottle on the floor before standing up. Instead of doing the same Beam was now laying on the lounge chair. I sighed before picking him up and throwing him over my shoulder. He laughed but let me. I managed to get him upstairs but as soon as I set him down he rushed to the bathroom and I hear him vomit. Guess throwing him over my shoulder wasn't my brightest idea. I walked into the bathroom rubbing circles on his back while he puked. Once he was done I helped him wash his teeth but the smell of alcohol coming from him was really strong.

"Come on your taking a bath." I said getting him to sit on the tub. Getting him out of his clothes was a struggle since he kept on laughing and pushing me away. It wasn't until I turned on the shower that he stayed quiet for a while.

"I'm pathetic aren't I?" He said sadly. I was about to respond but he continued. "I'm sorry for bringing you here. Instead of having a good time your taking care of me. I'm really sorry." He said before he started crying.

"Beam listen to me ok?" I said and he nodded looking at me. He tried to stop crying but tears were still streaming down his face. "I don't mind taking care of you. Besides we had fun today and I've been having a great time getting to know you all of you the good and the bad. I could've left if I wanted to but I don't I want to stay here with you ok? Now turn around I'm going to wash your hair so you can get out of the tub and we can sleep afterwards." I said and he nodded turning around. I carefully washed his hair and rinsed it before helping him get out of the shower. He was a bit more sober now so he was dressing himself while I looked for the blower to dry his hair. Once he was done I made him sit on the floor so I could dry his hair. He stayed quiet like he was lost in thought and I let him.

"I'm done come on get in the bed." I said and he did.

"You can rest now I'm going to take a quick bath." I said and he nodded. I was still worried about him so I hurried to do everything. When I was done I was expecting Beam to be asleep but he was laying on the bed wide awake. I climbed on bed next to him.

"I can't sleep." He said turning to look at me.

"Come on you look like you need a cuddle." I said opening my arms and I saw him hesitate. Instead of waiting for him I pulled him towards me embracing him in my hug. He didn't complain hugging me back. I moved one hand towards his head stroking his hair. In no time he fell asleep. Once I was sure he was ok I let myself drift off to a dreamless sleep too.


I'm on a roll updating everyday hahaha even I'm surprised. Anyways let's see for how long I can keep this up. I think I may be able to keep updating this one every day since the ideas keeps flowing.

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