Wrong classroom (part 5) the end

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Forth's P.O.V.

The paint ball game was fine and Beam fit perfectly with my friends. After the game we went to dinner and I brought Beam back to his dorm. I quickly left since I had some planning to do. He said I was all talk and no action so he's gonna get exactly what he asked for. I went to sleep with a smile on my face. Tomorrow was going to be an eventful day.

Pha was aware of what was happening between us. He knew I liked Beam and agreed to help me. Today he was throwing a little get together to celebrate Wayos birthday and he invited me and my boys. I was getting ready when I received a phone call from Pha.

-Hey Pha, what's up?

-Beam just asked me to pick him up since he doesn't want to drive. So I thought you could pick him up instead.

-Yeah sure I'm almost ready.

-Great he's already waiting and Forth just because I'm helping you doesn't mean that I won't beat you up if you hurt him don't forget that.

-I wouldn't expect any less from you.

-ok then now that everything's clear Good luck.

He hung up and I finished getting ready. I grabbed my keys and left to pick up Beam. Fifteen minutes later I was knocking on his door.

"It's open, I'm almost done." I heard Beam yell. I opened the door and walked in he was shocked to see me. "What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I came to pick you up." I said giving him my best smile.

"Pha's coming to pick me up for Wayo's birthday so I can't go out with you. Not that I would agree of I didn't have plans." He replied picking up his wallet and the present.

"I'm going there too and for your information it was Pha who told me to pick you up." I said smugly and he looked shocked.

"That traitor he just feeds me to you." Said Beam cursing under his breath. "Fine let's go." He said walking past me. I smiled following him. We soon arrived at Pha's house. The place was full which surprised me since I thought it would be a small get together. Beam quickly left to find his friends. I walked over to my gang keeping an eye on him.

I saw girls approaching him which was usual. Girls were always throwing themselves at him. Which made his Casanova life so easy. But from what he'd heard Beam was stopping. He was occasionally seen going out with a girl but not as much as before when he didn't last an hour in a party. I was watching him wondering what he would do today knowing I was here but he wasn't showing signs of leaving with any of them still he wasn't getting away. We made eye contact a few times but he always looked away.

Getting tired of his games I stood up from my seat. My friends all looked at me expectantly. I walked towards Beam who was leaning again the kitchen countertop with girls surrounding him. I put my arm around his waist pulling him closer and took the drink in his hand gulping it one go.

"What are you doing?" He hissed.

"I was just missing you babe." I said pulling him closer, he was now facing me. I put the drink on the table and using my thumb and middle finger to caress his face. He was looking at me shocked. I moved closer to his face so close that I could feel his breath on my lips. I look at his lips and then at his eyes before crashing my lips on his. After a while he responded for a few seconds before pulling back. "I don't like people touching what's mine." I added glaring at the girls who quickly left. I turn towards Beam and whisper on his ear. "Just because we are not officially together it doesn't mean you can play around with my feelings. If you have no intention of corresponding my feelings let me know." I said making some distance between us. I looked at him one last time before leaving his side and walking towards the backyard.

I wasn't mad at him I just am a really possessive person. If he was my boyfriend already and I saw him flirting with those girls I probably would have picked him up and taken him away from here. Still I was trying to calm myself I knew he must have some feelings for me or else he wouldn't let me in his life. I didn't notice but it's been like an hour since I came to the backyard alone. I stood up to go back. As I was entering the house again Lam appeared in front of me.

"Forth! I've been looking for you! Beam's drunk!" He said looking concerned.

"What? Are you serious? Where is he?" I asked looking around to see if I could spot him.

"He's with Kit who's also drunk. I left Park making sure he doesn't do anything stupid."

"Ok we'll take me to him." I said. Lam nodded leading the way to the living room. I saw Ming taking a drink from Kit who started whining. Beam was sitting next to him on the couch just laughing.

"You're drunk, come on let's go." I said standing in front of him. He stood up but was wobbling on his feet.

"Forth!" He said putting both hands on my cheeks. "You are a meanie! You only kissed me when you were mad! I want you to kiss me all the time! you hear me!" He said moving my head left and right. I chuckled at his actions.

"I thought you didn't like me why do you want me to kiss you?" I jokingly said.

"Who told you that huh? Tell me so I can't beat them up!" He said glaring and trying to punch the air.

"You told me." I said. This was fun Lam and Park where laughing. Lam was even recording. Kit was just amused looking at his best friend. Ming was trying not to laugh but failing.

"Me?" He said pointing at himself. "I'm stupid come here." He said grabbing me head again with both hands. This time he came closer and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. "There that means I like you, now you're mine." He said before wrapping his arms around me hugging me. I like drunk Beam I wish he'd be like this all the time.

"Come on let's take you home, you are drunk!" I said. He nodded and I helped him walk outside. Thank God this time I decided to bring my car.

I dropped Beam off at his dorm and tucked him in to sleep. I left towards my apartment happily at least I know he liked me for sure now. They say drunk man words are sober mans thoughts.

Next day I came over with breakfast again this time at a more decent hour but still I knew it was too early for Beam. I knocked on the door and he grumpily answered.

"What's with you disturbing my sleep." He said letting me in.

"Here I brought you some pain killers for your hangover." I said ignoring his comment. He took them reaching for a glass of water. I walked up behind him and back hugged him.

"What are you doing?" He said turning his face to look at me.

"Hugging my boyfriend." I replied planting a kiss on his cheek.

"I am not your boyfriend!" He said.

"Oh but you are." I said showing him yesterday video. "You said I am yours which means you are mine." I said. He finished looking at the video and looked embarrassed.

"So, are you gonna finally accept having feelings for me? Or should I kiss you until you change you mind?" I asked turning him around so we were face to face.

"I like the second option." He said smiling at me.

"You sure." I said giving him a kiss on his forehead, then both cheeks and lastly his nose. After that I pulled back and he kept looking at me expectantly.

"Sorry kisses on the lips are for my boyfriend only." I said smirking at him.

"Come here you idiot." He said pulling me in for a kiss. I smiled when we pulled back.

"You are mine now, you can't take that back." I said pulling him in for another kiss.

"I'm yours since a long time ago so I don't mind." He said smiling happily and I did the same. Finally we found our way to each other.

-the end


I had major writers block got this chapter. I actually hadn't planned for it to be this long. But I kept adding to it and here we are. But I was finally able to come up with something. Luckily you didn't have to wait for long.

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