You are mine

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Beam's P.O.V.

I was walking to the moon and star gathering. I was here because of my friend Phana. He was mad that we agreed when everyone nominated him to be the moon of our faculty and said that because of that we had to go with him. We had class first which he was excused from but we promised to come when it was over. Kit had some kind of problem at home and I contemplated on whether I should go or not but I decided to be a good friend so here I am walking into the building. He surely doesn't need me here it's just him being stupid but I'll comply. As I approached them I saw Phana with another guy sitting on a table eating and talking. I walked over to them.

"This is what you're doing here? Just chatting with the moons from other faculty's? I should've nominated myself then." I said sitting down with them.

"Actually we are on a break they are about to hand us some food." Said Phana and I nodded. I took a look at the guy sitting in front of us. He had the engineering uniform, dark hair and a boyish smile. He look like a typical bad boy. I had to admit he was attractive in a mysterious kind of way. The type that leaves you wondering wanting to know more about him. He seems like an interesting person. I mean Phana doesn't associate with anyone who seems to bring trouble and his appearance just screamed that word. So why is Phana with him? "This is Forth he is from engineering. Forth this is one of my close friends Beam." Phana introduced us. The guy looked at me for a second before smirking.

"Hmm Beam I like it." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"What the name of the person." I replied looking at him in the eyes.

"Both so what do you say?" He said smiling cheekily but it was also more like a challenge.

"Not gonna happen." I responded not breaking eye contact. I wasn't just about to let him win I can play this game to expertly.

"I like a challenge." Said Forth cockily and I wanted to laugh.

"Cute but no way just give up already." I said looking at him with a serious face.

"Seriously man he's as straight as a ruler." Chimes in Phana who for a second I even forgot was here.

"Nothing is impossible but we'll see what happens." Said Forth. I ignored him focusing on the food that was being served. Damn I was getting hungry too and now I was stuck here while they eat. A girl came to our table to give the food to Phana and Forth and was about to give me one but stopped mid air.

"Wait you're not a moon are you?" She asked me.

"No I'm not." I said dejectedly. She moved on and I sighed mad. Stupid Phana with the stupid competition I am going to starve here and he will be the cause of my death I cursed mad when I noticed Forth looking at me amused. "What?" I said annoyed.

"Nothing, here you can have mine." He said pushing his food towards me.

"It's ok you really shouldn't." I said thinking about just grabbing it and run. He's literally offering it to me but I don't think I should take it.

"Do it I'm sure if I ask nicely they will give me another one." He said and I nodded accepting the food I was too hungry to deny it again besides it will soon turn cold if I don't eat it. I was happily munching on my food when Forth spoke again.

"Since today is Friday I'm going to the bar with my friends. You can come if you want with you're friends Beam will always be welcome on my table." Said Forth winking at me and I just ignored him finishing the food.

"That's a good idea we will meet you guys there." Said Phana

"I'll think about it." I said.

"Well I'll see you there then." He said standing up to leave.

"I have to leave too they are making us dance and we need to practice you can leave if you want it'll be a while." Said Phana and I nodded getting out of there as fast as possible. Since I had nothing else to do I went straight to my apartment. At about six o'clock Phana called me saying he was done with the moon stuff and they were heading to the bar after a change. I decided to go since I had nothing better to do. When I arrived Phana was waiting for me at the front of the bar.

"Is Kit coming?" I asked.

"No he's not still solving the mysterious problem apparently. But he said he doesn't need any help." Answered Pha and I nodded following him inside. We walked to a table in the corner where Forth was sitting with his friends. They all had that bad boy kind of look but still Forth seemed to stand out the most amongst them.

"Beam you made it." He said when he noticed us I just have him a thin smile and nodded. I noticed when he said my name all of his friends instantly turned to look at me. "Well let me introduce you. This is Park and Lam if you see one of them you know the other is close by because they always seem to be together. Don't ask why though." He said and they glared at Forth specially the one called Park who seemed like he was just about to murder Forth but he didn't looked faced by it. "Those two are Max and Tul and we usually have another one with us named Ming but he disappeared today." I greeted all of them and was about to sit down beside Max but Phana beat me to it. I looked at him weirdly but he just smiled sheepishly. I sighed rolling my eyes as luck will have it the only other available space was on the couch besides Forth.

"You can sit here I don't bite... unless you want me to." He said.

"You don't but I might." I said sitting as far away from his as I could on the couch. This was useless though because he scooted closer almost instantly.

"I don't mind." He said leaning his head closer to me but I stopped him mid way with my hand. The other guys laughed.

"You know what you're the first to resist Forth's charm I like you already." Said Park giving me a high five which I returned.

"You mean to tell me people actually liked him unbelievable." I said and laughter erupted again and the boys all started talking animatedly about Forth and how both boys and girls always throw themselves at him. I was listening attentively this guys were surely funny. After a while Forth leaned in close to me while I was distracted.

"Don't worry about what they're saying with you is different. You captured my attention from the first glance at you. For you I'd stop playing and settled down without thinking about it. I want you to be mine." He whispered in my ear before moving his head a bit and planting a kiss below my ear. I pushed him away again.

"Though luck, do you know who I am? They call me the Casanova for a reason. I don't play with boys you are just wasting your time." I said and he smirked.

"Well something tells me that is about to change." He said putting a hand around my shoulder and turning to the guys. "Beam here is off limits. He is the Casanova apparently and isn't planning on changing that anytime soon." He said looking at his friends who nodded like they already knew something I didn't. I ignored the comment thinking Forth was just being his weird self. The rest of the night went by smoothly and we had a great time. It was just when I was getting in my car that I realized no one had approached me today. That was weird but maybe they saw me having fun with the engineering gang and didn't even dared to approach. Whatever tomorrow is another day.


I'm back with another story! Bad news is I just started another semester at university online and classes this semester are really hard. So I need to work out a schedule especially since I tend to get more inspired when I'm supposed to be studying which I shouldn't do but oh well. Also I'm really bad at naming the stories it seems to get harder and I'm regretting that I didn't just put a number since the start hahahaha. Well that's all for now take care everyone!

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