Love of my life (part 2)

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Beam's P.O.V.

The ride towards the bar was silent. Which felt strange since Forth was always teasing me and joking but he seemed lost in thought. I decided to let him be for now. He parked the car close to the bar and I was about to thank him when he turned it off.

"Are you coming too?" I asked.

"Yeah I need a drink or two." He said before getting out. Somehow he seemed mad so I choose to stay quiet. I entered first scanning the place and saw there where a lot of hot girls. I smiled today is going to be a good night I bet. A girl was smiling and looking at me suggestively already. I was about to walk towards her when Forth appeared beside me. The girls smile faltered and she quickly looked away. I sighed this always happens when he's around. Girls hesitate to approach me.

"Come one lets sit over there." Said Forth dragging me by the hand to a couch. He sat beside me and called the bartender. I sighed annoyed looking around but now none of the girls where looking. Well there goes my chances of getting laid unless there's a really brave one who dares to approach.

I put my attention back to the table when the bartender arrived with our drinks. They were a few beers and a bottle of tequila.

"Forth this is two much for the two of us." I said surprised.

"What can't handle a bit of alcohol Baramee?" He said coldly and I rolled my eyes.

"Ah you're moody again. You were fine before what is it with you? Are you on your period or something?" I said feeling annoyed I took a beer from the table and proceeded to ignore him looking around to see if I could catch the eye of one of the ladies turning my back on him. Not that he answered anyway. Why couldn't he just leave me here? He just ruined my chances of getting laid and now he's ignoring me. Way to ruin my night.

An hour passed and I was just using my phone scrolling to Facebook while I drink my beer. Forth still hasn't said a word which annoyed me so I wasn't even looking at him. But I was getting curious what was he doing. I turned to get another beer when I noticed the tequila bottle was half way through and most of the beer too.

"Hey Forth's stop drinking so much you asshole I am not taking you back to your dorm." I said annoyed and again I didn't receive a response. I turned to look at him and realize I was all alone. I instantly got worried he had drank a lot what if he's fighting with someone or something. I quickly stood up and walked to the bathroom which was my first guess as to where he could be. I checked every stall but he wasn't there I sighed walking around the club bar but I couldn't see him anywhere. I was getting more and more worried. I saw the waiter who had given us our drink.

"Have you seen the guy who was with me at the table?" I asked him and he looked at me for a second.

"A the one with the bottle of tequila and the beers. He paid a few minutes ago so I assumed he was leaving but I'm not sure. He was pretty drunk from what I could tell." He said. I thanked him before rushing outside. I really hope he's not driving if he is drunk. What if he has an accident or something? I couldn't live with myself. I noticed his car from a distance so he couldn't be far I thought. As I approached his car I notice someone sitting on the floor besides the door I sighed relieved when I noticed it was Forth.

"You almost gave me a heart attack you asshole. How could you leave without telling me!? And why the fuck are you sitting on the floor in front of your car." I said once I was beside him.

"Why do you care what happens to me anyway?" He said not looking at me and his question shocked me for a second.

"You are my friend of course I care." I said doubtfully somehow saying that felt wrong.

"That's the problem Beam I don't want to be just your friend don't you see? You keep hurting me! Tonight we were supposed to spend time together and you couldn't wait to come to the bar and hook up with someone do you know how that makes me feel? It hurts Beam! It's been so long loving you without asking anything in return just hoping that you realize I really do love you and give me a chance. But I don't know if I can wait much longer Beam this just hurts too much." He said crying and I couldn't help the tears that escaped from my eyes. I felt so guilty I know it was my fault.

"I'm sorry Forth I really am." I said wiping my tears and standing up. Again he didn't answer just kept looking at the ground. "Come on let me take you home at least you can't drive like that." I said and he hesitated before giving me the key. I helped him stand up and got him into the passenger seat. He slept the whole ride back or at least that what I thought because he sat up when we arrived. He got out of the car but he could barely walk alone so I helped him.

"Just let me be, I'll get to my apartment alone." He said but I didn't listen and continued to help him. My heart felt heavy and I couldn't even begin to imagine how he felt. I managed to open his apartment and get him in bed. I took of his shoes and socks while he just laid in bed looking at the ceiling.

"Do you need anything else?" I asked him and he looked at me for a while before nodding. This time he did look at me.

"Can you stay just for tonight here with me?" He said and I looked at him surprised and my heart hurt. There's just something about the way he said it that left me unsettled.

"I-I don't t-think that a g-good idea." I stuttered.

"Please Beam just for tonight come and cuddle with me. Is that too much to ask?" He said and I could hear the sadness in his tone. I just couldn't say no to him.

"I'll stay." I said and he smiled at me but it didn't reach his eyes. He moved to make some space for me and opened his arms. I laid beside him end he engulfed me in his arms.

"I'm sorry for troubling you Beam. I guess you are right it really is time for me to move on. Don't worry I will stop bothering you, I'll stop coming over an invading your personal space. After tonight I'll move on and who knows maybe after some time we could be friends right?" He started talking and I just stayed quiet listening to him. He was stroking my hair with one hand the other securely against my waist. "It's a shame because I really do love you and I believe we could have been happy together. But it is what it is there's nothing I can do about it. Goodnight Beam." He said giving me a kiss on the forehead.

I really tried to fall asleep so time could go by faster but it didn't seem to work. I couldn't fall asleep. My heart felt so heavy I wanted to cry. I hurt him so much I'm glad he's moving on. I'm not that good he deserves someone better. Someone who loves him just as much I'm just sad I couldn't be that person. But from now on he will be happy he won't have to worry about me. I watched him sleep for a while taking his features in one last time. This may be the last time we see each other. I left before he woke up. I decided to leave him a note it just seemed like the right thing to do.


I'm really sorry for everything. I wish you all the happiness in the world. I'm not that good you will find someone better in no time I'm sure of it. When you do that come find me I'd love to be your friend. I always liked having you close even if I didn't feel the same I'm selfish like that I admit. Bye for now.

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