The Bet (part 15)

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Beam's P.O.V.

I woke up a bit disoriented. I thought I heard something but I'm not sure. I started stretching myself when I remembered Forth was here. I looked at beside me too find out I was alone.

"Did he leave?" I thought sadly. I walked to the bathroom and there was no trace of Forth. I then walked into the kitchen where I saw him trying to make breakfast but failing. I walked towards him who was focused on looking at something on his stomach.

"You are bleeding!" I said startling him.

"You want to give me a heart attack!" He said holding his chest. I rolled my eyes what a drama queen.

"Why are you making force! You were badly hurt this time. You should wait until your wounds are healed!" I said scolding him.

"I just wanted to make you breakfast as a thank you!" He said sadly.

"It's not necessary, I don't want you to be hurt. Come on, do you want to take a bath before I bandage you again?" I said and he nodded. I helped him go into the bathroom before looking for some clothes. After I gave the clothes to him I walked to the kitchen. Well he just burned everything I had for breakfast. I wanted to be mad but instead I found it funny and kind of cute. He clearly doesn't know shit about cooking like me. But I'm trying to learn that's why I bought some stuff to try and start making breakfast and he just burned them all. I ordered some delivery before I started cleaning the mess. Soon he came out of the bathroom. I have already lost count of how many times I have tended to his wounds. But I didn't mind.

"There all done." I said when I was finished. "I already ordered some breakfast since nothing you left on the kitchen was edible." I said letting out a laugh.

"Sorry about that." He said and I nodded.

"It's no problem I'm just going to finish cleaning up." I said standing up and walking to the dirty pile of dishes. I started washing them and once I was almost done Forth's came up behind me wrapping his arms around my waist and putting his chin on my shoulder.

"What are you doing?" I said finishing with the last bowl.

"Thank you for everything Beam." He said planting a kiss on my shoulder.

"Stop saying thanks already I don't mind taking care of you." I said turning my head to look at him so he knew I was sincere.

"Still I wanted to say that to you. I also want to do this." He said moving his head a little to capture my lips. I swear every time he does that it's like he puts a spell on me. I started kissing him back getting lost in the feeling. He moved his head leaving kisses on my neck and shoulder. I moved my head giving him more access. I knew nothing was going to happen this time since he was hurt so I was just enjoying for a while. I turned around to stop him but he just pulled me into another kiss.

"Forth, you are hurt." I said between kisses.

"I know." He sighed resting his forehead against mine. I carefully pulled him into a hug. I don't know why I just felt like doing it. We staid like that for a while until there was a knock on the door. I went to pick up our food and we had breakfast.

"Don't you have class today?" He asked me.

"I had, but I already told Phana to excuse me from them since I wasn't coming." I said and he nodded.

"I don't think I could go to class like this anyway." He said. Once we were done with breakfast I cleaned up the table again.

"I guess I should leave now." Forth said and I looked at him surprised. I didn't want him to leave yet.

"Or you can stay. I don't have anything else to do. We can watch some movies or something." I said and he nodded quickly. We walked back to my bed since my tv was in front of it on the wall. This time Forth laid his head on my lap and I let him. I put on the first movie that came on and we started watching. I wasn't really paying attention I was just running my fingers through Forth's hair lost in thought.

I fell for him and I fell hard dammit. I knew I had feelings for him I was expecting that. Spending this much time together and him trying to court me. I knew it could mean I would develop some kind of feelings for him. But not this strong. I was in denial about it but yesterday after he got hurt I was so freaking worried. It felt like my whole world was falling apart and I was just focusing on the fact that I wanted him to be ok. Now he's here in my dorm and I just feel so comfortable with him and I don't want him to leave. Because once we get out of this bubble I have to face the reality. This is all a game for him. For now I'll just try to enjoy these few moments with him and I'll try to forget about the bet.

"Are you ok?" Said Forth looking at me since I stopped caressing his hair. I gave him a smile nodding.

"Yeah I am I just got lost in thought for a second." I said and he grabbed my hand planting a kiss on it. It made my heart beat faster. Just a single touch from him can make me so happy. We kept watching the movie until we heard a knock on the door. I was confused but still went to open it. There I saw Park and Lam standing next to each other.

"You're not crying!" I said and Park looked confused while Lam just glared at me.

"Shut it! How's Forth?" Lam said trying to change the subject.

"No no no! I told you not to come back here again until you told him! Now do it or I will do it myself." I said tired of Lam not believing that Park is just as whipped for him. They have the chance to be together they shouldn't waste it! I crossed my arms in front of my chest.

"Are you serious?!?" Asked Lam and I just nodded sternly. "You are so damn childish." Continued Lam.

"Look who's talking..." I started to say but was interrupted by Park.

"Are you two alway like that? Stop fighting!" Said Park.

"This benefits you to so come on ask him what he has to say." I said to Park and Lam wanted to kill me already coming for me but Park stopped him.

"Just tell him." Said Park and Lam shook his head. Park sighed and I looked at them suspiciously.

"We already confessed our feelings for each other yesterday and he's my boyfriend." Said Park and I was shocked for a second.

"You asshole why didn't you just said so! I'm so happy for you two." I said excitedly pulling both into a hug.

"Ok thats enough." Said Forth pulling me away from Park and Lam.

"When did you get here?" I asked confused.

"You were taking too long so I came to see who was at the door. I heard Park talk. Congratulations by the way." He said and Parked smiled while Lam blushed.

"Come in, we are being too loud in the hallway." I said opening the door.

"Who's fault is that?" Said Lam who was the last one to enter. I hit him in the back of his head.

"I'm mad at you! You didn't say anything!" I said mad at him.

"Sorry I forgot." he said and I nodded.

"It's ok I'm happy for you." I said.

"What about Forth? How are things between you guys?" He asked and I sighed.

"The same, I'm just coming clean tomorrow about everything for today I'm just going to enjoy his company." I said feeling sad.

"I really don't think he's still playing the game Beam. His feelings look genuine. Just talk to him ok?" He said and I nodded.

"We will see what happens." I said before we joined Forth and Park who were talking in the living room.


I smell trouble coming. Next chapter it's going to be Forth's P.O.V. we are finally going to know how he feels about everything that's been happening. See you soon! Take care everyone.

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