You are mine (part 9)

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Beam's P.O.V.

It's been a month since I decided to give Forth a chance and he hasn't disappointed me. Every day I fall deeper in love with him. He's just the sweetest. There have been some problems along the way mostly my fault but he's patient with me. Today was Kits birthday and we were all going to dinner. Forth just arrived to pick me up letting himself in to my apartment. Even though we still weren't official he already had a key to my apartment and I had a key to his house. This was due to the fact that we basically live together. He comes over to sleep everyday after he's finished with everything and if he can't then I come over to his house. Thanks to him I barely have trouble sleeping just knowing he's there for me seems to calm me down. He's like my rock always there for me when I need him. He hasn't left me alone since I told him everything.

"Ready to go?" He said leaning against the door.

"Yeah just let me grab my phone." I said finishing to put on my shoes and grabbing my phone from the night stand. He grabbed my hand and we left.

We arrived at the same time as Phana and Wayo, Ming and Kit were already inside so we just walked in.

"Happy Birthday." We all greeted Kit before sitting down. It was a round table so everyone was sitting next to their partner. Everything was going good and we were all talking and laughing, the food was great and Kit was happy.

"This is so great, who's would've thought that we'd all be in a relationship at the same time. I mean Forth and Beam still aren't official but almost. Beam you are even more of a Tsundere than Kit." He said then laughed I gasped.

"I am not!" I tried defending myself.

"Yeah right! You like him he likes you! We all know but still you don't want to admit it!" He said coming closer and putting and arm around my shoulder pulling me to him. "You are a Tsundere my friend admit it." He said ruffling my hair and I laughed.

"Ok that's enough." Said Forth swatting Phana's hand from my shoulder and pulling me towards him hugging me and I chuckled.

"Ah the jealous Forth finally we get to see it. You know I thought we will see it more oferten to be honest. I had this crazy idea of what you would do on my mind." He said and I looked at Forth who was glaring at Phana.

"Like what?" I asked.

"Well he's the leader of the engineering gang so I thought he would send over some of his people to make sure no one got close to Beam since you know he used to be a player." Said Phana and I noticed Forth was getting angrier since he stiffened and I was still in his embrace. Ming choked on his food and I looked at him confused.

"But wait since Forth appeared not only has Beam stopped playing but only one girl has approached him and that was the only time." Said Kit confused and Ming paled putting a hand on Kits mouth.

"What?" I said getting out of Forth's embrace. I looked over at Phana.

"That was not a joke was it?" I said to Phana who had a serious face now.

"I was just messing around I swear." Said Phana looking guilty. I looked at Ming and Kit next.

"I know nothing I just realized." Said Kit and Ming looked nervous but didn't say anything.

"Forth?" I turned to look at him and his glared turned into a guilty look.

"I can explain." He said but I wasn't having it. I stood up from the table feeling mad. I could understand where he was coming from but that was just wrong seriously who does that? I walked outside of the restaurant not wanting to cause a scene and of course Forth followed me.

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