Im gonna make you fall for me (part 3)

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Forth's P.O.V.

I went back to my faculty. When I got off my bike I texted Pha.

-when does Beam get out of class?- Forth

-At 4 pm why? Also are you the reason he came in looking red as a tomato? What did you do to him?- Phana

-ok thanks, and I did nothing to him we just had a moment which you interrupted btw.-Forth

-Sorry 😂 to make it up to you I'll tell him Kit and I can't give him a ride home so he'll have no other option than to go with you.- Phana

-perfect see you later then.- Forth

Beam can play hard to get all he wants but he wanted me to kiss him. He feels it too he just doesn't want to admit it. The wait until 4 pm felt eternal. It seemed like the seconds were hours it was driving me crazy.

"Will you stop it already? You're driving me crazy stop tapping your foot and looking at the clock! It won't make time go by faster!" Said Lam exasperated.

"Sorry, it's just this day it's going by so slowly" I whined.

"You just can't wait to see Beam. Poor man having you chasing after him I pity him." joked Lam and I glared at him.

"Hey, you little shit! For your information, we almost kissed today but unfortunately, Phana decided to call at that very moment interrupting us." I said putting him in a headlock and ruffling his hair.

"Wow, are you serious?" He said sounding surprised.

"I don't know why you sound surprised I'm Forth Jaturapoom baby he can't resist me," I said then smirked at him.

"He's Beam Baramee if someone can resist you it's him. But I gotta say you two would make a power couple."

"We would," I said dreamily.

"Hey, Romeo it's 3:40, what time are you supposed to leave?" Said Park finally joining the conversation.

"Shit right now, see you later guys," I said running to the parking lot to get my bike. I drove as fast as possible toward the medical faculty. I got there just in time as they were walking outside the building into the parking. I got off my bike and went towards them. Beam hid himself behind Pha who stood in front of me. I looked at Pha and he winked at me.

"Beam me and Kit have to go pick Ming and Yo right now. Would you mind Forth giving you a ride instead?" he asked turning towards Beam.

"Phana you traitor! You're just gonna throw me to him! Just like that!" He said getting mad.

"Don't act like you don't want this Beam Baramee. You came into the classroom blushing like a high school girl." he just opened his mouth and closed it not knowing what to say. Then he stormed away looking mad.

"Good luck with that," said Phana patting my shoulder then walking away towards his car with Kit. I quickly caught up with Beam and grabbed his hand and he glared at me.

"I'm sorry ok? It was my fault I asked Phana to help me." I explained.

"You! Why are you suddenly everywhere!" He said pointing at me with his finger and then hitting me in the chest with it.

"I can't help it, I want to see you," I said looking down.

"That's not my problem! I told you from the start that I am not gay!" Hearing those words escape his mouth hurt me so badly but I was determined. I'm not gonna give up not when he almost kissed me.

"I don't believe that. You're trying to push me away but you want this. You wanted to kiss me and you know it." I said getting closer to him and hugging him. He let me embrace him resting his head on my chest. I guided his arms to wrap themselves around me and he complied returning the hug. "Just give me a chance please, I want to take you on a date not by forcing you. So what do you say? Just one date and if you're still sure you're not gay then I'll leave you alone. I'll walk away with the memories and you'll never hear from me again." I said and meant every word of it. As much as I like him I can't force him to be with me. It's not healthy for either of us.

"How can you be sure you can convince me with a date only?" He said creating some space between us to look me in the eyes.

"I'm not but I'm willing to risk it all to show you how much I care about you. I believe there's a strong connection between us and you feel it too so hopefully you'll accept me." he looked at me in the eyes for a few seconds like he was looking for something then he replied.

"Ok then let's go on a date" I hugged him close to me again. We stayed like that for a few seconds I then kissed him on the forehead before pulling away.

"C'mon let's start our date," I said grabbing his hand and started walking.

"You mean right now?!?" He said sounding surprised.

"Better now than later, before you change your mind" I continued walking in the direction of my bike.

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