Best friends (part 3) the end

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Forths P.O.V.

I woke up and the first thing I notice was Beam lying on my chest with his arms wrapped around my waist. I smile it would be so good if I could wake up like this everyday. I look at him sleeping peacefully and admire his beauty. I ended running my fingers through his hair and he hummed contently before snuggling closer to me. This moment right here is pure bliss. I can't believe we had sex yesterday. This was unbelievable. I didn't even want to think of the consequences. I was enjoying the calm before the storm. This didn't last for long as my phone started ringing loudly. I tried to answer it as quickly as possible to not wake Beam up but it was too late as he started moving. I look at the phone and it was my mom. I sighed before answering.

-hey mom- I said putting her on speaker.

-hey honey, are you and Beam coming today or did you forget?- she asked.

I didn't know what to say. I was coming I just didn't know if Beam was still on the plan. I looked at him who was still laying on my chest and he smiled at me before answering himself.

-Yeah mom we are coming soon. I wouldn't miss you making my favorite dishes.- answered Beam.

-great I'm waiting for you two come soon.- she said excitedly before hanging up.

Beam sat up and hissed in pain. I looked at him concerned.

"Stay there I'm going to prepare a bath for you." I said standing up and putting on some boxers, he just nodded. I prepared a warm bath and rushed over back to the room. I picked him up and carried him bridal style. I left him bathing himself and went to prepare breakfast. I was confused because he was acting like nothing happened. He didn't yell at me or wasn't mad which I didn't understand. Not that I was complaining I was just confused. I finished preparing our breakfast just some pancakes, eggs and bacon and walked towards the bath.

"Are you done?" I asked.

"Yeah, but I can walk there myself." He said. I helped him stand up and gave him a towel. Once he put it around himself I picked him up again.

"Forth!" He said hitting me on my chest. I just smiled at him and carried him back to the bed.

If he wasn't pushing me away then I'm gonna pamper him. He put on his clothes and I dried his hair. He was happy and that made me happy. I gave him some painkillers and brought the breakfast to bed. He turned on the tv and I let him. I actually wanted to talk but I'll put it off as long as possible. We were having breakfast and I was feeding him because I only brought one fork and was too lazy to get another one. After we finished breakfast I turned towards Beam.

"We need to talk." I said.

"About what?" He asked looking at me confused.

"About this! Us! What happened yesterday!" I said exasperated.

"Do you regret it then?" He said sadly and I could see tears forming on his eyes.

"What? No!" I almost screamed.

"Then what? I thought you loved me too. You were the first one to kiss me!"

"You love me too?" I asked dumbfounded. I still didn't want to get my hopes up.

"Of course! Do you seriously think I would just give up my ass like that!?!" He said getting mad.

"No, I just I never imagined that you would love me too. I thought that you might think this was a mistake!" I replied.

"You dummy! I should've known! You are always clueless! I've been trying to get you to notice my feelings for quite a while and I thought I made it clear when you were eavesdropping on me and I said I was in love with somebody and looked at you. But then you ran away and started acting cold so I thought that meant you were rejecting me. That's why I got mad easily when you were ignoring me. But then you kissed me and I thought that was your way of saying I love you to me." He said getting closer and sitting on my lap. He cupped my face making me look at him in the eye. "Just in case I wasn't clear already I love you, you big dummy." He said rubbing his nose against mine affectionately. I smiled hugging him closer nuzzling my face on his chest.

"I'm sorry, I love you too! So much you can't even begin to imagine." I said looking at him lovingly. He gave me a kiss before getting off.

"Come on let's finish getting ready, mom is waiting for us." He said fixing his hair. I walked up behind him and back hugged him resting my head on his shoulder looking at our reflection in the mirror.

"Should we tell mom? I'd bet she'll be thrilled she likes you more than me who's her real son." I said. He shrugged.

"It's up to you I don't mind telling her. I think she will support us." He said smiling at me.

"Let's just see if it comes up." I said getting ready too.

< 2 hours later >

We arrived at my moms house at noon. We were currently sitting in my car in front of the house.

"Remember you have to act normal in front of her until we tell her ok?" Said Beam. I pouted looking at him.

"Does that mean I can't kiss you or hold your hand or anything?" I asked and he nodded. "Then come on we are telling her right now! I finally got you and I'm not gonna hide you I should be bragging instead." He smiled brightly at me before giving me a soft loving kiss.

"That's why I love you, you are adorable." He said before getting out of the car. I did too with a stupid smile in my face. I was so happy right now. We entered the house and mom quickly came rushing towards us.

"My babies I missed you two so much." She said hugging us both at the same time.

"Mom it's been like two weeks since I last came home." I said.

"I still missed you! Plus Beam couldn't come last time because he had to study so it's been a while since I last saw him." She said. I looked at him and smiled he did the same. For a second I forgot mom was here until she started talking. "Wait a minute, you two seem weird." She said inspecting both of us with her eyes for a second before we heard her gasp. "You two had sex!" She screamed.

"Mom!" I screamed too Beam just blushed read as a tomato.

"Oh God I am right just look at him!" She said pinching Beam's cheek. "Please tell me you two are finally together and aren't just sleeping with each other." She said.

"We are together! Right Beam?" I said putting my arm around him.

"Finally!" She said clapping excitedly. "I was tired of watching you two clearly have feelings for each other but not making any moves. Hold on I gotta call your father to tell him it finally happened. I should call Beam's mother too I won the bet. She said we'd have to tell you guys because none of you was going to make the first move." Mom said excitedly before leaving us alone to call my father and Beam's mom.

"I guess everyone knew but us." I said grabbing Beam's waist and pulling him closer.

"I'm gonna kick Pha and Kits ass when we get back if they knew and didn't tell us." Said Beam mad.

"Hmm I'll help you." I said before giving him one last kiss.

-The end.


I am so sorry I forgot to update! We are now quarantined in my country due to the coronavirus. I've been spending time with my family and catching up with the BL series in the mean time. I was half way through Until we meet again and I was thinking when was the last time I updated. So I came to wattpad to check and it's been three days! Time flies by so fast, I thought it's been like a day almost two but apparently it's three almost four. Anyways stay safe everybody! I already have half of the next one written so I should be able to update tomorrow!

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