You are mine (part 8)

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Beam's P.O.V.

I woke up feeling rested I managed to sleep most of the night even if I woke up a few times. I looked at my phone and saw that Forth was still on the call. I could see him sleeping. I took my phone and admired him for a minute. I couldn't help myself and took a screenshot of him. After a while I decided to call his name to see if he wakes up. I was getting hungry so maybe we could meet for breakfast.

"Forth." I called him and he stirred but didn't wake up. "FORTH" this time I called him loudly.

"Just let me sleep five more minutes mom." He said not opening his eyes and I couldn't help but laugh. This time he opened his eyes startled. "Beam." He said sitting up and rubbing his eyes. "I forgot about the call." He said.

"Yeah I noticed." I said letting out another laugh.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked and I smiled.

"Yeah I was able to rest thank you." I said.

"It's no problem I'm here for you." He said then yawned.

"At what time did you went to sleep?" I asked him.

"Well I finished everything at about two and then I watched some tv until I fell asleep. I remember watching an episode of Game of Thrones completely so that took about an hour maybe so I'd say between 3 or 4 in the morning." He said and I gasped.

"Shit and I woke you up so early I'm sorry." I said feeling guilty.

"It's ok, if it's you I don't mind." He said and I wanted to laugh. That cheesy bastard.

"How about as a thank you for staying on a call with me all night and a sorry for waking you up so early I bring you some breakfast?" I asked.

"You don't have to." He replied and I shook my head.

"But I want to." I said determined.

"Well ok then." He replied happily.

"Well I'll take a bath and head out to buy some food then I'll come to your dorm. You can continue to sleep while I get there." I said.

"Perfect I'll leave the door open for you." He said.

I stood up from my bed and went to take a shower. After I was done I got dressed and made sure everything was in order before I headed out. I decided to go to my favorite breakfast place. I wasn't sure what Forth likes to eat so I bought a lot of options. He has to like at least one of them. Once I had everything I went back to my car. I arrived quickly to the house. It's been almost two hours since I woke him up so he must be rested. I walked toward his house and the door was really unlocked. I walked in and noticed that no one was around. I thought that Ming and Kit would be here too but maybe they're still sleeping or have gone out. I don't think Park spends a lot of time here I haven't seen him. I put the food on the kitchen table and hesitantly walked into his room. He was sleeping soundly.

As I approached his bed he seemed so comfortable I felt bad for waking him up. But breakfast will get cold and I am hungry. I gently shake his shoulder.

"Forth wake up, I already bought breakfast." I said and he slowly opened his eyes. I was about to turn around to leave feeling a bit embarrassed to have just walked into his room to wake him up. It quickly turned into surprise when he pulled my hand making me stumble into the bed. I fell on top of him and he wrapped his arms around me. "Forth!" I said startled.

"I'm so freaking tired." He mumbled closing his eyes.

"Hey come on let's eat I'm hungry." I said still in his arms.

"I want to stay here with you." He said and I was shocked just looking at him. He raised one of his hands towards my cheek his thumb caressing it. I leaned into his hand a bit liking the contact. "Let's go before I steal a kiss." He said trying to stand up but I didn't let him. He looked at me confused but I just leaned in capturing his lips in a short sweet kiss. I pulled back felling embarrassed and Forth smiled hugging me tightly.

"Ahh you make me so happy." He said and I felt my already red cheeks warming up even more.

"Stop saying none sense." I said moving away from him. I couldn't help but smile though he makes me happy too. We went to the dinner table and I saw Forth eyes widened.

"Damn Beam did you buy everything on the store?" He said surprised.

"I wasn't sure what you liked so I brought options." I said sheepishly.

"Thank you." He said sitting up and we started digging on the food. We managed to finish almost all of it.

"So what was it that you had to tell me?" He asked and I felt embarrassed again.

"Well remember you asked me to give you a chance?" I said and he nodded slowly.

"Yeah..." he responded.

"Well I decided to give you a chance. I mean I'm not saying it's going to be easy because I can be a really difficult person I know that. I have a lot of insecurities and it's going to be hard to deal with that but if you are up for the challenge then I guess I am open to being courted by you. I still have my doubts but you are such a sweet and cheesy person and I just feel my heart beating faster when I'm around you. Somehow you came into my life so easily and found a way not only into my personal space but into my heart. So I want to give this a chance I want to give us a chance." I finished my rant and Forth stood up from his seat coming to me.

"Yessss! Thank you! You won't regret it! I'll make you the happiest person ever Beam Baramee I'll make sure of that." He said hugging me tightly and I did the same. I felt at peace in his arms and that's enough for now.


I was going to end it here but I have a few more ideas so this story will have at least one or two more chapters.

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