Best friends

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Forth's P.O.V.

Beam has been my best friends since high school. I got transferred to his school on freshman year. I became friends with Pha first and he introduced me to Beam and Kit. Somehow along the way Beam and I became inseparable. We were always together. On our last year of high school I started to have feelings for him or rather realize that I've always had feelings for him. I tried to drop hints but he didn't seem interested. I decided I never want to lose him so I never told him. He's been in my life for way too long and I couldn't imagine not having him here with me. I know that if I tell him it'll be a disaster. He will want some space until I get over my feelings for him and since that's not gonna happen we will end up drifting apart. Just the thought of it hurts me.

I was driving to his faculty to pick him up. We are currently in our second year of university. We are in different faculties but still we are always together somehow. Tonight he's sleeping over at my dorm because tomorrow we are visiting my mom. She's very fond of Beam so he always comes with me. I think the main reason is because she always makes him his favorite food.

I arrive to pick Beam up and I see Pha, Wayo and Kit sitting at the cafeteria. I walked up to them and sit down.

"Where's Beam?" I ask them.

"Wow so rude, you don't even greet us before asking for him. It's like we are not your friends too." Replied Kit sassily before hitting the back of my head.

"Ouch come on! It's just weird not seeing him here with you guys." I said rubbing the back of my head and glaring at him.

"Don't mind him Kit is just grumpy because Ming hasn't come looking for him today." Said Pha laughing at Kits blushing face at the mention of Mings name.

"Psh who's waiting for him. I don't even like him." Said Kit crossing his arms.

I started looking around since those two started bickering leaving my question unanswered. As I was about to give up and ask them again I saw Beam walking out of the building towards us. I quickly got up from the table and started walking towards him. When I was about to shout his name I saw a girl approach him. She told him something and they both walked away. I felt a pang on my chest because I recognize the look on her face I look at him the same way everyday. Like he is the most precious thing in the world which he is. I secretly followed them knowing she was probably gonna confess to him but I wanted to see what his reaction was going to be. I need to be prepared in case he likes her too.

I saw them stop at a desert hallway and I hid behind a wall. I couldn't hear what they were saying clearly but I still could make out the conversation. She was telling him she loved him and wanted him to give her a chance. She them was handing him a box with something. I was waiting for his reaction probably as scared as she was. He smiled at her and held her hands but didn't take the box. My heart was beating really fast I was so mad. Because she could do what I was so afraid of confess her feelings. But what Beam said broke my heart even more than if he accepted her.

"I'm really sorry but I am in love with someone else. I really hope you find the one for you though." He said sincerely.

I was devastated, he didn't like that person he loved them. I felt a pang in my chest. Who could it be? He hadn't told me he liked anyone moreover love someone. I walked out of there with a heavy heart. I wanted to leave but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I still wanted to spend the weekend with him. I walked towards the other guys again.

"What happened to you?" Asked Pha when I sat down.

"Nothing, just couldn't find Beam that's all." I replied.

"Why are you so sad about that? He was talking with the professor he should be here soon." Pha said confused.

"I'm not sad just thinking about something." I replied trying to put on a poker face so it wouldn't be suspicious.

"Ok." He said with a doubtful look on his face. At that moment Beam arrived at the table and sat down beside me.

"Hey, were you waiting long? I'm sorry I was talking with the professor." He said. I looked at him and gave him a small smile before looking away.

"It's ok I haven't been waiting long. Should we go?" I said standing up.

"Yeah sure, bye guys see you on Monday." He said.

"Bye everybody." I said saying goodbye too.

I brought the Jeep today since it was supposed to rain and also Beam prefers it. We walked silently which was uncommon between us since we were always joking. But I was just too distracted by what I had heard. We got in and Beam was looking at me weirdly.

"What wrong with you?" He asked turning to look at me curiously.

"Nothing." I replied starting the car. He didn't say anything else and I drove off. We were both silent I was just lost in my thoughts. Suddenly he turned to me.

"I'm serious Forth what is wrong? Are you mad at me or something?" He asked concerned.

"I am not." I said looking at the road.

"Bullshit you're not even looking at me!" He said and I could tell by his tone of voice he was annoyed. I looked at him for a second only.

"I am driving! Do you want me to crash or something?" I replied harshly.

"You are pissing me off Forth! I haven't done anything for you to be mad at me." He said sounding really mad this time. I didn't answer just keep driving. I was mad and it's not his fault so I should just keep quiet. It was my own fault for falling in love with my best friend. I knew this wasn't going to end well but dammit I couldn't help it.

"You know I was actually excited to spend the weekend with you after a hard week just to have you start acting like an asshole acting cold towards me when I haven't done anything." He said in a sad tone but you could hear he was also mad. I stopped at the light and turned to look at him but I just didn't know what to say so I just quietly stared at him.

"Aren't you gonna say something?" He said mad. When I kept quiet he sighed and stepped out of the car. I was shocked I didn't expect this to happen.


I was supposed to update yesterday but I write on my phone since I always carry it around it makes it easier when I have a few minutes to open my notes and start typing. I had this whole story already written and my phone but I don't know what happened that when I was copying it from my notes to wattpad it got deleted. I was so mad and had no way of recovering the chapter. So I had to write it again. But I was finally able to update so that's good.

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