Babysitting (part 19)

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Beam's P.O.V.

Three weeks in and I was tired but happy. It's been a handful but I have enjoyed my time with the boys. Just one more week to go. I was currently making some sandwiches for lunch. Feeding those two little devils was hard work. Forth walked into the kitchen to see what I was doing.

"Don't leave the kids alone." I said focusing on the food.

"They are watching a movie cuddled up in the couch. You know how they are, they won't move until it's over." He said and I nodded.

"I know but I still worry." I said and he came behind wrapping his arms around me.

"You're going to be a great dad some day." He said giving me a kiss on the shoulder.

"You too, you seem to handle them well." I said smiling at him.

"I can't wait to have a family with you." He said and I smiled.

"Me neither, we are still too young though." I said and he laughed.

"I know for now we will just handle the three little devils as you call them." He said and I nodded before turning to look back at Forth confused.

"Three? Are you counting yourself as one of them?" I asked confused.

"Beam Baramee did you forget that today Ae is coming? He should be arriving soon!" Said Forth and I widened my eyes.

"Oh shit I totally forgot." I said and Forth shook his head. As if on cue there was a knock on the door. "Take these to the kids I'll open the door." I said and he nodded taking a bite of his before leaving with the tray of sandwiches to the living room. That idiot was just waiting to eat himself. I went to open the door and there standing was Sammy with little Ae.

"Hi! It's been a while! How are you?" She asked.

"I'm good! Come in!" I said moving away for her to enter with Ae. She walked to the living room where Forth was stuffing his face with the other too.

"I pity you Beam. Forth still acts like a five year old too." She said and Forth grinned.

"Hi sis!" He said. Ae ran towards Max and Tul and they started talking animatedly.

"Well here are all his things! Call me if there's an emergency. I don't know if you be able to handle all three for a week. But if you need help don't call me I will be on my second honeymoon! Call mom she will take them off your hands." She said and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Don't worry we've been with those two for three weeks now. It's just one more we can handle it." I said confidently and she looked at me with an unreadable expression.

"Well I will take my leave before you regret it! Take care honey and call me everyday." She said turning to Ae who nodded waving her goodbye. "Well good luck to you too. See you in a week." She said before leaving. Should I be worried? I though but then looked at the three kids eating and talking. I'm sure we will be fine.

"I thought she would hesitate to leave him instead she seemed happy to toss him to us." Said Forth now standing beside me.

"I know, now I'm worried." I said.

"You are always worried we will be fine. Here I saved you a sandwich." He said and I smiled gratefully.

"Thanks." I said eating it.

After lunch we took the boys to the park so they could let out some steam. When it started getting dark we went to eat. We had some pizza for dinner before going back home. The boys seemed tired and they had fun. That's what I call a successful day. When we got there we walked them directly to the shower and helped them take a bath. Once it was time to sleep the problems started. Ae and Tul finished first and walked to bed because Max was lazy today he took a bit longer. When we walked to the bed Tul was already falling asleep with Ae beside him and the look of betrayal Max had almost made me laugh.

"Hey! I always sleep next to Tul!" Complained Max.

"You always sleep next to him! Let me sleep beside him today!" Said Ae and I looked at Forth worried.

"No! Tul tell him you always sleep beside me!" Said Max but Tul didn't answer just looked at me for help. Smart kid he is but I don't know how to solve this so I looked at Forth.

"Wait let's solve this no need to fight. How about Tul sleeps in the middle. That way both of you sleep next to him." Said Forth calmly.

"No! I don't want him sleeping next to Tul!" Said Max crossing his arms.

"Max, you need to behave. We are all tired. If you want to sleep next to Tul that's the only way. Otherwise Ae was there first so we will have to let only him sleep next to Tul." I said and Max glared at me.

"Fine." He said grumpily getting in bed. Tul quickly moved to the middle. I was waiting for them to settle when Max hugged Tul pulling him closer to him.

"Hey! That's not fair!" Complained Ae.

"Life's not fair deal with it." Said Max poking out his tongue. Tul was already in dreamland.

"I'm tired too so you better settle this or I am sending you all home." Said Forth in a stern voice.

"Let's just sleep aren't you guys tired?" I asked.

Ae just turned around giving his back to Max and Tul. Max smiled happily. After that they settled falling asleep. I waited until I was sure all three were sleeping. I got in besides Forth who had fallen asleep too. This idiot was of no help I rolled my eyes getting in beside him. He opened his eyes when I did.

"Are they asleep already?" He asked.

"Yes." I said.

"Good cuz I'm tired." He said snuggling my shoulder. "Love you." He said before drifting of to sleep again.

"Love you too." I said placing a kiss on his forehead before drifting off to sleep.


I almost ended it on this chapter since I was kind of stuck but after thinking about it for a while I got a few ideas. Overall if I don't change anything there should be 2-3 chapters left! Soon I will be switching to either Max or Tuls P.O.V. I haven't decided yet 🤔. That's all for now! Take care everyone and stay safe.

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