Annoying freshman (part 4)

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Beam's P.O.V.

I arrived at my dorm room quickly. The first thing I did was take a shower. I took a while since I was lost in thought. Once I was done I walked back into my room with only a towel around my waist. I heard my phone ringing so I picked it up. I looked at the caller ID that said annoying freshman. Why is Forth calling me? I picked it up.

-Hello?- I said confused.

-I sent you a text almost half an hour ago and you haven't answered me. Are you ditching me? I already did my part so you have to come on a date with me!- Forth said all in one breath and I laughed.

-Breath Forth breath! I was taking a shower and didn't hear my phone I wasn't ditching you, you big baby. I never go back on my word.- I said rolling my eyes.

-Fine then send me your address I'm picking you up in twenty minutes.- he said.

-Ok is that all?- I asked about to hang up.

-Yeah well also dress nicely please we are going to a restaurant.- he said and I nodded before realizing he couldn't see me.

-Ok I can do that.- I said hanging up.

I didn't know how fancy the restaurant was going to be so I opted for a dark red button up shirt, a black leather jacket, some jeans and my black converse. I looked in the mirror content with my outfit. I fixed my hair a little and I was done. I sat down on my bed waiting for Forth. I was busy playing a game when he called me.

-You haven't sent me your address! How do you want me to get there?!?- said an exasperated Forth and I laughed.

-I'm sorry I forgot!- I said already typing my address. -There I sent it.- I said and I heard him sigh.

-You better be ready when I get there.- he said.

-I already am I was just waiting for you.- I said.

-ok then I'll be there soon.- he said hanging up. I decided to walk downstairs so it was easier. I was waiting for Forth in the parking lot. I saw him arrive in his motorcycle looking so cool as always. He got out of his bike and I noticed our outfits where a little bit similar. He was wearing a white shirt with a leather jacket, some jeans and boots. I got to say he looked good. Once I was done checking him out I looked at him in the eye and he seemed hurt.

"What?" I asked innocently.

"Are you doing this on purpose? Not answering my text! Not sending me your address! If you don't really want to go you can tell me. You didn't force me to come with you to the dinner it was my decision. I don't want you to come against your will." He said sadly and I felt bad.

"It's not that! It really wasn't on purpose I swear!" I said quickly. I felt so freaking guilty right now.

"You sure?" He asked and I could hear the doubt in his voice. He looked like such a bad boy but right now he was acting so cute sulking like that I couldn't help but smile. If he knew that I was thinking he's cute he will probably be mad. I didn't know what to do so I just pulled him into a hug.

"I'm sorry ok! It really wasn't my intention." I said and he nodded pulling away.

"We need to go we are already late. I wanted to pick you up in my car but the bike is faster." He said pouting and for a moment there I wanted to kiss him. But I shook my head getting rid of the thought before smiling at him.

"It's ok let's go." I said and he handed me a helmet which I put on. I got in behind him and I hesitated thinking where I would put my hands. Forth seemed to notice this and grabbed my hands putting them around his waist making us closer. After that he started driving towards the restaurant. When he stopped I noticed the place was really fancy. I wanted to say something but before I could Forth dragged me with him inside. We entered the reception area and Forth said his name. The host nodded like he was expecting us.

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