Best friends (part 2)

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Forth's P.O.V.

I looked at Beam throwing the car door loudly. That brought me out of my shock and I lowered the window.

"Beam, what are you doing? Come back!" I screamed at him. But he just flipped me off and kept walking. I followed him along the sidewalk thankful that no other cars where turning this way. Now he was the one ignoring me when I yelled at him to get in. I sighed parking the Jeep and getting off.

"Where are you gonna go? Stop being stubborn and get in the car!" He kept on walking ignoring me this time. Dammit he was giving me a taste of my own medicine.

"Come on please, I want to spend time with you too. It's not your fault I was in a bad mood." I kept on and I know he wanted to reply because he was mad but just kept on walking.

"Come on! I said I was sorry!" I tried again. Now he stopped walking and turned back.

"So I'm just supposed to forgive you! After you were acting like a jerk with me for no damn reason." He said mad.

"Let's just go please. I'll drop you home instead if you want" I said defeated.

"No, just fuck off I'm leaving alone. I'll call someone else to pick me off or I'll walk." He said turning around and starting to walk again. I was left dumbfounded. I felt like he was leaving me forever. That's it I've done the last thing I wanted to do which was to make him leave. I couldn't let this happen not like this. I quickly walked towards him and stepped in front of him blocking his path.

"Wait..." I started to say but he cut me off.

"I don't want to hear anything from you." He said sternly. I did the first thing that come to mind which was to pick him up and throw him over my shoulder. I couldn't let him leave like that.

"What are you doing Forth. Let me down you little shit!" He said.

"Just calm down and let's go home please." I said and he stopped trying to get off my grasp. I put him in the passenger seat and was putting on his seatbelt. We were really close and when I put it on him instead of moving away I rested my forehead on his and closed my eyes.

"I'm really sorry Beam you did nothing wrong I just-" I couldn't find the words to say so I backed off and looked at him in the eye. He was frozen on his spot looking at me intently. My gaze wonder to his lips and he licked his them. I turned to look at him in the eyes again and couldn't resist myself. Now that I knew he wasn't gonna be mine I had to at least kiss him once.

I brought my face closer to his and he didn't flinch or move. I took that as a sign and crashed my lips into his. At first he didn't respond but when I was about to pull back he started responding. He fisted my shirt to pull me closer I was using my hands to support myself. I pulled back when I was out of breath and got out of the car quickly.

What the fuck did I just did. He's in love with somebody. Fuck he's gonna be so freaking mad. What am I going to say to him now. I got on the car and just started driving again. This time we were both silent. I drove towards my dorm room. I was debating whether to take him towards his house but I didn't even know how to ask. We both got down and walked to my dorm. I now we need to talk but I just don't even know how to start. I opened the door slowly trying to delay the inevitable. He sat on my bed and I did the same sitting beside him.

"Beam I..." I started to say but he cut me off by kissing me this time. I was shocked but quickly responded. I got lost in the kiss and ended pushing him back on the bed and getting on top of him. I unbuttoned his shirt before kissing him again. I moved to kiss his neck and he moved his head giving me more space. His hands were roaming my hair then moved to my chest and kept reaching lower. I pulled back when I came to my senses and looked at him with uncertainty. He looked at me for second before speaking.

"Forth do me." He said before pulling me closer to kiss me again I complied happily.


I'm trying to keep this pg-13 mostly because I can't write smut hahahaha 😂 so this is the best I could do. Hope you enjoy! Sorry for the short chapter but the next part should be up soon.

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