Thats us (part 4) the end

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Beam's P.O.V.

"I am in love with you Forth" I finally confessed. He looked at me shocked.

"W-what? W-what are you saying Beam." He stuttered standing up from the bed and walking around the room. I sat down on the bed not feeling drunk anymore.

"I've been feeling this way for a while now, I'm sorry I didn't want to fall in love with you. You are my best friend and you are always there for me and I just felt so loved by you I couldn't help it." I said not able to stop the tears that were streaming down my face.

"Beam." He said softly coming closer again and giving me a hug which only made me cry harder.

"You need to stop being so caring or else I would never be able to get over you." I said between sobs.

"I'm sorry Beam I'll fix this don't worry. Just calm down please. Let's talk." He said rubbing my back but I couldn't understand what he was trying to say.

"Just promise me you are not going to stop being my best friend please. I can't loose you, I will get over my feelings. Just please don't leave."

"Don't worry Beam I promise I won't leave you. Just calm down." He said still trying to calm me but I couldn't stop crying. I eventually felt myself drifting off to sleep even if I didn't want to I was too exhausted.

The next morning I woke up with a headache and alone in my room. I started to question if I really confessed or if it was just a dream but looking at my puffy eyes in the mirror I knew everything was real. I wanted to call Forth but I didn't even knew what to say. Is this how it's going to be from now on? But he promised me he wasn't gonna leave. I sighed sadly I will allow myself to be miserable for today tomorrow I'll be fine I said getting back in bed with a heavy heart. Why does no body tell you falling in love hurts so bad. I was contemplating what to do when the door to my apartment opened. I quickly looked over and saw Forth entering.

"What are you doing here?" I asked confused.

"I never left I just went to get some breakfast." He said showing me a bag on his hand.

"Forth you shouldn't do this! Didn't you hear what I told you yesterday. We need to set some boundaries if this is going to work. I need some time to sort out my feelings for you they are not going to disappear overnight" I said feeling frustrated by the situation.

"What if I don't want you to stop liking me?" He said coming closer and I could hear my heart beating faster and my palms were sweaty and suddenly I forgot how to talk. So I just looked at him confused not wanting to get my hopes up just in case. Now he was standing in front of me and he cupped my face giving me a quick peck on the lips which left me surprised.

"W-what a-are you d-doing?" I managed to get out while trying to compose myself. I felt like I might have a heart attack any second now.

"What does it look like?" He said stealing another kiss. This time it was a proper kiss but I pushed him away.

"Wait, this is not right. Why are you kissing me?" I asked dumbfounded.

"Isn't it clear? I like you too." He said trying to come closer to capture my lips again but I stopped him.

"What about Wayo?" I said crossing my arms.

"Want to know why I liked Wayo?" He said and I nodded. I needed to make everything clear I don't want to keep getting hurt. "Because he reminded me of you." He said and I scrunched up my nose.

"Now you insult me like that one more time and we are going to have a problem Forth Jaturapoom! You better have a good explanation." I said displeased with the comparison and he laughed.

"What I meant is that as you said I always take care of you in every way I can. I like to pamper you and have you close and it was getting too obvious I had feelings for you. So I tried to find someone else and then Wayo appeared all helpless and I thought maybe I could fall for him." He said.

"Well you did just that didn't you! You can't just go choosing other people then coming back to me." I said mad getting mad.

"Actually things didn't work between us. With you I do things because I want to. But Wayo needs constant attention he's like a child who couldn't do anything. I felt like a babysitter constantly attending to his needs. All the time I spent with him I was thinking about you. I was furious when you picked up the phone and I realized you were out drinking with Phana."

"What? Why?" I asked confused because it's not the first time he expresses his dislike about me hanging out with Phana alone.

"I've always thought he had a thing for you and now that you were both together and I was with Wayo I was afraid he will take you from me." He said looking embarrassed.

"More like you gave me to him since of all the people in this universe you had to choose that brat." I said.

"I'm sorry I also knew you didn't like him but I still did it. I don't know what I was thinking. I'm just stupid." He said.

"Yeah you are but I still like you." I said looking at him lovingly.

"Only like?" He asked pouting.

"You don't even deserve me telling you I like you after what you did. I was hurt you know! Watching you get closer with Wayo these past couple of days really hurt me. What if I hadn't get drunk and confessed my feelings? What were you going to do then? Were you gonna continue dating Wayo? I know we were both wrong for hiding our feelings but I didn't try to replace you with anyone." I said getting agitated again.

"I'm sorry! I was scared of loosing you, you should understand that better than anyone. Are we really gonna let that keep us apart after all this time." He said and I looked away.

"Of course not you are not getting away from me that easily now but I'm still mad." I said crossing my arms and pouting. He came and kissed my pout and I pushed him away. He didn't give up though pulling me towards him so I was sitting on his lap.

"Hey!" I started to protest but he cut me off.

"I love you Beam Baramee." He said and I felt so happy words can't even describe it.

"I love you too Forth Jaturapoom." I said and he laughed happily.

"Say it again!" He said and I laughed turning my head towards him.

"I love you, I love you, I love you!" I said giving him kisses after each word.

"You just made me the happiest man ever." He said hugging me closer and I smiled.

-the end


I'm not really sure about this ending but I'm posting it for now. Anyways I have a few announcements. As I am done with university until August I will have a lot of free time. I've been planning this for a while but I wanted to finish with university work first. I am going to start writing longer books from now that will be posted separately in case anyone is interested. I have a lot of ideas for this story but it would take way too many chapters and this is supposed to be a book of short stories. (Well one shots but that didn't work out since the beginning 😂). So I'm turning this story into a longer book that will have a different ending (probably happy since I don't like sad endings). That's why I decided to cut this one short hence the kind of abrupt ending which I'm sorry for. Honestly I was tempted to end it with a Ghost ship but I don't like them. I don't think I could ever pair them of with somebody else. But I was liking Pha and Beam here so I got blindsided for a second there.

I'm still going to continue writing short stories in here. I'm thinking of getting this book to a hundred chapters at least before stopping and then I'll decide if I'll be doing a second one. This one has already has 74 chapters so there's still quite a bit left. I'm pretty sure I had something else to add but I can't remember so that's all for now!

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