The gear

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Beam's P.O.V.

I was on my usual spot under tree waiting for Forth. It's become our routine to meet here during lunch. It all started when he stumbled upon me when I was feeling sad and he comforted me. I kept coming here everyday and he started to show up and that's how everything started. I smiled when I saw Forth approaching I was always happy to see him. But today he looked different, he looked sad. He was smiling but I could just tell by looking at him and his attitude. There was just something off about him.

"Are you ok?" I asked as soon as he sat down next to me.

"I am I just I'm tired." He said not looking at me in the eye. I was suspicious that he was not telling me the truth at least not entirely but I'll let it slide for now.

"Come on lay down your head so you can take a nap." I said patting my leg. He hesitated before he lied down but he was tense. I started running my fingers through his hair and he closed his eyes eventually relaxing. After a while of silence he spoke.

"I'm leaving." He said and I looked at him surprised.

"What? Why?" I questioned him and stopped caressing his hair.

"My parents need my help with the business. They arranged everything so I can continue my classes online. They want me to take over before my fathers condition worsens." He stated and I couldn't figure out the emotion behind his words.

"Will you be back?" I asked.

"I want to but I won't be able to at least for a year and a half." He said and this time I could hear the sadness in his voice.

"Oh." I replied at loss for words. We stayed quiet for a while just looking at each other. "I'm going to miss you." I finally broke the silence.

"Me too, more than you can imagine." He said looking at me intently.

"When are you leaving?" I asked curiously.

"I should be on my way." He mumbled almost inaudible and I felt a pain on my chest. "But I wanted to see you before I left I wanted to give you something." He continued and I looked at him confused while he took something out and handed it to me. It was his engineering gear I took it admiring it. "I finished Sotus a few days ago and they gave us this. When they told us it's meaning I instantly thought of giving it to you. I didn't plan on doing it this soon though but life happened and I just had to do it before leaving I couldn't wait. I'm sure you'll find out the meaning soon enough and I'm sorry that I wasn't able to tell you properly face to face. But I hope that you will take care of it I'll come back for it I promise." He said and I was speechless for a while.

"I'll take care of it." I finally managed to say still confused by the whole situation and thinking what the gear could possibly mean that had to do with me. He just smiled brightly at me and gave me a tight hug which I returned. When we separated he gave me a kiss on the forehead and I let him feeling my heart beating faster for some reason

"Don't you dare forget about me Beam Baramee! I'll be back that's a promise!" He said looking at me intently and I nodded absentmindedly still trying to process everything. "I have to go now." He said and I engulfed him in another hug not wanting to let him go for some reason. It's probably because I was so used having his presence around me that I didn't want him to leave me.

"I will miss you so damn much Forth but I'll wait for you to come back." I said and he smiled at me with tears in his eyes. In that moment an older man approached us.

"Forth we need to leave." He said and I heard Forth sigh.

"I'll be back." He said before turning around and leaving. My heart felt heavy, lately he was the only one who was there for me. Now I won't have anyone to accompany me everyday. Why did he have to leave? I sighed sadly. I looked at the gear in my hand. I need to find out what this means I said determined. I put it in my bag making sure it was on a safe place before leaving. Maybe Ming and Kit will be able to help me figure out what this means since Ming is an engineering student too he must know.


Sorry for the short chapter but I seriously don't know where I'm going with this 😅 but the idea was stuck in my head and I just had to do it so let's see where this goes. In the mean time I am also working on other stories but I want to have a few chapters done before I start posting and I also need to figure out how to make a decent cover so I'm guessing they will be up next week but I'll let you guys know when that happens. See you soon! Stay safe everyone!

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