Drunk (part 3)

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Beam's P.O.V.

Since I was in a good mood the guys didn't question me about why I left yesterday. They probably didn't want to risk it thinking it will just make me sad again. Before going to bed I kept replaying the scene at lunch in my head. I just can't seem to understand how Forth thinks. Plus he said he's taking me to lunch tomorrow. I can't say I don't want to but I know shouldn't. It will just raise my hopes and I don't want that. I sighed before deciding to rest I have already lost too much sleep because of this guy.

The next morning seemed to go slower than usual. When it was almost lunch time I started to get anxious. I decided I was just gonna get out of here as soon as possible. When it was finally time for lunch I grabbed my back and rushed towards the door leaving a dumbfounded Pha and Kit behind. As soon as I walked out the door I felt my wrist being grabbed and I stopped. Forth got really close to me and I could feel my heart beating faster. Then he whispered in my ear. "Didn't I tell you not to try and avoid me?"

I looked away so he wouldn't see me blush. "I wasn't trying to." I defended myself.

"Yeah right, let's go," he said grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers. I tried to pull my hand but he wouldn't let me I sighed.

"Where are we going?" I said trying to forget he was holding my hand.

"To have lunch, I want to take somewhere I think you'll like," he replied.

I sighed. I can't agree with this. I have to put myself first. I can't let myself keep falling for him if he isn't going to catch me. I need to protect myself because the more I fall the more my heart will break. So I stopped walking.

"What's wrong?" He said looking at me.

"I never agreed to go with you. You can't just force me." I said pulling my hand from his. I saw a look of hurt flash in his eyes before he looked down. He reminds me of a puppy that was just scolded.

"I didn't mean to... I just..." he sighed and looked away for a minute then looked at me in the eyes. "I'm sorry, it wasn't the right way to do things. I'll just go," he said turning around and leaving. I watched him take a few steps before turning around and walking towards me again.

"I bought this for you, can you please accept it?" He said taking a chocolate bar out of his pocket. I looked at it and then at him. "Please, just think of it as my way of apologizing for today." I decided to take it and he smiled so brightly. "See you!" He said turning around again and this time he didn't seem as sad. I turned around and shook my head. That man is crazy I thought to myself while taking a bite from the chocolate bar.


Again very sorry for the short chapter. The good news is I'm back home! I haven't had time to write since I was spending time with my family because I was away on New Year's. But tomorrow I'm free all day so expect a very long chapter which may or may not be the last. Let's see how it turns out. Hope you're enjoying it so far! Also, the next one-shot will hopefully be like the first one which was one very long chapter.

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