Rainy day

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Important authors note at the end so please read! I know I'm on to ignore them most of the time but please read.

Forth's P.O.V.

I had just returned home after being away for a month. I had nothing to eat at my apartment since I had to throw out most of the stuff because it had already expired. It was about to rain soon a storm was coming but I was really hungry. I grabbed an umbrella and decided to walk to the convenience store in the corner. I bought a few cups of ramen, some snacks, and drinks and went to pay. I was trying to do everything fast to avoid the rain. But just as I was handing the money to the cashier I heard the sound of heavy rain starting to pour. I sighed contemplating if I should just wait here hoping it will lessen a bit. I stood by the door for at least five minutes watching the rain and it was only pouring harder with the time. I sighed again getting my umbrella ready but it was windy so it was almost pointless. Once I stepped outside I started running as fast as I could. Just as I was nearing the building a familiar face made me stop on my tracks. There walking on the rain slowly, head down, without an umbrella was Beam Baramee. I tilted my head in confusion. He looks like he came straight out of a movie walking glumly looking lost.

I couldn't help but watch him curiously. For a second there I didn't even know what to do. He seemed to be in a trance unaware of his surroundings which made me worried. He was walking towards me but hadn't notice me standing in his way. When he was a few steps away I called his name softly.

"Beam." I said raising my hand to reach out to him but he jumped back startled like he was finally out of his trance. He looked at me for a second before muttering something.

"Huh?" He said in a whisper barely audible turning to look at me. He just stared at me for a few seconds before taking a step forward and hugging me. I was so shocked I dropped both the bag and the umbrella not caring about anything else except the man in front of me. I quickly wrapped my arms around the very cold Beam. How long has he been walking in the rain? Before I could ask he started sobbing in my arms. I tried to comfort him but failed. I didn't know what to do so I just stood there getting soaked while Beam cried in my arms. Once I came back to my senses I pulled him away from me a bit.

"Beam look at me." I said and he did with teary eyes still crying. He looked so sad it broke my heart. "It's raining we need to go inside ok?" I said grabbing the bag with the food and the umbrella which was now pointless since we were both soaked. "Come with me." I said putting an arm around his shoulder and guiding him to my apartment. Thankfully he complied. We got some looks when we entered but I quickly dragged Beam to the elevator. When it reached my floor I again dragged Beam with me. Once we were safe inside of my apartment I let out a relieved sigh. I quickly put the bag on the kitchen island and went to look for towels. I walked back to Beam who was still standing where I left him now looking at the floor. I wrapped him in a big white fluffy towel that my mother had bought for me.

"Beam are you ok?" I asked him and he shook his head. "You need to take a bath and you need to get out of those clothes before you get sick come on!" I said grabbing his hand and walking him to the bathroom. I made him sit in the toilet lid while I prepared a warm bath. Once it was done I looked back at Beam.

"Can you take a bath for yourself? Or do you need me to help you?" I asked and for the first time in the night I heard him talk.

"I can do it myself." He mumbled starting to take off his clothes.

"I'll be close so just say something if you need me." I said before walking out. I had already taken a bath before leaving to buy food. So I just changed my wet clothes and dried my hair with a towel. I couldn't help but stay close to the bathroom I was worried for Beam. I had left the door open and I could hear he was in the bath with gave me a little bit of peace. I entered the bathroom to give him some clothes and found Beam sitting there lost in thought again.

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