Cinderella (part 2)

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Forth's P.O.V.

Today I had to go to one of those fancy parties. My father made me go since he wanted to introduce me to some of his business partners. I complied since I've already avoided quite a few of them in the past. This kind of parties are not really my style I don't like to have to dress up nice and act in front of rich people. My plan was to go, mingle with my fathers colleagues for a bit then leave. To my surprise when I arrived there was a beautiful girl as my friends Phanas date.  Something about her caught my attention but I'm not sure what it is. I was sure she wasn't romantically involved with Pha because he's with Wayo and I know how much Pha adores that kid. He wouldn't cheat on him so I'm guessing it's a friend.

I continued watching her through the night completely mesmerized by her. There was just something about her that was drawing me in. She stood out from all the people around here. I didn't know if I should approach her or not. When I saw her dancing with Pha I took that as my chance and I approached them.

When I had her in my arms it felt like that's were she was meant to be. The connection between us was unmistakable. I never believed in love at first sight until now. When I looked into her eyes it seems as she was feeling the same as me. She was really shy and didn't want to talk but I didn't mind I could talk for the both of us. When the dance came to an end I didn't want to let her go. Something just didn't feel right. I asked for her name but she didn't want to tell me. I didn't mind because I knew I was going to find her again I'll do whatever it takes so that's what I told her before letting her go. She turned around and I was going to watch her leave. To my surprise she turned around and gave me a kiss. For the first time I heard her whisper "I hope so". I smile now more than ever I know to never give up.

The next day I walked into the medical food court with a purpose in mind. As I was nearing their table I saw someone leave Pha's table. Must be the other friends Pha always talks about. He's supposedly really shy so I've never met him. I shrugged it off sitting in front of Pha.

"Forth what brings you here?" He asked.

"Yesterday at the party you let me dance with your date. I wanna know who she is." I went straight to the point.

"Sorry man I can't tell you" he said giving me an apologetic look.

"Come on Pha, help a friend out! Before she left I told her I was going to find her and she said I hope so!" I tried to reason with him.

"Well I was instructed not to open my mouth or I will be killed" he replied.

"At least give me a clue Pha anything!" I practically begged.

"I'm sorry Forth I can't. You're my friend too but I don't think you should keep looking. That person might be closer than you think but maybe you're not meant to find each other"

"I won't give up Pha, I know what I felt and I'm sure she was feeling it too"

"But what if that person isn't who you think it is? What would you do?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" I said confused.

"Nothing forget about it. I need to leave now good luck" he said patting my back before leaving.

I sighed this isn't going to be easy. Every day I came back around lunch time but still I couldn't get anything from Phana except for a pitiful look. The weekend came and I still didn't have a clue who that girl was or even her name. I tried looking for her but she was nowhere to be found. I kept replaying Pha's words on my head what's does he mean that's she's close but we're not meant to find each other. I tried to do my research on the weekend but I still ended empty handed.

I sighed walking in to the medical food court again on Monday. As I was walking towards Pha's table I noticed he wasn't there. Sitting alone was Pha's friends whom I've never had the chance to meet. I don't know what he looks like but I recognize him looking at his back because it's what I always see. I decided to try my luck with him. Maybe he knows since he's Pha's friend too and he might take pity on me. I approached his table without him noticing me. He was very focused on writing when I sat down in front of him. He looked very cute from what I can see. I cleared my throat before speaking.

"Hi there" I said. I noticed he froze in place and avoided looking at me.


Very short chapter but I'm having a bit of writers block. I'm still trying to figure out where I want to take this story. Hopefully by tomorrow I'll have a more clear idea on how to continue the story.

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