Babysitting (part 18)

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Beam's P.O.V.

We've been with the kids for over two weeks now. It was a lot of work but they were well behaved most of the time which was a relief. We have taken them out a few times but it's a hassle since they sometimes get too excited. Today was a calm day. It was raining outside so we bought some snacks and planned a movie day after lunch. We closed all the curtains and put a few blankets and pillows on the floor. Forth brought over a lot of snacks which was probably a bad idea but we will deal with that later. They sat down to eat and watch The Avengers. Since they were engrossed in the movie I turned my attention to Forth. We were currently cuddling on the couch.

"I shouldn't have gave them all that sugar. They probably won't even sleep tonight." Said Forth looking at little Max and Tul munching on some ice cream.

"Yeah, I will probably have the bed all to myself tonight." I laughed and he pouted.

"You aren't gonna help me?" He said sad and I laughed.

"Nope, tonight they are your problem." I said.

"Thats cold, its fine though I will tell them uncle Beam doesn't love them. Then I will turn them against you and I will be their favorite." He said and I shrugged.

"That little devil hated me from the beginning and that one only likes me because of Tul so do what you want I'm getting my beauty sleep." I said and he laughed.

"I will just make them jump on the bed when you're sleeping." Forth said and this time I laughed.

"Fine you win." I said and Forth cheered. Both Max and Tul turned to look at us.

"What." I said and they both shook their head then started whispering amongst themselves. "That seems like trouble." I said and Forth sighed.

"Already it's way too early." Forth whined. We kept an eye on the two devils who turned to look at us a few times.

"What could they possibly want to do." I whispered to Forth.

"I don't know." He whispered back.

A minute later they separated. I was surprised when they mimicked our position. Max was leaning his back against the couch and Tul leaned against him. Just like Forth and I were doing.

"Aww they are way too cute! They want to be just like us." I said to Forth who was looking at them with a smile on their face.

"Yeah they are." Said Forth looking at them fondly.

"Maybe one day we can have kids of our own. I mean obviously adopted but you know what I mean." I looked at Forth nervously since I blurted that out of nowhere. Those were big future plans maybe it was too early. Forth looked surprised.

"Yes! I didn't think you'd want kids one day. But yeah in the future I want to marry you and have kids. We already know we are good at this." Said Forth happily and I smiled.

I was about to reply when we heard a thud. We both turned to look at Max and Tul who started fighting over a Kit Kat.

"It's mine!" Said Max.

"No! You already ate two pieces that ones mine." Said Tul trying to grab it.

"It was my Kit Kat I can eat three pieces!" Said Max offended.

"Calm down! I have another Kit Kat." Said Forth.

"Its mine then." Said Tul.

"NO! I want it! You can have this." Said Max and Forth sighed while I let out a laugh.

"Maybe we are not so good at this but hey they're alive." I said and Forth looked at me sheepishly.

In the end Forth just said neither of them could have anymore Kit Kats since they couldn't reach a compromise. Both were now sitting on opposite end of the couch. Tul pouting and Max with his arms crossed both looking away from each other.

"Now what?" I said to Forth.

"Just let them cool out they cant be mad for long." Said Forth and I shrugged. We finished the movie and still those two weren't talking. When dinner time arrived it got worst. They even fought for the biggest slice of pizza. I was getting worried but Forth looked at me and winked.

"Well it seems like you two don't get along now am I right?" Forth asked but neither of them answered. "Tul? Do you like spending time with Max?" Asked Forth and Tul shook his head no furiously. "What about you Max?" Asked Forth.

"NO!" Said Max crossing his arms.

"What a shame. I guess we will just have to send you too back home right now. Lets go pack up your bags and say good bye. Since you don't like each other then I will make sure you don't see the other again right Beam?." Said Forth and they both looked shocked.

"I guess so. I will take you back to aunts house right now Tul. You won't have to spend time playing with Max." I said and his eyes turned teary. I glared at Forth this was a bad idea.

"NO! You cant take him away forever! He's my friend." Said Max standing and walking in front of Tul as if to protect him.

"What? You said you didn't like him." Said Forth.

"I was just mad but I don't want him to leave! He's my best friend. You want to stay right?" Said Max looking at Tul who nodded whipping his tears. "You cant take him!" Said Max turning to hug Tul pulling his face towards his chest protectively.

"Well he can stay on one condition right Forth." I said and Forth nodded.

"Yes. If you two promise you won't fight again then you both can stay."

"We promise." They both screamed.

After that they started behaving again which was good. They were genuinely afraid that we were going to keep them apart if they didn't behave. They even hugged each other when they went to sleep so we couldn't separate them.

"That was a good plan." I said to Forth once we were the only ones awake.

"Yeah thankfully it worked you were ready to kill me if it didn't." He said and I laughed.

"Of course! I thought they were going to cry and call their mothers saying we didn't want them here anymore." I said.

"Yeah that would've been bad. But the important thing is it worked." Said Forth and I nodded.

"Im tired.' I said letting out a yawn.

"Me too, let's go to sleep too they wake us up early." Said Forth placing a kiss on my forehead.

"I love you." I said closing my eyes feeling myself drifting off to sleep.

"I love you too." I heard Forth say before falling asleep completely.


I just posted the first chapter of the second book so if you have the time check that out. I will obviously finish this story there's still a few chapters left but from now on I will continue writing my stories on the second book so I hope to see you all there. Thats all for now! stay safe and I will try to update soon!

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