Beam's P.O.V.
After Forth broke up with me it was hard. We were basically living together in my apartment and it really hurt having a constant reminder of him. My parents helped me move out of the dorm into an apartment complex close to university. It was more expensive but my parents didn't mind. I didn't have anymore problems until now when I came to find out who my new neighbor was. Of all the places he could have choose Forth Jaturapoom had to move in beside me. Seriously what the hell did I do on my past life to deserve this. I was so freaking mad this was the only place that didn't remind me of him and now he's here. I remember seeing him move in and before he could even greet me I was already inside my apartment away from him. I don't know how he does it but even if I try to avoid him I end up running into him constantly.
I walked out of my room to buy something to eat and surprise surprise Forth was just coming out of his apartment. I sighed before walking away trying to ignore him. But of course he didn't give up.
"Hi Beam." He said while we were waiting for the elevator and I just ignored him. "Ah lovely as always. You're probably going to buy dinner maybe I should go with you. I mean you aren't saying anything so it's not like you're prohibiting me to go." He said and I glared at him.
"Stop being stupid of course you can't come that's obvious." I said and the little shit just smiled.
"It's nice hearing your voice even if it's saying something harsh." He said but I was back to ignoring him. Thankfully the elevator came and we both got in. "I miss you." He said when the doors closed and I flinched closing my eyes. "Sorry I shouldn't have said that. I know I deserve all of this but I love you and it hurts me. But I won't give up I hope you know that."
It felt like the longest ride ever. Like time just stopped still in this goddamn elevator. When it finally stopped I just started walking fast not looking back even once.Once I was out of the building and had been walking for a while I turned back to see if Forth was following. I was relieved when I didn't see him. I arrived at the fried chicken place and sat down. I quickly ordered my food and some beer. I really needed it right now. Forth Jaturapoom when are you going to leave me the hell alone I thought. I don't know for how long I was there but I stayed for a while after I finished my food drinking. I was trying to avoid bumping into Forth again and now I feel tipsy. Luckily I wasn't so far from my apartment. I payed the nice lady before leaving.
As I was walking back to my apartment I was questioning if I was just tipsy or full on drunk. The walk back seemed to go on forever and I wasn't entirely sure if I was heading the right way. I managed to make it back in one piece. I was trying to open the door but I locked it and I can't find my keys. Did I left them inside? I don't even remember if I had them when I went out. Dammit I thought sliding down and sitting in front of the door. What am I supposed to do now? I just wanted to go home and sleep why is everything so difficult. "Beam?" I hear someone call my name concerned and I looked up to see Forth standing in front of me. "What happened?" He said crouching down.
"I don't know." I replied honestly and he chuckled.
"You are drunk." He said and stood up to try to open the door. "It's locked do you have your key?" He asked and I shook my head. "Well it's too late to call someone and you are drunk." He said talking to himself and I was drifting off to sleep until he started trying to make me stand up.
"What are you doing?" I managed to say but he didn't answer just kept pulling me till I stood up and made me walk to his apartment.
"You are going to have to stay with me tonight." He said and I shook my head.
"No! I'm mad at you! Leave me alone." I said trying to get away but he didn't let me quickly opening the door and pulling me in before closing it. "You're an asshole and mean and stupid and I hate you." I said while he dragged me to the bed and took of my shoes before tucking me in. He left and I was about to shout again when he returned with some water and a towel. He started cleaning me while I just complained and move.
"Can you stay still for a second Beam I'll leave after I finish cleaning you up." He said and I stopped moving.
"Yeah you always do, you come and make me love you and the you leave, you always leave. I don't want to love you anymore." I said looking at my hands.
"Beam." He said in a soft tone and I looked at him and noticed he was crying. "I'm not leaving you again I promise. No matter how much you push me away I promise from now on I'll always be there. If you want me gone then you are going to have to kill me I guess. I just meant I was going to let you sleep here. Im not leaving I'll be in the living room in the couch." He said and moved his hands to my face. I realize I was crying too when he whipped my tears. I hugged him tightly.
"I hate you, I hate you so damn much but you can't leave me you hear me." I said sobbing.
"I'm not leaving ok? Now go to sleep it's late." He said and I got out of his embrace and laid down in bed. But I didn't let him go completely I was holding his hands with both of mine.
"Just for tonight stay here with me please." I said and he nodded getting in bed. I fell asleep holding his hand.
So It's been a while since I last updated. Honestly I've been having a hard time. Some family problems and university problems. Actually I ended dropping out this semester a couple of days ago there was just too much going on. I even forgot everything I had planned for this story. But today I was determined to write something. So I apologize if it's not that good but I'm trying to come back and if I don't start writing again even if it's bad then I may just end up leaving forever and I don't want that. I really enjoy writing and it'll be sad if I just stopped. But I realized I've barely been on wattpad since I last updated so I was kind of leaving it aside until today that I remembered and managed to convince myself to start writing again. So please bear with me till I get back on track.

Forth Beam Short Stories
FanfictionA collection of Forth Beam short stories. Characters don't belong to me, only the plot.