The Bet (part 3)

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Beams P.O.V.

It's already lunch time and I still haven't seen Forth at all today. I was expecting he would do something early in the morning this time. Maybe he's giving up. It's better this way I don't have to act anymore in his stupid game. I do wonder though how his bruises are healing. He's just so damn stupid who gets in a fight just to grab someone's attention. What if Phana was here? It would have all been for nothing. I shook my head getting rid of the thought of Forth. Today I was having lunch with Kit because he's mad at Ming and refused to go out with him.

"So why are you and Ming fighting?" I asked Kit and he looked annoyed a scowl present on his face almost instantly.

"Ah that asshole he wants to meet my parents." He said and I looked at him confused.

"What's the problem? You have been dating for a while." I asked and he sighed.

"Beam you know my parents. They would not accept us. I am going to have to do it at some point but I just want to enjoy my time with him without any trouble while I can." He said and I have to agree with him. Why rush it?

"Well you are right. But did you tell that to Ming or did you go off at him like an angry kitten." I said and he looked guilty.

"Ah dammit I hate it when you point things Im ignoring. Now I feel bad." Said Kit and I laughed.

"You know I'm right." I said giving him a knowing look.

"I'll apologize to him later." Kit groaned and I looked at him sternly.

"Why are you gonna leave him sulking all day. Go over and apologize." I said

"Fine, instead of having me here for lunch you decide to send me off to Ming. Good to know you are just willing to give me off to him." He said standing up from the table.

"Just go over and make your man happy. You know you want to." I said and he rolled his eyes but left nonetheless. I sat down at my table. Today I was just looking at my phone when Forth walked in. I raised an eyebrow looking at him.

"What are you doing here again?" I asked as soon as he was close enough.

"I need help with my bandages again." He said and I sighed when he lifted his shirt and I noticed a poorly put on bandage around his torso.

"Come here." I said getting it off from him and inspecting his cuts.

"They are healing well and fast. I'm going to redo the bandage one more time and after this one just put on some ointment." I said standing up. "I'll be right back I'm going to look for the first aid kit." I said walking to my car. This is his way of making me "fall in love with him" by making me work. I wonder how he is a player with those bad moves. I grabbed the first aid kit and started walking back. You know what why the hell am I doing all this work for him? Walking to my car and tending to his bruises. I get nothing out of this. I can make him fall in love with me without going to so much trouble. But he's not doing anything except from annoying me. He should try to take me out on dates or something where I can just seduce him and be over with this. I can't tell what kind of game he's playing right now. I walked back annoyed towards him. He noticed my mood change quickly.

"What's wrong?" He said grabbing my hand in his.

"Nothing." I said coming a little bit closer to him. At that time he pulled me into him and I ended sitting on top of him straddling his waist. I looked at him confused and he just smirked.

"Oops I pulled you harder than I thought." He said sliding his arms around my waist instead of pushing me away. I decided to take this opportunity to my advantage. I looked at him in the eye our faces just inches apart from each other. I gave him the first warning.

"That's a dangerous game you're playing Forth." I whispered to him leaning a little bit closer. He really thinks I'm going to kiss him. When he closed his eyes I took that as my opportunity to stand up. "In your dreams Jaturapoom." I said patting his cheek gently and he opened his eyes looking at me determined.

"This isn't over Beam." He said but I just ignored him lifting up his shirt to start putting the ointment and bandages.

"There all done." I said once I was finished.

"Thank you." He said and I nodded. "Have you eaten?" He asked and I shook my head.

"I haven't decided what to eat." I replied.

"Perfect I'll treat you. Just tell me what to buy." He said.

"Just bring me the same of whatever you're having." I said and he nodded leaving me alone at the table. I started thinking and that's when it hit me. The perfect question to end his game. I waited till he came back exited.

"So Forth can I ask you a question?" I said and he nodded.

"You engineering guys get on a lot of fights right?" I said and he nodded. "Well how come this is the first time you need help. Shouldn't you be used to putting on bandages and knowing what to do?" I questioned him and he chocked on his food. It took him a while to compose himself.

"Well I barely get hurt I'm that awesome. But we mostly go to the infirmary if I need help or deal with it on my own even if it's not the best. But now I have you." He said smirking at me and I wanted to roll my eyes but this time he was in front of me and could see me.

"Ah you guys are stupid." I said and he chucked.

"Can't argue with that." He said shrugging.

When he was done eating he left because he had class soon. I sighed knowing he's not giving up any time soon. Who knows what would've happen if I wasn't aware of the kind of game he is playing. I still have at least 28 more days of this bullshit if I can't make him fall for me soon. One things for sure he's gonna lose.

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