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Beam's P.O.V.

I just arrived a Pha's beach house. We were all there to spend the weekend. The house had four bedrooms so that meant that Pha and Wayo were going to share one and Kit and Ming too. That's leaves me and Forth each with a room for ourselves. Thank God I didn't have to share a room with him. The only thing he knows how to do is annoy the shit out of me nowadays.

We arrived at sundown so we decided to do a bonfire. We ordered some pizza and we were just enjoying the night talking and laughing. Forth was sitting next to me and I swear he's not happy if he isn't annoying me. During the night he had stolen my drink a couple of times. Right now we were roasting marshmallows and he made me drop mine. At least he gave me his after though. He was always ruffling my hair and just being really affectionate in his own way towards me.

As the night progressed the couples disappeared to their rooms leaving me an Forth alone. I wasn't sleepy yet so I decided to stay for a while on the beach. To my surprise Forth stayed too. After a while of silence he started talking.

"Why do you always seem so annoyed at me?" He asked. I was honestly surprised by his question and that he had noticed. It's not that I don't like him just certain actitudes of his that gave the wrong impression some times.

"Why do you keep annoying me then?" I responded with a question since I couldn't answer.

He shrugged, "I wasn't trying to annoy you, you're just too oblivious" he said.

"Oblivious to what?" I said getting curious. But he only shrugged again. I decided to change the topic because there was something I've wanted to ask him since I was curious.

"Can I ask you something?" I said

"Go ahead" he said roasting more marshmallows.

"I noticed you stopped sleeping around" he looked at me with a raised eyebrow but didn't say anything. "I mean I just happen to notice when we go to the bar you refuse all the girls that come your way and usually leave with Park and Lam. Anyway I was just curious as to what made you stop?" I asked looking attentively waiting for the answer.He passed me one of the marshmallow he had just finished roasting before starting to speak.

"It's simple I didn't really sleep around as much as you thought anyway. But I usually did it for fun or I was just in the mood it isn't something I look forward too or really need. Anyways to really answer your question what made me stop was that I started having feelings for someone. So it wasn't really a hard decision because now I can spend more time with the person I like" he said.

"But I haven't seen you with anybody new. You are still single right?" I asked confused.

"The fact that I found someone I want to be with doesn't mean the other person feels the same way." he said sadly and I felt my heart break for him.

"But you're Forth Jaturapoom! It wouldn't even cross my mind that someone would reject you." I answered genuinely surprised.

"It's ok for now I just enjoy having him close." He smiled at me.

"Who would've thought you'd be so selfless when it comes to love. If I was you I'd make a move not let him get away from me" I said confidently.

"Yeah, should I really do that?" He asked looking at me intently.

"Of course!" I replied. "All is fair in love and war."

"You might regret saying that later though." he laughed.

"What, why?" I said confused.

He scooted closer to me. I was just looking at him waiting for him to say something. To my surprise in one quick movement he cupped my face and gave me a kiss on the lips. I was too shocked to do anything. When he separated he looked at me and said. "Told you, you were gonna regret it. But there it is I like you Beam" after that he turned around and left towards the house.

I just sat there dumbfounded trying to process everything. Like he just stole a kiss and told me he liked me. Then he left just like that. I couldn't believe it. I stayed for a while trying to think of what I should do next. At least I know my suspicions weren't that wrong. I had noticed he started annoying me when he stopped sleeping around now that I think about it he was probably trying to make me notice his feelings for me. After a while I returned to the house. When I got in there was no sign of Forth or anyone else for that matter. I locked the doors and walked to my room. To think that we still got two whole days here. What am I supposed to do should I act normal or are we going to avoid each other. He just made things so freaking complicated.

That night I could barely sleep. I kept replaying everything that happened on my mind. I was thinking what I was supposed to do now. Was I supposed to ignore the fact that he told me he liked me and just act normal around him? Or should I just avoid him? When morning came and Pha knocked on my door I had barely slept a couple of hours. I looked in the mirror and I could see the bag in my eyes. I sighed washing my face before going downstairs. We sat down to have breakfast and Forth was looking at me concerned. I tried to act normal around him but I ended trying to avoid him.

When we finished breakfast everybody went to their rooms to change as we were spending the day at the beach again. I was tired but decided I didn't want to waste my time here so I changed and came back down. I sat down on my spot from last night and the only thing on my mind was that kiss and Forth's not so romantic confession. I still couldn't believe it. I was lost in thought when Forth appeared in front of me.

"Beam can we talk?"


I've been extra busy this week but I always find time to write in between classes or when I'm eating. I seem to get more ideas when I should be studying which is bad but I manage my time well. Anyway tomorrow I have a precalculus test 😭 so I won't be able to update. But I'll try to update Friday if not then in the weekend. Good news is it will be my third and final test of the week so next week I'll have a lot more free time to update.

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