You are mine (part 2)

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Beam's P.O.V.

Sadly I couldn't go out during the weekend. Even though we are just starting exam week is fast approaching and with Phana being busy because of the moon competition we barely had time to do a study group. So Phana basically locked us up inside his room for the whole weekend to catch up on our studies. Which was good because I personally think that we managed to cover a lot so we are going to be fine.

The downside is that today is Monday and I am so freaking tired from studying all the weekend. I managed to endure all my morning classes and now I'm at lunch. Kit disappeared as soon as class was over which was weird but I'm too tired to care. Phana had to go to the moon gathering to keep practicing so I was alone. He wanted me to go with him since our next class was canceled and I had to wait quite a bit for the last one. But I decided to stay and have lunch I may take a nap after too.

As I was eating my lunch I looked around and noticed a few engineering students hanging here today. That's weird I don't think I've ever seen them here before. But maybe I just haven't been paying attention. As I was finishing eating a girl approached my table.

"Hi Beam." She said when she was close enough. I eyed her up and down for a second trying to remember if I knew who she was but I didn't recognize her. But she was pretty hot so I didn't mind.

"Hi." I replied politely.

"I'm Mint we are classmates but you don't know me." She said I nodded listening to her attentively. "I was wondering if you had any plans for today at noon maybe we could go somewhere later or even now if you have some free time." She said suggestively and I instantly knew her intentions. This happens quite often actually girls come to me when they want to have fun. I instantly smirked well she's attractive and bold coming out to me here in plain daylight in front of everyone. Most of them seem to be more discrete. So far I am liking what I see. But right now I was way too tired.

"Unfortunately right now won't be possible but after class I'm all yours." I said and she smiled widely.

"You won't regret it." She said leaning closer. She wants a kiss so she wants everyone to know interesting she wants to mark territory. Well for today she has me so I'll let her enjoy it. Just as our lips were about to touch she jumped back startled which surprised me. I noticed pink milk dripping down from her hair and clothes.

"Oh my God I am so sorry I slipped while passing by." Said a girl who was wearing an engineering uniform she didn't seem that apologetic though to me she looked like she was proud of herself. I looked around and all of the students here who belong to the engineering faculty were closely monitoring the situation. Are they here looking for a fight? I thought confused.

"You!" Said Mint pointing towards the girl from engineering. Her face was red she was obviously mad and embarrassed. "Why the hell did you do that! Couldn't you look were going we're going! You just ruined everything. I..." Mints rant was stopped by the girl.

"Well I was too distracted by your very public display of affection towards a man who's not your boyfriend." The engineering girl said with distaste and my eyes instantly widened. You could hear gasps from around the room and some even cheered. "I said sorry and that it was an accident what else do you want." She continued looking at Mint defiantly. I face palmed everyone knew getting in a fight with engineering students was a very bad idea. Thankfully Mint seemed to know this so she turned around leaving the scene. Damn is Forth like that too? Nah I bet he would be scarier.

I cleared everything at my table and walked out. I wanted to have a nap but with Mint approaching and the fight there was barely any time left for me to take a nap. So I headed straight for the classroom. When I entered I was surprised to see Kit was here already. I walked towards him.

"I thought you left?" I said seating down beside him.

"I did I just came back a couple of minutes ago. I was going to call you right now to come here." He said and I nodded letting out a yawn. "You tired?" He asked.

"Yeah, I was going to take a nap but then we almost had a fight in the foodcourt and time just went by too fast. There's still like forty minutes before class but I was afraid I wasn't going to wake up." I said sad.

"Well I was going to study a bit since I have plans in the evening you can sleep and I'll wake you up when the professor comes in." He said and I was relieved.

"You're the best Kit." I said laying my head on top of my hands in a comfortable position. "Also Kit you've been weird sneaking out don't think I haven't noticed." I said but he ignored me and I drifted off to sleep.

Sadly it felt like I had just slept for five minutes when Kit woke me up. But once I was awake I felt refreshed it was just what I needed. When class was over I walked out with Kit. As we were reaching the entrance I noticed Phana and Forth walking towards us.

"What are you doing here?" I asked when we were close enough to them.

"I had to come talk to the professor and Forth here tagged along." Said Phana and I nodded.

"Well I'm leaving now!" Said Kit quickly walking away. I was about to protest seriously where is he going all of the time lately. But I couldn't get him since he was far away now.

"Forth you can wait for me here with Beam I'll be back soon." Phana said walking away too.

"Heyyyy." I said but once again I was ignored. I turned to look at Forth who was just silently staring at me.

"Well I'm waiting for someone anyway so I can keep you company for a while. Let's walk towards the foodcourt." I said to Forth walking away. He followed me and we sat down at my previous table with him beside me. I looked at Forth who still hadn't said anything and when I looked at him he quickly moved his hand towards my face to fix my hair then letting it rest on my cheek looking at my face.

"You look tired." He said and I was frozen due to the unexpected shock of having him so close. "That's not good you need to rest I don't like seeing you like this." He said stroking the bag under my eyes with his thumb and looking at me concerned.

"I-I am f-fine." I stuttered. We broke apart when someone coughed next to us. I looked up to see Mint with normal clothes standing beside the table again.

"Are you ready to go Beam?" She asked and I stood up quickly thankful she saved me from the awkward moment that was about to come.  But before I could do something else Forth stood up and grabbed my wrist.

"He can't go with you." Said Forth glaring at Mint.

"Of course I can." I said.

"Of course he can." Said Mint at the same time.

"Can't you see he's tired he needs to rest." Said Forth.

"It's ok I'm fine already I took a nap before class." I said trying to walk away but forgetting he was still holding my wrist so he pulled me towards him and next thing I know my face is hitting his chest and he's wrapping his arms around me protectively.

"No way you are coming with me. Sorry girl look for another person Beam isn't available." He said in a cold tone. While he was talking my face was still laying in his chest. Actually he was comfortable and my exhaustion was taking over me again I was feeling sleepy once again. I heard Mint walk away but Forth still didn't let me go.

"And you said you weren't tired come on let's go." He said dragging me away. I was about to protest when we passed by Phana.

"I am taking Beam away see you tomorrow." Said Forth. I was waiting for him to save me.

"Ok see you." Said Phana waving at us and I once again left dumbfounded.

"Give me your keys I'm driving." He said.

"No way I'm going home you go with Phana." I said.

"You are sleepy I am not letting you drive. Now are we doing this the easy way or the hard way." He said and I looked at him in the eye he seemed serious.

"Ah do whatever you want I don't care." I said giving him the keys and getting in the passenger seat.

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