Beam's P.O.V.
I was determined to figure out who the guy from the coffee shop was. But the only information I had about him was that he was a student in our university from the Engineering faculty. I couldn't just walk in there and look for him without a reason that would be creepy. I was going to ask Ming but I'm pretty sure Kit already forbade him from telling me so there's no use. I also had Kit and Pha on my back constantly watching me to see if I was looking for him. Which I found extremely weird and more so because they weren't telling me why I should stay away from him.
So I ended waiting for the next month on the tenth. I walked into the coffee shop happily because I was finally gonna do something about it. To my disappointment he wasn't here. It was the first time in months that he wasn't here and somehow I think that Pha and Kit had something to do with it. But I decided to wait so I sat down at my usual place. I waited for hours but he never showed up.
I was feeling disappointed and mad at myself. I should've just approached him from the start instead of asking the guys for help. It was almost midnight when I left the place because it was closing up. As I was walking to my car I noticed some guys were following me. I kept walking like I hadn't notice trying to figure out how I should fight them and who they were. From what I could see they looked my age and there were three of them. By this point I could see my car so I was thinking of making a run for it and trying to escape. But I think they noticed and started approaching me faster. I turned back and started fighting them but they were three and I was one. I didn't have much hope but I wasn't going down without a fight.
Suddenly someone appeared and started fighting with me. In no time the three guys were on the floor. I noticed they were guys from the university I think they were from the art faculty. Probably another problem with one of their girlfriends saying they liked me. I don't understand why they come for me when I always reject them. When I looked to thank the person who had helped me I saw the guy I was looking for all along.
"It's you!" I said surprised. He looked at me for a second before turning around to leave. I grabbed his wrist but he pulled it back from my grasp instantly and turned to look at me without saying a word.
"I'm sorry, but thank you for helping me..." I looked at him expectantly waiting for him to say his name.
"You're welcome." He replied turning back again to leave.
"Wait can't I at least know your name?" I half yelled not wanting him to leave. This time he didn't turn back.
"You don't need to know." He said.
"Come on please! I want to take you to dinner at least to thank you!" I said grabbing the opportunity to have a date with him too.
"You don't need to do that." He said coldly.
"Come on I want to!" I whined.
"Look you should just stay away from me I just bring trouble." He said finally turning back to look at me. He looked kind of sad for some reason.
"That's what my friends said too." I mumbled confused.
"You should listen to them then." He replied coldly again.
"Come on I'm not gonna give up! I don't believe you're trouble. As stupid as it sounds I just know so." I said sincerely. He looked hurt for some reason.
"Look I need to go. Just forget about me ok." He said sadly and this time he walked away fast. For some reason I felt really sad too. I decided to just leave for now. But I'm not gonna give up.
The next day at lunch time I decided to go to the Engineering faculty. This time I had a valid reason I wanted to thank him for helping me yesterday. I drove to the Engineering faculty and as soon as I walked in people were looking at me surprised. I was confused but I ignored it I guess it was weird seeing someone in a complete uniform when their only uniform was a blue jacket. I didn't have to look long because soon the guy I was looking for was walking straight towards me.
"Beam what are you doing here?" He said grabbing my wrist and starting to walk towards the parking lot where I came from. I just followed him dumbfounded because he just said my name which I hadn't told him. When we were next to my car he looked at me waiting for me to talk.
"Y-you k-know my name" I stuttered confused. He looked panicked for a second before putting straight face.
"I had to know the name of my stalker." He said smirking at me.
"Well now I want to know your name then!" I said crossing my hands.
"I'm not gonna tell you." He said not looking at me in the eye.
"Fine then I'll ask anyone here." I said walking away towards the building. He quickly grabbed my wrist again. He hesitated but eventually told me.
"It's Forth" he said. Somehow that name sounded very familiar but I just couldn't remember where I had heard it. I decided to ignore it since I had more important things to do.
"So Forth can I take you to dinner as a thank you for helping me yesterday?" I asked.
"Look Beam..." he started but I cut him off.
"If you don't accept I'm just gonna come back here tomorrow. Come on just one dinner that's all I'm asking for." I said.
"Fine but after you have to leave me alone." He finally agreed. We exchanged numbers.
"Text me your address I'll pick you up at eight." I said. He nodded and I got in my car. I still had one class to attend. I walked happily to class Pha and Kit looked at me concerned.
"You went to meet Forth didn't you?" said Pha.
"I even got a date with him tonight! Not thanks to you though." I said glaring at them.
They looked shocked and started whispering between them. I was getting tired of them acting all weird on me lately. When class was over I sprinted out of the classroom and went straight to my dorm. At six Forth still hasn't sent me his address so I asked for it. Somehow this all felt so familiar and I didn't know why. At seven thirty I was on my way to pick up Forth. The building seemed familiar but I had no reason to be here before. I shrugged it out and waited for Forth to come out.
"Let's get this over with." He said coldly when he entered the car. I pouted actually sad that he wasn't too keen on the idea of going to dinner with me. "I'm sorry that was uncalled for." He said looking guilty.
"It's ok we are going to have the best date ever! You won't even remember you didn't want to go." I said smiling at him.
I drove to a restaurant I remember going a lot. When I parked down in front of it I saw Forth was shocked. He turned to look at me for a second before looking away.
"C-Can w-we go somewhere else p-please." He stuttered. I could see him discretely whipping some tears out of his eyes. I quickly drove away confused.
"I'm sorry I didn't..." I started to say but he cut me off.
"I know it's ok. There's a good restaurant not far from here I'll give you the directions." He said still looking at the window. This was turning out to be a disaster and now I'm getting a headache. I felt like I was forgetting something important. When we got to the other restaurant I couldn't concentrate on the dinner. I was trying so hard to remember that I didn't even realize I was subconsciously pulling my hair until Forth grabbed my hand.
"Hey it's ok, don't force yourself." He said gently removing my hands from the right grasp I had them in. He hugged me closer to him until I calmed down and somehow this just felt right. I pulled back when I was feeling better.
"I'm sorry I had an accident about a year ago. I lost some of my memory. Somehow I feel like I am forgetting something now. Did we know each other before?" I asked looking at him in the eyes. He looked away.
"No we didn't." He said moving back to his seat in front of me.
I felt uneasy still but I decided to drop the subject for now.
I've been updating regularly for the past couple of days. Less than 24 hours between updates but this is the last one. Today it's my birthday I'm turning 20 so I'll be going out to celebrate and won't have time to write. But I'll try to update as soon as I can!

Forth Beam Short Stories
FanficA collection of Forth Beam short stories. Characters don't belong to me, only the plot.