Wrong classroom (part 2)

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Beam's P.O.V.

"So what now?" I asked still not turning around to face him. He didn't say anything so I took that's as my cue to leave. I walked away from the stage not caring about anything or anyone. When I was about to reach the exit I felt someone put a hand on my shoulder. I looked and saw Kit standing next to me Pha behind him.

"We are here for you." Said Kit and smiled at me reassuringly. I gave him a small smile and we kept walking towards my car. I got in and they did the same.

"Guys I'm fine really. You don't have to come with me." I said.

"It's ok we live in the same building so I was going there anyway." Said Kit and I couldn't help but laugh.

"We are supposed to be comforting him!" Said Pha smacking Kits head.

"Hey! At least he laughed!" Said Kit rubbing his head.

I drove to my dorm while Kit and Pha were arguing in the back. At least they helped me take my mind off things. I was still a bit sad though but I was glad to have company. We went towards my apartment and they guys stayed to hang out and finish our assignment. I knew they just didn't want to leave me alone and I was grateful for it. Around dinner time Pha went to grab a meal and snacks for all of us. I stayed with Kit working on our assignment. A while later he came back. He was looking nervous for some reason and he was empty handed.

"What's wrong with you? Where's the food?" I asked confused.

"I did something and you may not like it but it's for the best. Plus he was just standing there in front of the building looking like a lost puppy. I had to let him in." Said Pha.

"Don't tell me you..." I didn't even get to finish because he opened the door and there was Forth standing there carrying some bags. I glared at both of them.

"Beam can we please talk?" Said Forth I just stayed quiet glaring at them. I didn't know what to do or say. Kit stood up from his seat.

"You should clear everything up once and for all ok?" He said patting my head before leaving with Pha. Forth was standing in front of the door still.

"Can I come in? I have dinner, can we talk please?" He said said. I sighed giving in.

"Fine, come on in." I said and he entered closing the door. He took of his shoes and walked towards the table with the food. I finished putting everything away to make room for the food. We started eating and I just looked at him expectantly.

"I-I don't even know where to start. First I want to apologize for the dumb play. Since I had no other talent they told me to write a scene to act. I didn't know what to write about and I don't know I remember what happened between us and decided to use it. I didn't think you would find out moreover in this way. So I'm really sorry for doing that and offending you." He said sincerely.

"It's ok I guess I over reacted too. I got caught up in my feelings." I replied. I didn't mind the play I just didn't want him to think of me like that. Even though some time had passed I still had feelings for him. It hurt me that he though I just played him and that it was all just a lie.

"I want to clear something else to. I hope you don't mind me asking after all this time. But was it true that you had feelings for me in high school?" He asked looking at me intently. I instantly blushed and looked away my only reply was a shy nod. Dammit Beam when did you turn this soft? You're acting like a high school girl with her first crush I scolded myself mentally.

"I wish I'd know for sure back then." He continued and I turned to look at him again. "But it's all in the past now right?" He said then paused to smile at me. "Can we be friends at least?" He said and looked at me hopefully.

"Of course we can be friends. I'm glad everything's good between us now." I said smiling at him too.

We finished the rest of the meal in peace. We catch up since it had been a long time since we last spoke. About an hour after he left. I walked him to the door to say good bye.

"Good night." He said turning to look at me once he was out in the hallway.

"Good night! See you around hopefully."

"You will, I'll make sure to hang out with you guys more often." He said and I just smiled and nodded. We were just staring at each other for a few seconds when the door beside me opened and Pha walked out. He instantly noticed us standing in the hallway.

"I was just coming to check on you two. Was pretty sure you'd killed each other by now." He said then laughed.

"Very funny Pha." I said with a serious face.

"So everything's good between you two?" He said eyeing us both who just nodded in reply. "Great I'm leaving then." He said walking in the opposite direction towards the stairs.

"So I guess I should leave too." Said Forth who had his hands on his pockets looking at me with a sheepish smile.

"Yeah, see you around." I said giving him a smile. He nodded at me before leaving. I closed the door and I could hear his footsteps fading away. When I was sure he wasn't here anymore I rested my back against the door and sighed. The feelings were still there they hadn't left. I wanted to say that I wanted to be more than a friend. But I couldn't bring myself too. I guess it's better than nothing I said walking to my bed. I was dead tired after such an eventful day.

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