Beam's P.O.V.
I woke up to someone knocking at my door. I look at my phone and saw that it was eight in the morning. Oh come on today it's Saturday who would dare wake me up so early. I got up from bed and made my way to the door grumpily.
"What do you want so damn early?" I said opening the door, I leaned my face on the door barely opening my eyes.
"Sorry I tend to wake up early. Anyway I brought you breakfast." Said a voice I recognize all too well. I instantly opened my eyes and saw Forth standing in front of me with some food again.
"Forth?" I said surprised. "Did we agreed to meet?" I asked confused. I don't remember us making plans for today at all.
"No we didn't, I came here to invite you to hang out with my friends we are going to play paintball and we need one more player on our team so I though of you." He said smiling at me.
"It's eight in the morning! Why are you going there so early!" I said confused. I really didn't understand what was happening. I must still be dreaming I guess.
"We are going at three I just came to tell you earlier." He said and I just nodded slowly. I still didn't get why he was here so damn early. "Are you gonna let me in?" He said waving the bag with the breakfast in front of my face. I moved to let him in. He started setting up the table so we could eat.
"I'm going to the bathroom first." I said walking away. After I did my business and washed my teeth I looked at myself in the mirror. Am I hallucinating? When I walk out he's not gonna be there right? I washed my face one more time before leaving the bathroom. There he was sitting on the table with our breakfast. I sat down opposite of him. He looked at me for a few second before he started talking.
"So I was thinking about yesterday and I didn't like the way things ended. Last time what went wrong between us was that there was a lot of misunderstanding. We never talked face to face about our feelings and stuff. I realized that we were doing the same thing again. At least I was doing the same thing." He was rambling on but paused to look at me. I was just nodding listening to him attentively. I knew there must have been a good reason for him to come this early with a lame ass excuse and breakfast. I was confused as hell and he had the answers. So I kept quiet waiting for him to finish what he had to say.
"Well I just couldn't leave things like that. I want to make things clear once an for all. You and me can never be friends. That's would just be lying to ourselves." He continued and I was surprised.
"What?" I said feeling hurt. He came here just to tell me that?
"Wait let me finish!" He rapidly continued. "At first I thought I could use that as an excuse to be close to you. In my head I was thinking that maybe by spending time together I could get you to like me again. But I decided to come clean once and for all. So Beam Baramee I came here to tell you that I like you and from now on I am going to court you." He stated smirking at me. I choked on air and he came over to my side rubbing my back and handing me some water.
"You are going to what now? Have you gone mad?" I said reaching to touch his forehead. He grabbed my hand mid air and gave it a kiss. I pulled my hand back instantly blushing.
"You heard me. By the way you look cute when you blush." He said returning to his seat.
"You are crazy." I said looking at him.
"Well you better get used to it my Beam." He said looking at me lovingly.
"I am not yours! I haven't accepted you yet!" I instantly replied. I could hear my heart beating a thousand miles per hour. This guy is going to give me a heart attack I swear.
"But you will, you just said you haven't accepted me YET. So that means that you will let me court you." He said smirking at me. I blushed again. That damned mouth of mine always getting me in trouble. But this actually isn't a bad idea. I know I still have some feelings for him but I want to know if he really likes me and this will be the perfect way for him to prove himself. It will also help me make sure that I really still feel the same way towards him.
"Fine, let's see if you can make me fall for you Jaturapoom." I replied.
"Consider yourself taken Baramee." He said confidently. I rolled my eyes.
"So this couldn't have waited until at least eleven in the morning. It's too early to be awake on a Saturday." I said starting to eat the forgotten breakfast.
"I couldn't wait to tell you. Besides you look like a morning person. I thought you'd be awake by now." He replied.
"Well I am not, lucky for you, you still have a chance of backing up if you want." I said looking at him intently.
"Hmmm tempting." He said rolling his eyes. "But you know what I think I'll pass that doesn't sound like a deal breaker." He said.
"This is nothing let's see if you can keep up with me. You may like me now but I am a hard person to deal with. So you better walk away while you still can." I replied looking at him defiantly.
"It's ok show me your worst Beam Baramee. That's not gonna make me like you any less." Forth said not backing down.
So what do you guys think? Will they finally be together? Or will they crash and burn? We will have to wait to find out.

Forth Beam Short Stories
FanfictionA collection of Forth Beam short stories. Characters don't belong to me, only the plot.