You are mine (part 7)

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Beam's P.O.V.

After Forth was done we drove back. He dropped me off at my dorm. Just as I was getting out of the bike I noticed Phana was in the car beside us. I wanted to facepalm myself after I noticed him getting out and coming towards me. Forth got out of his bike too and to my luck Phana seemed angry. Instead of turning to me he walked straight to Forth and tried to punch him.

"Wow easy there." Said Forth quickly evading the punch.

"You asshole! I'm gonna tell you something, I don't care who you are if you break my best friend heart I'll end you." Said Phana getting angry.

"Hey! You know I'm serious about him! What are you talking about?" Said Forth looking confused.

"Pha you are over reacting!" I said coming closer to them.

"No! I thought he was a good one! Not like the girls who just wanted to sleep with you. Fuck I was even helping him and he just goes and sleeps with you after a few days. Now you better not tell me that's what you wanted from him or I'll swear that I will kill you." Said Phana agitated.

"WHAT?" I screamed and Forth just looked amused.

"Where did you get the idea that I was sleeping with him?" Said Forth confused.

"I saw you walking to the medical foodcourt yesterday and the Beam disappeared. It obviously had something to do with you! Then he didn't come back until now so you spent the night with him." Said Phana and I felt my cheeks heating up.

"It was not like that! Even if that's what we did it's none of your business. I wouldn't do anything that Beam doesn't want to." Said Forth.

"Ok let's stop talking about my none existent love life. I'm going to be late I'll go change. Forth you leave too you have class soon too." I said trying to push Forth away. He glared at Pha one last time before getting on his bike and driving away. "Wait for me I don't have my car and thanks to you I lost a lot of time so if I'm going to be late then you too." I said leaving before he responded.

After I was done with class for the day I wanted to meet Forth. I decided I was going to tell him that I was willing to give him a chance but only one no mistakes or anything. I wanted to be happy and he makes me happy so I should focus on that. There's a lot of insecurities I have but hopefully he will be patient with me and we will be able to work it out. I was about to call him when Phana appeared out of nowhere.

"Let's go study group today since we have the day off from practice to the moon competition." Said Phana.

"Oh come on seriously! I have something to do today." I said and he shook his head.

"It's either today or you study alone." He stated seriously and I sighed.

"Fine then it's Kit coming?" I asked and he nodded.

"He's waiting in my car come on let's go." He said and I followed him.

I wasn't expecting this but Phana had us studying in his room until twelve. Since we were so tired me and Kit spent the night at his room. The next day he did the same. I've been so busy that I haven't been able to contact Forth in two days. He did came to have lunch but since we were busy I couldn't talk to him much Phana scolded me every time I did. Besides I didn't want to say anything in front of Phana and Kit but I was grateful he hadn't given up on me.

Now it was Friday again and Phana had rehearsals for the moon competition. Forth was there too so I couldn't see him. I spent all afternoon with Kit. Then Ming joined us for dinner and he was a cool guy. I got the chance to know him a bit after our very awkward first meeting. I apologized for assuming he had a foursome and we just laughed it out. Kit still wanted to kill me though but Ming calmed him. I can see that he's good for Kit so I am happy for them.

After dinner was over Ming dropped me off at my dorm. I had a shower and then I just laid on my bed exhausted. I put on a series and tried to fall asleep. I managed to fall asleep for a couple of hours but then I woke up startled and sweating. I had another nightmare I don't even remember what it was but I hate feeling like this. I stood up and grabbed my phone. It was almost midnight. Guess I'm not going to sleep today I sighed. I contemplated going to Kits but then I remembered they just dropped me off so he's probably spending the night at Mings. But what about Forth? Surely the practice is over. Will he mind if I call him? I debated wherever I should or not. In the end I dialed his number he picked up on the third ring.

-Hello.- he said and I instantly smiled. I even miss him! -Beam? Are you there?- he continued.

-Oh yeah sorry got lost in my thoughts for a second.- I replied.

-it's there something wrong?- he asked.

-No, why do you ask?- I said confused.

-I don't know it just weird that you call me randomly. Not that I mind you know I like talking to you.-

-Well actually there really is a reason I called you.- I admitted feeling guilty.

-Yeah? What is it?- he said sounding concerned.

-Nothing serious, are you busy?- I asked.

-I was going to do a lab report, but if you need me I'll be there.- he said and damn how can he be so sweet really.

-It's ok, I just couldn't sleep it's nothing new.- I said.

-This can wait I could come over until you fall asleep and then I'll leave.- he said.

-No it's alright your grades are important. I'm just... I'm ok. With you talking to me I feel a lot better I'm already calm.- I said feeling sleepy again.

-I have an idea give me a minute.- he said hanging up and I just looked at my phone confused. He just hang up on me seriously that asshole. Then it started ringing again and this time it was a FaceTime call I answered confused.

"What is this?" I said when I answered.

"Well I figured that if I can't be there with you I can still keep you company through the video call so you can fall asleep while I do my lab report." He said and I smiled brightly.

"Forth can we meet up tomorrow? I need to tell you something." I said and his facial expression change to a worried one.

"Sure but is it bad news?" He asked and I shook my head.

"No on the contrary I just want to talk in person." I said.

After that he sat on the table organizing everything he was going to work with and I got into bed. He kept talking to me while writing until I started to feel sleepy.

"Forth." I said when sleep was taking over me. He just hummed as an answer to let me know he was listening. "Please don't hang up after I fall asleep."

"Don't worry I wasn't going to." I heard him reply before I went off to dreamland.

Forth's P.O.V.

I stopped what I was doing to look at the sleeping Beam on the other side of the screen. I am in love with that man there's no denying it. I'll wait forever if I have to but I won't give up on him. He woke up a few times to make sure I was still on the call but once he saw me he went back to sleep. Once I was done with everything it was almost two in the morning. I took my phone with me to bed and made sure to leave my tv on so if he woke up he will still be able to see me before I drifted off to sleep too.

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