Thats us (part 3)

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Beam's P.O.V.

It was Saturday and I was on my room trying to study. But I couldn't focus knowing that Forth was probably with Wayo. I had been thinking all day that Forth was going to propose to him tonight and that little brat was going to accept. I don't even think he likes Forth he's probably just doing it to make Phana jealous. That made me so freaking mad. I closed my book tired of wasting my time since I wasn't learning anything. I heard my phone ring and I picked it up it was Phana.

-Hello- I answered

-What are you doing? Want to go to the bar and feel miserable with me?- he asked and I instantly cheered up a little.

-You know what let's go have some fun. I shouldn't be here feeling miserable. Pick me up in half an hour I said and hung up after he agreed.

I quickly got in the shower and got ready. Phana came to pick me up and we went to our usual bar. It was still early but we ordered some beers and sat down. Not much people were here but I didn't mind it was better this way.

"So things are definitely over between you and Wayo? Or are you gonna fight for him?" I asked Pha and he laughed drily.

"Forth can have him for all I care. I am so done with him I don't even know what I saw in him." Pha said gulping down his drink.

"But I thought you loved him since high school. What made you change your mind then?" I asked curiously.

"He just makes things too difficult. I really tried Beam. You and Kit knew how much I wanted to be with him. But I can't deal with his attitude at first it was cute now it's just annoying. We had a stupid fight and he ran off to Forth. I don't need that kind of person in my life. I am busy as it is I don't have time to fight with him over stupid stuff. I need someone who I will want to take care of even if I don't need to because he can take care of himself just right. Wayo he's just been too spoiled by his father. I'm tired of having to deal with him that's why I let him go. Even if he doesn't accept Forth today I don't want him back. It's over between us. But enough about me. I still don't understand how you let Forth go." He said turning the conversation to me.

"He's never been mine in the first place. All this time is obvious I had feelings for him but he hasn't given me a sign that he likes me too. It's his actions that confused me and that's what made my feelings for him grow. He's just so caring towards me I couldn't help but fall for him. I've always taken care of myself you guys know that but then he came and he pampered me and he was just always there. It was bound to happen." I shrugged. "I do wish he had fallen for me and it does hurt. But I know he's never seen me as more than a friend. I don't want to fight anybody else for his love I'm not like that. I'm just grateful that he taught me I could love someone without expecting anything in return and someday someone will come into my life and everything's gonna be right even if it's not him. So if his happiness is Wayo then I'll find someone better he is the one stuck with that good for nothing brat." I ended and he chuckled.

"Wow Beam I am speechless honestly. But you are right. Here's to finding someone better." He raises his glass and I did the same.

We kept on drinking through the night and we had some fun together. I think Phana was more drunk than I was though since he was lying on the sofa with the drink on his hand laughing at nothing. I was feeling good though who needs Forth anyway.

"Pha! You are drunk! Let's go!" I said trying to get him to listen to me. Instead he sat up and looked at me for a second before grabbing his phone.

"I'm going to call that brat and give him a piece of my mind. After all I did he just left me for Forth! He's gonna hear me! He can't take Forth from you! You are my best friend in the whole world Beam and you don't deserve Wayo stealing your man." Pha said determined dialing his number and I just laughed at him.

"Pha stop that." I said between laughs but then I heard him talking.

"Wayo you are really a brat like Beam said. He was right and I am glad we are over. But you can't steal Forth away. Tell him he needs to come pick up Beam at the bar right now you hear me." Pha screamed and I found it so funny. But I still tried to get him to quiet down putting my hand on his mouth and grabbing his phone. I put it on my ear and I heard Forth talking.

-What is wrong with you! You made Wayo cry are you crazy.- I heard Forth rambling on the other side.

-aish you asshole shut up!- I replied mad.

-Beam?- I heard Forth said confused.

-Ey Forth we are having fun here can't you see let us drink in peace.- I said getting annoyed.

-Are you drunk? Stay there I'm coming for you.- he said sounding concerned.

-You don't have to Pha is with me and we are having funnnnnn!- I said before hanging up. I was about to give Pha the phone when I noticed he was passed out.

"Phaaaaa, don't sleep!" I whined shaking him to wake him up to no avail. After a while I gave up lying next to his leg. Fuck how are we getting home now I thought. I decided to lie there for a while trying to sober up. Soon I saw a figure stand in front of me it was Forth.

"Beam! You shouldn't get drunk like this! Look at you, you can't even stand up." He said mad and I just stared at him. He looked so handsome specially now that he was mad it added to his bad boy look. He sighed realizing I wasn't going to answer and help me stand up. He made me wrap my arms around his neck and I instinctively jumped on his back as best as I could so he could give me a piggy back ride. That's when I noticed Kit and Mings presence trying to get Phana to stand up.

"Kitty! You're here! But I am already leaving!" I said sadly and he laughed.

"We will come back another day so I can make sure you two don't get drunk." He said and I cheered.

"Yay!" I said and they all laughed but I didn't care. I got comfortable on Forth's back inhaling his scent. This feels nice I thought fighting to stay awake. Forth took me to his car and put me in the passenger seat.

"You just ruined my date you know that." He said and I turned to look at him mad.

"I didn't ask for you to come get me." I said turning to the other side so I was giving him my back.

"How could I leave you there I was worried about you." He continued.

"I don't care, Kit could've taken care of me." I said and the rest of the way home we were silent. I ended drifting off to sleep only to be awoken by him carrying me to my apartment. He carefully laid me down on the bed then came back with some water. He pushed me to take a bath since he told me I stink. When I got out he was still there.

"Aren't you going to leave?" I asked.

"I wanted to make sure you were alright before leaving." He said and I only nodded climbing in bed. The bath had sobered me up a little. But my emotions were still running wild. I was tired of pretending I wasn't head over heels for the man standing in front of me. "I'll stay until you fall asleep, then I'll leave." He said and I looked at him and I just felt like I couldn't hold it in anymore.

"I am in love with you Forth." I finally confessed.

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