Babysitting (part 23) the end

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Tul's P.O.V.

I woke up startled feeling the bed moving. It took me a second to adjust to my surroundings. The first thing I noticed was little Sophie jumping on the bed.

"Tully wake up already!" She was screaming. I laughed pulling her towards me.

"Hey princess! Good morning." I said once she calmed down.

"Finally! I want to play." She said excitedly clapping her hands and laughing. I sat down on the bed rubbing my face. I felt like shit I am still tired.

"It's already noon." Said Max.

"I know I just couldn't sleep." I replied letting out a yawn. I heard Sophie giggling beside me. I turned to look at her and notice Max standing. I almost had a heart attack. "Shit, Max what the fuck are you doing here?" I said startled. I almost fell down the bed when I noticed him standing at the door with arms crossed. Did Beam call him?

"What do you mean what am I doing here? You weren't answering my text or calls! Since we have phones there hasn't gone a day by where we don't talk. Then yesterday you choose to disappear on me and expect me not to do anything? I had to call your mom to know that you are here and even she was surprised that I of all people didn't know. Now tell me what the fuck is wrong with you?" He asked and I wanted to die. I groaned lying down in bed, now what?

"Hey hey! You two idiots tone it down. Talking like that in front of my daughter. I will kill both of you." Said Beam coming in and picking up Sophie. "Max you leave Tul alone. He just woke up and you are already questioning him. Go make him breakfast or something and then you ask the questions." Said Beam throwing Max out of the room.

"Thank you." I said to uncle Beam.

"You're welcome but I'm afraid I won't be able to help you much more. So either come up with good excuse or tell him." said Beam before walking away with his daughter. I dragged my feet to the bathroom wishing the ground would just swallow me up and spit me literally anywhere else in the world. I freshened up before walking downstairs. I entered the kitchen and Max was really making me something to eat.

"I made you a sandwich. You must be hungry is almost three o'clock." Said Max and I nodded stuffing my face with the sandwich so I didn't have to talk. Sadly it didn't buy me much time.

"Guys we are taking Sophie to the park so you two can talk we will be back in an hour or so." Said Forth coming into the kitchen. He left without giving us time to answer. Two minutes later we heard the front door open and close.

"They are gone is just the two of us now you can tell me what's wrong." Said Max sitting across from me. I looked away from him not knowing what to say. Yesterday I decided to tell him but this was too soon I didn't even have time to process everything. "So the problem is with me then. Theres no other reason for you to hide things from me. Just please tell me what I did wrong so I can fix it." He said coming over to my side and turning my head to look at him resting his forehead against mine. "I promise I will fix whatever I did wrong just tell me what." He said and I almost started crying.

"Im sorry its not your fault. I just I think it might be better if we don't move in together." I said and he looked at me surprised.

"Why? Do you want to go to another University? Thats not a problem we can go somewhere else." He said and I shook my head.

"Max I am about to tell you something that might change the way you look at me. But please just promise me that you will still be my friend after." I said and he looked confused.

"Of course I promise. Nothing is going to change our friendship I can assure you that." he said sincerely and I sighed. Its now or never I guess.

"Ive been hiding something from you for quite some time now. I don't know how to say this because I really didn't plan on telling you. But I have feelings for you and not like a best friend should. I think I'm in love with you." I said and Max looked shocked. He was quiet for a while and you could see the surprise on his face.

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