Change of heart (part 3)

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Forth's P.O.V.

I woke up the next day and as usual P'Fai had already left. I got up and got dressed. My day went by as usual except I couldn't stop thinking about Beam and how he's been. It's been almost a month since I last saw him. I looked at the time and it was almost four. I drove to the medical faculty as fast as I could so maybe I could see him. I parked my bike far away from his van. From where I was I could see him walk out with Pha and Kit. He looked fine which I was glad for he doesn't deserve to be hurt. I wanted to run and hug him and never let go but I lost that right. I watched him until he drove off. I waited for a while before heading out myself. I returned home and noticed that P'Fai was packing her stuff.

"What are you doing?" I asked confused.

"Exactly what it looks like, Forth. You have changed and yesterday I noticed we no longer want the same things. I want to get married soon and you don't want to so I guess that's a deal breaker. I also did my research it doesn't take a genius to figure out you were hiding things. Turns out you were in a relationship with that Beam your mom mentioned. I was honestly shocked that you were into guys now. Can't say I'm not mad and hurt though you played me and I don't like to be played" she said keeping a straight face all the time. Which honestly scares me.

"I'm really sorry P'Fai I didn't want things to turn out this way I swear" I replied honestly.

"You didn't mean to but you did! You hurt me really bad and honestly I don't want to see you ever again. I hope that Beam guy won't accept you back" she said sounding really mad. After that she composed herself again and finished packing her stuff. I just looked at her not knowing what to say or do. She finished packing and turn to me again.

"I hate you Forth Jaturapoom and hopefully I'll never see you again in my life" she said before leaving and slamming the door.

I sat down on the couch. I was so mad I wanted to punch a wall or something. I screwed everything up and hurt a lot of people unnecessarily. I picked up my phone and texted Lam.

-From tomorrow on I want people guarding Beam at all time- Forth

-sure boss I'll arrange it- Lam

I tossed my phone to the side after that. I send some of my people to guard Beam in case P'Fai even thinks about getting close to him.

-a week and a half later-

It's been almost two months since I broke up with Beam. I had my people follow him and for now P'Fai hasn't tried to contact him. Either way I'm glad they are keeping an eye on him making sure he's safe. I go almost every day to his faculty at four just to see him for a bit. But today I was really busy planning the next hazing activity so I probably won't be able to go. I got up to get something to eat before continuing.

"BEAM" I screamed happily when I saw him enter my office. I ran towards him and engulfed him in a hug. He returned it burying his head on my chest like he used to. God I've missed this so much. We stayed like that for a while. I can't believe he came back to me. I separated from the hug and he seemed to get back to his senses.

"You came to see me" I said happily. His complexion instantly changed and he turned serious even glaring at me.

"I just came to ask why the hell are engineering students following my every move" he said sounding mad.

"I was worried about you so I sent them to keep an eye on you" I shrugged.

"You don't have to do that we are not together anymore. So they better stop I don't want to see anyone or you following me from now on. Do you understand?" He said coldly.

"But you came and that hug" I said confused.

"That was a moment of weakness and it never should have happened. Let me make one thing clear right now Forth Jaturapoom just because I love you doesn't mean I'm willing to get back together with you. You hurt me so much. For fucks sake you left me to get back together with your ex! How can I trust you after that? So just forget about me" he said turning around to leave.

My heart just broke into a million pieces but I knew I deserved it. "This isn't over Beam Baramee I'm not giving up, life without you is pointless. I know I fucked up really bad and I don't deserve your forgiveness but I'm still gonna try! I'll be by your side till the day I die it doesn't matter if you accept me or not. I'll earn your trust again" I said to him. He just stood there his back facing me heading what I had to say. When I was done he just kept walking never looking back. This is gonna be hard but I brought it upon myself. Somehow I need to ear his trust back again.


So this one turned longer that I expected it's already in the third part. Next one will probably be the last part. Anyways I'll try to update before Monday! Sorry for the short chapter! 😬

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