Babysitting (part 21)

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Tul's P.O.V.

Forth and Beam have been engaged for almost two years. They decided to buy another house to live in first. Beam is now working as a surgeon and Forth has started his own business which is pretty successful. Now that they are more settled they decided to have their wedding. They want to adopt kids too soon. We were all getting ready at their house for the big day. Of course Max and I had a room for ourselves here too. Max was taking a bath while I was finishing putting on my suit. The wedding was being held at their backyard since it was gigantic. Everything was beautifully decorated and I could see all the guest starting to arrive. Max came out of the bathroom struggling with his tie. Even if Beam has shown us how to tie one a million times he never gets it right.

"Tul come help me before I throw this freaking thing in the trash." He said annoyed and I shook my head but walked towards him nonetheless.

"When are you going to learn?" I asked carefully tying it for him.

"I don't need to I have you!" He said and I glared at him.

"What if I'm not there? We live far away from each other there's a possibility I won't always be there to help you." I scolded him.

"If it's an special occasion you are always there by my side! If you aren't there then I won't be either. You are stuck with me forever." He said and I rolled my eyes but looked away feeling my face heating. He's always saying stupid shit like that but lately it's been affecting me. I shook my head to get rid of the thoughts. Now is not the time to be questioning myself.

"Hey are you blushing? You've been doing that quite a lot lately! Let me see it you look cute when you're shy." He said coming closer and I backed away feeling myself turning even more red than before. It was no use though he grabbed my waist from behind turning me over so I was facing him. I covered my face with my hands and closed my eyes.

"Stop it you fucker! Let me go!" I said.

"Noooo let me see your face first." He said sternly.

"No way you freaking idiot. Let me go they are waiting for us." I said but he didn't respond. I was about to look at him when I felt him kiss the back of my hand and I gasped. "MAX!" I yelled but he didn't listen doing it again. This idiot really wants me to die. I'm about to have a heart attack. I just heard him laugh. I was about to yell at him again when someone opened the door. It was Ae.

"What are you... you know what never mind. Whatever you two are doing finish it later Forth and Beam are asking for you too." Said Ae and Max finally let me go.

"It was nothing that idiot was just teasing me." I said walking away.

"Whatever you say Tul." He said letting out a laugh. I decided to stop by the room Forth was using first since they were getting ready in separate rooms. Forth looked amused when I entered the room. Park and Lam who were there started to laugh.

"If you are going to tease me I will tell uncle Beam not to marry you." I threatened and he raised his hands up in defeat.

"Fine I won't say anything but you should tell that to your red face." He said letting out a chuckle.

"You Jaturapooms are all assholes I swear." I said getting angry.

"I will stop teasing you already. Have you seen Beam?" He asked and I shook my head.

"I came to see you first. You better treat him good." I threaten and he smiled.

"You know I always treat him good and if I ever don't you have my permission to kill me." He said and I smiled satisfied with his answer.

"I will go see Beam now." I said and he nodded. In Beam room I found Ae and Max along with Phana and Kit. I went over to hug Beam.

"I'm happy for you and Forth." I said.

"Thank you, I'm happy too." He said and I nodded feeling content.

The ceremony started and Max and I were both groomsmen. I on Beams side and Max on Forths side. The ceremony went smoothly. Everyone cried during their vows. We all knew they loved each other so much. We all cheered loudly when they kissed after saying I do. It was a pretty big party since both of our pretty big families where there plus both of their friends. The reception was at the backyard too and we were given the task of giving a speech. So after dinner Max and I stood up and Max yelled to get everyone's attention.

"We have been here since the start of Forth and Beam's relationship. Everything started because my mom and aunt dropped me at their house and just left me there to go on vacation. At that time I was a young little brat or as Beam likes to call me a little devil. But hey I found you a husband so you should change it to little angel or Cupid really because I'm awesome." I said and they all laughed. "But as I was saying I was there from the beginning and I know how much you love each other. You have taught me what real love looks like. Forth you should always take care of uncle Beam like you did that first week we spent together. I wish you all the happiness in the world. I said looking at Max and patting his back to tell him it was his turn.

"Well Tul pretty much said everything already. But just so you know you are going to be stuck with me and this idiot because we will be still going to your house every summer even when you are old and boring. Also thank you uncle Forth for bringing Tul and Beam into my life. They are the best. Beam I always considered you my uncle too you know I love you and never leave Forth please because he wouldn't be the same without you. I guess that's all I love you two and please have babies soon we are grown up already you need more chaos in your life we are tamed already." He said and everyone started laughing. After that they took the microphone from us.

The party was on until late and everyone seemed to be having a good time. We spent some time with Ae and even FaceTime Pete with him for a while. Then we left them alone so they could talk. As always Max was stuck by my side for the whole time. If you saw one of us the other wasn't far behind. By the end of the night we were both tired sitting in two chairs. We managed to sneak a few beers while people weren't looking and it wasn't our brightest idea. In the end I was leaning my head against Max shoulder feeling a little tipsy. I closed my eyes since I could feel the world spinning around me a little but I wasn't asleep. I don't know how much time passed but I did feel Max turning my head into a better position and pulling me closer so I let him. I was surprised though when I feel him kiss my forehead we didn't usually do that to each other. I felt my heart beating wildly so I chose to keep pretending to sleep.

"Max you pervert why are you kissing him!" I heard Ae say.

"Shhh if he wakes up you are dead meat." Said Max.

"Do you like him? As more than a friend?" Asked Ae and I almost forgot how to breath. I waited for his answer.

"What? Of course not. He's my best friend." Said Max and a part of me felt relieved since lately he was acting a bit weird. Surprisingly I also felt a bit disappointed.

"Whatever just think about it. You have many friends and you aren't this close to anybody else." Said Ae.

"Yeah because they are not Tul. He is special." Said Max and I felt happy again I couldn't help but smile.

"Well I will leave you two alone mom is leaving soon. You two are staying here right?" He asked.

"Yeah, you never want to stay anymore though why is that?" Asked Max.

"Pete is waiting for me back at home. It's like you with Tul. If you had the option of seeing Tul or another family member you will always choose Tul. You two are like family to me and I like to see you and stay occasionally but given the chance I choose him." Said Ae.

"I guess your right. Text me when you get home." Said Max.

I waited another minute before getting my head up from Max's shoulder. He smiled at me when I did. The party was almost over now and everyone was starting to leave so we did the same walking to our room.  


Two updates in one day that hasn't happened in a while hahahaha. Sadly this story is coming to an end soon. I hope you have enjoyed it! See you all next chapter which could possibly be the last.

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