Loyal (part 11) the end

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Beam's P.O.V.

As I got in to my car my phone started ringing. Startled I quickly looked to see who was calling hoping it was Forth. To my disappointment it was Phana. I picked it up before it stopped ringing.

"Seriously Beam you need to stop whatever game your playing with Forth ok? He was really hurt so just let him be if you don't plan on accepting him." Said Phana and he sounded angry.

"Look I'll deal with everything later just tell me where he is please. He's not picking up his phone." I said desperately and there was a silence on the other end of the line.

"He's leaving Beam." Said Phana and I felt a pain on my chest.

"What? Just tell me where he is dammit! I need to stop him." I pleaded with Phana.

"He was on his way to the airport half an hour ago. I don't know when is his flight or anything else he could've already left for all I know." He said and I sighed quickly leaving the parking on my way to the airport.

"Ok, I'll let you know what happens I'm on my way to the airport." I said before hanging up. I was driving as fast as I could. How could he just pick up his things and leave like that? I made it to the airport in like twenty minutes. I quickly parked before hurrying up inside.

The building was huge and I didn't even know where he was going or anything. I started to walk looking around for him. As I was loosing my hope I saw Forth sitting down on a chair with a black Nike duffel bag. He had his head down resting on his palms that were supporting the weight of his face. I approached him slowly standing in front of him. Right now I was feeling a thousand emotions happiness, anger, longing, sadness, love all at once. I stood in front of him and he slowly looked up surprised.

"Beam?" He said unsure.

"Where do you think you are going Forth Jaturapoom! You can't just leave like that again! You didn't even let me explain! Why do you always do this!" I started ranting. I was so worried the anger just took over.

"Beam." He said standing up trying to calm me down.

"No! You just listen to me! You were going to leave again! Without saying goodbye! You keep making all this assumptions and decision for the both of us and I'm so freaking mad right now and scared because I thought I'll never see you again." I said and I couldn't help but break down crying. He came and hugged me and I tried getting out of his embrace but I couldn't stop crying. So I hugged him tightly letting my tears run freely. We stayed like that for a while until I calmed down a bit.

"Can I talk for a second? Before you resume your screaming at me?" He said and I nodded wiping my tears.

"I wasn't going to leave." He started and I cut him off.

"Then what the hell are you doing in an airport with a bag!" I said and he looked at me sternly so I shut up.

"There was a problem with one of my old projects. So they called me to go and fix it as quickly as possible. That's why I grabbed a few things I was just staying the night and then I was going to come back. I saw you while I was walking back to the apartment in Starbucks and I got jealous so I sent the message. But I intended on going to talk to you about it I was just mad at the moment and acted irrationally." He said and I sighed relieved.

"I hate you, I hate you so much." I said and he let out a chuckle rubbing my back comfortingly.

"Yeah? It's that why you're here?" He said and I tighten my hug hiding my face on his chest.

"I am going to kill Phana when I see him! You better call Wayo and tell him he's going to be a widow soon." I said finally letting him go from my hug.

"You are here, what does that mean for us?" Asked Forth.

"I want to be with you! I love you!" I said and he smiled widely.

"Are you serious?" He asked and I nodded.

"Of course." I said.

"Oh thank God I have missed you so much." He said slowly getting closer until our foreheads touched. I anxiously waited while he inched closer until finally our lips met after what felt like forever. At first it was a sweet slow kiss but that didn't last long. We've been waiting for this for so long I didn't want to let go. Eventually I needed air so we separated.

"Promise me we are never breaking up again." I said sternly.

"I promise." He said stealing another kiss.

"From now on we need to trust each other ok? Stop making assumptions and just talk to me. We are going to have problems in the way that's inevitable. But at the end of the day if we are going to make this work we need to talk things out no matter how hard it'll be or how mad we are at each other. I love you and I want to be with you from now on and I want to make this work." I said and Forth was listening attentively.

"You are right I promise to do my best from now on. I'm genuinely sorry about everything and I regret it so I'm trying to learn from my mistakes. I'm confident we will make this work." He said and I nodded happily with his response.

"Thank you! I'll try to improve too since I'm not perfect and sometimes I do stupid shit. The important thing is that we have each other." I said and he agreed. Then realization hit me. "Wait at what time are you leaving?" I said sadly. We just got back together and now we are going to be apart so soon.

"In an hour but you know what it can wait till tomorrow let's go home for today." He said picking up his bag and grabbing my hand.

"Are you sure?" I asked doubtfully.

"Yeah it's been too long since we are apart. Tonight I'm going to make you my wife until morning." He said and I smacked his arm.

"Lower your voice someone could hear you!" I said angrily and he just laughed.

"By the way what happened with that asshole from last night?" Asked Forth and I looked at him surprised. "You told me to ask!" He said and I shake my head.

"Tharn it's just my friend and you should thank him because he gave me really good advice and that's why I'm here now." I said and he nodded.

"Guess I have to like him after all damn I wanted to hate him." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Keep saying stupid things and your not getting any tonight." I said and he laughed.

"Fine I'll just tell you how much I love you." He said.

"Now that's better. I love you too."

-the end-


I'm really sorry my intention was to post this chapter quickly after the last one. But I've been having a really bad couple of days. But at least I had a chance today to sit and write to take my mind off of things. Anyway I'm sorry to burden you all with my problems most of you come here to get away from your own and here I come sharing mine. Stay safe everyone and I'll see you on the next chapter with a new story hopefully soon!

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