Change of heart

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This one shot was a request by @royal_blood1993. This is just the first part that is not finished yet but I really hope that you enjoy it and it's at least close to what you had in mind.

Beam's P.O.V.

When I got together with Forth I knew his heart wasn't completely mine. He had just gotten out of a long-term relationship and it ended because his ex-girlfriend was moving away. Since the first moment I saw him I was drawn to him you could call it love at first sight. Until this point I've never been interested in anyone before Forth so I decided to go all in and put my heart on the line. He was open with me about his feelings from the start. But I thought that if I put in a bit more effort he could come to love me as much as I loved him.

Everything was great and I had some of the best moments with him. We started hanging out as friends but quickly became boyfriends. Our relationship progressed rapidly and after being together for two months we moved in together. I honestly thought he would be my forever. We were both so happy nothing was lacking in our relationship.

But it all changed one day. I insisted on Forth coming with me to get groceries. He was tired but complied and so we went to the store. There we ran into her, at first he was shocked but that was it. I thought he had moved on from her completely but he started to get distant. It was subtle, at first he would pay much more attention to his phone. Then started sneaking out to answer her calls. Slowly he stopped giving me affection; no more hand-holding, kissing, cuddling no nothing. By this point, I was just waiting for the inevitable. I'm sure that day finally came because you just walked in looking serious.

"Beam we need to talk," you said. I knew you were troubled I could see you've been crying and your hair is disheveled like you've been running your hands through it even pulling it maybe. I just smiled sadly and nodded walking to the couch.

"Ok sit let's talk," I said patting the seat next to me. He walked and I instantly noticed his hands were shaking a bit and he smelled of cigarettes. He didn't look at me he just looked at his hands for a while before he started talking.

"Beam I'm really sorry for what I'm about to do. This is a very difficult decision but I don't think it is fair for you. Since we saw my ex-girlfriend I have been in contact with her. I have not met her in person but I can't promise you that won't happen. The way things ended between us really affected me because it wasn't because we didn't love each other anymore. I think I want to get back together with her. She's been a part of my life for so many years already and I can't seem to forget her. I want you to know that I never cheated on you I would never do that. That is the reason why I'm doing this. I'm really sorry but I want to break up" he said with tears streaming down his eyes.

I should be the one crying not him! The pain I just felt in my chest from hearing that was almost unbearable. I was so mad I wanted to scream and hit him but I just couldn't do it. I love him and I wouldn't want to harm him in any way. Even if he just destroyed me completely. I didn't even look at him again I just stood up and went to what used to be our room. As soon as I was out of his sight I broke down. I started sobbing really hard.

Forth's P.O.V.

This is the hardest thing I've had to do in my entire life. I could see the pain in Beam's eye since I entered our room. When I was breaking up with him I felt a pain in my chest. When he went to our room I stayed sitting for a while thinking if I had made the right choice. But I just couldn't be with Beam if I wasn't sure what my feeling for P'fai was. I spent three years with her we got together in high school. The only reason we broke up was because of the distance but I don't think I stopped loving her. I do love Beam but I think is a different type of love compared to P'fai. I was about to leave but decided to see what Beam was up to. As I was nearing the bedroom I could hear his sobs through the door. My heart felt heavy I couldn't take it. I left and sent a message to Pha and Kit so they would come to make sure Beam was ok. After that, I went to my parent's house. I need to find another place to live soon.

I spent a week at my parent's house until I found a dorm room. My mom was concerned because I looked so sad. When I told her the reason I broke up with Beam she was mad. She already loved him like he was his own son. She refused to speak to me for a few days saying I just let go of the best thing that happened to me. I was feeling bummed too because I truly cared about Beam but I had to be honest with my feelings.

When I was feeling better and was all settled in my new dorm I decided to contact P'Fai again. We decided to meet up at the mall. I walked to the ice cream shop where we agreed to meet. She was sitting there waiting for me looking as stunning as always. I quickly walked up to her when she saw me she came running towards me. I hugged her tightly I had missed her so much. We sat down to talk.

"How you've? We haven't seen each other for a year! Honestly, when I saw you that day at the supermarket and you didn't approach me I was so sad. I thought you wouldn't want to see me again. I'm glad when I reached out you answered" she said excitedly.

"I've been good! Of course, when you left I had a hard time but I continued with my life. When I saw you that day I was shocked I didn't expect you to come back"

"My dad got transferred back here and I wanted to come back and continue my studies here. I was actually thinking of reaching out to you to see how things were but I didn't have the courage. After seeing you I knew I wanted to get back together with you. I was scared tho because the first time we got together you took so long to have feelings for me so I thought this time would be even harder"

"We didn't break up on bad terms so there was no reason for me to lose interest except for the distance," I said but my mind instantly drifted off to when I met Beam. I was instantly attracted to him not like with P'Fai that my feelings grew over time. I shook my head things between us are over.

"So does that means we are back together?" She said and I instantly notice how she was insecure. I grabbed her hand to assure her.

"If you'll have me back then yes" I smiled at her. She instantly got up to hug me. I happily returned the hug. We were now walking hand in hand around the mall when I saw someone I didn't expect to meet.


I'm sorry for not being able to update. The semester just started and I thought I would have more time since is the first week but I've been really busy. University life sucks. But I'll try to update the second part tomorrow and hopefully, I'll be able to write more so I'll have something to post during the week. Thanks for understanding! Also, this story just got 11k reads and I want to thank you so much for that! For others, it may not be a big deal but having so many people read my stories makes me happy because I put a lot of time into them. I know there are some mistakes and I really need to proofread more but I just get so excited about sharing the stories with you after I'm done. Anyway, I'll take time soon to correct the mistakes as best as I can because English is not my first language. Thanks for reading!

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