Babysitting (Part 2)

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Beam's P.O.V.

I woke up when I felt someone hitting me on my chest. I groaned opening one eye and I was startled for a second seeing a little kid in my arms. It took me a few seconds to remember everything.

"Why are you hitting me?" I asked annoyed.

"I'm hungry! I can't get out." Tul said struggling in my arms.

That's when I realized the position we were in. Somehow I was in the middle now resting on my side while holding little Tul tightly my back was facing Forth who was hugging me from behind his right arm over me and Tul while his left one was under my head. How the fuck did we end like this? Last I remember Tul was in the middle. I loosened my grip on Tul who jumped out.

"Give me food." Demanded the little devil and I heard a chuckle behind me it was Forth.

"Good morning." He said in my ear and I pushed him away.

"Why the hell are you cuddling me?" I asked annoyed.

"You two were moving too much yesterday so I just pulled you two closer so you will calm down and guess what it worked." he said proudly and I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever I am going to make breakfast do you want some?" I asked.

"Sure." He said. I looked over to Tul who was looking at us curiously.

"You two act just like mummy and daddy in the mornings! The only thing missing is the kiss." Said the little devil and I felt my eyes widen and my cheeks getting hotter.

"Tul!" I said getting up from the bed.

"What?" He asked laughing cutely whit both hands covering his face. Forth chuckled again so I glared at him.

"He's right though where's my kiss Beam?" Asked Forth and I hit him with a pillow.

"I am not making breakfast for you anymore!" I said stomping off to my room to use the bathroom.

While walking to the kitchen I heard Forth enter the bathroom with the little devil asking him questions. Serves him right I will leave Tul to him while I make breakfast. I made some chocolate chip pancakes and some coffee. Soon they joined me in the kitchen. I gave Tul some juice while I served coffee for Forth and me.

"What are your plans for today?" Asked Forth.

"Don't know I will probably hang out here with the little devil. I was going to stay here all day anyway since my friends are busy. What about you?" I asked.

"I am going to meet my friends later we are going to eat then probably to the bar." He said and I nodded.

"It's weird before yesterday we barely acknowledge each other and now we have even shared a bed together." I said giving it some thought. Forth shrugged.

"We should have gotten to know each other better though we will be living together for a while so this is good." He said and I nodded. It wasn't on my plans to become friends with him but he has a point. We will be living together for the next few years that's a long time.

"You're right. So Forth what are you going to study?" I asked curiously. Ive been wondering since we first moved in.

"Engineering how about you?" He asked.

"Hmm It suits you I wouldn't be able imagine you as a lawyer or art student but engineering? You will fit perfectly. I am going to study medicine." I replied.

"Future Doctor eh? That could come in handy I get into fights a lot. It's better if I have a doctor at home." He said giving me a thumbs up and I scoffed.

"Are you serious?" I asked. Before he could respond the little devil started screaming we both turned to look at him.

"Im still here! I wanna play! No talk!" He said banging his little fist on his eating chair.

"Ok ok lets go." I said picking him up and sitting down with him on the living room floor. Forth followed us.

"Can I play with you?" I asked nicely.

"Yeah you are the big scary monster." He said handing me the toy t-rex. "We are the super heroes who defeat the big scary monster." Said Tul excitedly handing Forth his Spiderman and he was using his Iron Man toy. Forth burst out laughing and I pouted. That little brat is always making me the bad guy. We were playing for a while before Tul got distracted and me and Forth were already bored. I turned on the tv and Tul started screaming.

"Put on paw patrol! I wanna see paw patrol!" He started jumping exited. Well that's new I thought but searched for it and put it on for him to watch. That should entertain him for a bit.

"Could you keep and eye on him while I make lunch?" I asked Forth who nodded.

"Sure." He said.

I started to make some pasta with chicken. When it was done we all sat down to eat again. Tul looked at the food in disgust before pushing the bowl away from him.

"I don't like that." Said Tul crossing his arms.

"What? The list said it was one of your favorite foods." I said surprised.

"I want chicken nuggets." He said and I sighed.

"Can you eat this now?" I asked and he shook his head. "I will make the chicken nuggets for dinner how about that?" I asked and he thought about it for a second.

"But I want them now." He pouted.

"Tul come on! Eat this now and I will make you the chicken nuggets later for dinner." I tried again and this time he nodded grabbing the bowl back. I sighed relieved.

When we were done we went back to the living room. Tul seemed sleepy after eating so he curled up on the couch to keep watching the series. I sat down beside him on my phone and Forth went to his room. He fell asleep half and hour later. Not wanting to move him I made sure he was comfortable and put some pillows on the floor next to where he was sleeping in case he rolled over. I started cleaning. Today thankfully there wasn't much mess. Once I was done I sat down tiredly next to the sleeping Tul. Two hours later he woke up again like a little ball full of energy. I gulped tonights going to be though. The little devil was running around with his Iron man and Spiderman figures yelling. A white later Forth came down already changed.

"Will you be ok with him alone?" Asked Forth and I nodded.

"I think we will be alright." I said unsure and he nodded walking towards Tul.

"Hey little man Im going out. Be nice to uncle Beam will you?" Said Forth and Tul nodded obediently.

"I will." He said smiling. Forth ruffled his hair.

"I'll be back later. Call me if anything happens." Said Forth and I nodded. I think we will be alright.

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