You are mine (part 3)

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Forth's P.O.V.

After getting inside the car I looked at Beam who seemed mad at me. Whatever I don't care I wasn't about to let him leave with a girl. Thank God I decided to send some of my people at lunch while I was at the moon gathering. I told them to keep an eye on Beam an inform me. Most of them kept away when they realize they were guarding Beam except one girl who approached him shamelessly. When I was informed I almost left angrily but they took care of it.

When we were done I followed Pha. I already knew about his plans on meeting with the girl at noon and I wasn't going to let that happen. I asked for Phanas help and he agreed since he was concerned with Beam's current lifestyle and I seemed genuinely interested which I am. It wasn't easy but I managed to get him to come with me. Still he was kinda mad so I was waiting until we where out of the university to talk to him. But it seems like it was a bad idea since Beam has already fallen asleep beside me.

I tried to call him but he just kept mumbling some none sense I couldn't understand. With no knowledge of where he lived I decided to take him to my house. I was grateful I didn't lived at the dorms since I had to carry Beam bridal style inside and into my room. I wonder why he is so damn tired. I put him on the bed and once I made sure he was comfortable I decided to do some work to pass time. I sent a text to the guys telling them I had brought someone to the house so they won't be surprised. I share this house with Lam and Ming because we didn't want to live in the dorm where we had to be there before ten . Knowing us that wasn't gonna happen and we would end up sleeping outside most of the time. So we found a house we could share. Still Lam is basically living with Park and you could barely see him around and Ming is always with his boyfriend and they take turns sleeping here or at his dorm. So most of the time I had the house to myself like right now no one else is here.

I finished my lab report at about seven thirty in the evening. I looked at Beam who was still sleeping peacefully. I went to the kitchen and started cooking a simple meal. I didn't know much but it will be enough hopefully. Once I was done I put two portions on a tray and walked to my room again. I set the food in the night stand before waking Beam. I gently shake him until he woke up. He was startled seeing an unfamiliar room.

"Where am I?" He said confused.

"Well you fell asleep while I was driving and I couldn't wake you up so I brought you to my house." I said and he eyed me suspiciously.

"Why couldn't you just ask Phana where I lived?" He asked and damn it didn't even cross my mind.

"Because I shouldn't talk on the phone and drive?" I answered sheepishly and he glared at me. I laughed ruffling his hair.

"Whatever I'm leaving." He said about to stand up but I didn't let him grabbing his wrist again. He was about to start ranting again but I stopped him.

"Wait I made dinner." I said and he stopped moving.

"Well it does smell good now that I notice." He said stopping his movements. He sat down on the bed again.

"What did you made?" He asked.

"It's just pasta but it tastes good if I say so myself." I said and he nodded.

"Fine I'll stay for dinner." He said and I handed him a plate. We ate in silence Beam was focusing on the food. He just seemed so cute to my eyes. Like seriously is this the man who was about to leave with a girl to have sex? It surely didn't look like it to me. He was more like a cute cat who just sleeps and eats and fight you back when you try to give him love. I chuckled at the thought and Beam turned to look at me with an eyebrow raised.

"What?" He said and I shook my head.

"Nothing I was just remembering something." I said and he proceeded to ignore me finishing the food.

"Thank you for the food and for letting me sleep here. I'll go wash the dishes he said taking my plate and I let him. When I walked down he was almost done with the dishes and it was now close to ten.

"Where do you live?" I asked approaching him.

"In the dorms." He said nonchalantly.

"Well it's almost ten now and we are pretty far from the dorms." I said and he turned to look at me surprised.

"What? Are you serious? What time is it?" He asked.

"It's 9:50 so you only have ten minutes." I said looking at the time in my phone.

"Ahh dammit I don't even know how far I am but I am not going to make it. It's your fault." He said glaring at me again.

"You were the one who fell asleep it's not my fault." I said defending myself. "Besides you can just stay here." I said and he just stared at me contemplating the situation.

"I don't think that's a good idea." He said and I shrugged.

"Well you don't have a lot of options." I said and he sighed.

"Fine I'll stay but I literally don't have anything here! What am I supposed to do." He said.

"You can use my stuff and I have a spare toothbrush you can use so we are good. You can go back to your dorm tomorrow." I said and he nodded walking back to my room without waiting for me I just followed him.

"I'm going to take a bath." He said and I handed him a towel and some clothes. While he took a bath I went to do the same at Lams bath. Surprisingly I got out before him but a few seconds later he got out. He climbed on bed beside me and I just look at him.

"What? I am not sleeping on the floor or anything you are the one who brought me here so if you have a problem then you sleep somewhere else." He said getting comfortable and I chuckled.

"You do know it's my house right?" I said and he turned his back to me.

"I don't care." He responded.

"Beam, can I ask you something?" I said turning to look at his back.

"You just did." He said turning towards me and I rolled my eyes. "But yeah you can." He said smiling and damn I think that's the first time he's smiled at me.

"Why are you so tired? I mean Phana and Kit were with you and they seemed fine." I asked and he just stayed silent looking at me for a while. "It's ok if it's too personal." I added not wanting to make him uncomfortable and he sighed.

"No it's ok. Well we did study all weekend which was tiring but then when I got home I couldn't sleep and when I did fall asleep I woke up every once in a while. So I wasn't able to rest properly and now I am exhausted." He replied and I listen attentively.

"Do you always have trouble sleeping?" I asked and he shook his head.

"I've always had trouble sleeping but lately it's been getting worse." He said then yawned.

"Well at least you could sleep in the afternoon. I won't keep you awake anymore let's sleep you need rest." I said and he nodded sleepily quickly drifting off again.

Well I'm glad that today he was able to rest he must be exhausted to be sleeping again after he slept all afternoon until dinner. I watched him for a while not tired yet. I decided to use my phone for a while. Like an hour and a half later he started moving in the bed like he was uncomfortable. I just watched him until he got closer to me. I carefully pulled him to my chest and he calmed down wrapping his hands around my waist. I rubbed his back for a while watching him making sure that he was ok. When he didn't move again I started to drift off to sleep too.

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