Babysitting (part 22)

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Tul's P.O.V.

Over the years my friendship with Max has only gotten stronger. We are now both nineteen and we have been friends for fifteen years so for the mayority of our life. But nothing is that simple and I have started to develop feelings for him. I realized they have been there for a long time but I was in denial. The thing is that is getting harder being around him. This last summer at Beam and Forth's house was pure torture. I have managed to keep my feelings a secret since we didn't see each other in person much. But sleeping next to him every day and having him act clingy for a month almost killed me this time around. I was really close to confessing my feelings but I'm scared of him acting differently. Now I have another problem though and I need help deciding what to do. I finished packing my bag and headed out. In a few hours I was parking in front of Beam and Forth's house. I sighed before knocking on the door. A surprise Beam answered the door.

"Tul? What are you doing here? And why did you knock you have a key." He said and I smiled sadly.

"Sorry I forgot it at home, I don't think I even told mom I was coming here." I said and he nodded giving me a concerned look.

"Come in I will call your mom." He said moving so I could enter. As soon as I was inside I heard little footsteps running towards us.

"Tully." Screamed the little girl and I picked her up.

"Hi princess." I said spinning her around and she started laughing.

"Don't spin her too much I just fed her." Said Beam and I nodded.

"She's so cute, it's only been few weeks since I last saw her but I missed her." I said and Beam smiled.

"Of course she is, she is my daughter what did you expect." He said and I rolled my eyes. Forth just walked downstairs probably had just taken a bath by the looks of it.

"Oh hey Tul, where's your other half?" He joked but I just looked down sadly.

"Its just me this time." I said and I noticed how he looked at Beam worried before turning to me.

"Well I will take this little cutie of your hands and I will leave you two to talk." Said Forth grabbing little Sophie from my arms and walked away.

"I already sent a text to your mom telling her that you arrived here safely. Now let's go talk. What's wrong? Did you have a fight with Max?" He asked and I shook my head no. We walked to the back porch. We could see Forth playing with their daughter in the distance.

"I think I am in love with Max, no I don't think I know." I let out and turned to look at Beam who seemed unfazed.

"That's it?" He asked and I looked at him incredulously. "I mean... eh... shit give a second." He said pausing and I groaned frustrated. Why did I think he would be of help again? I thought. Forth approached us with little Sophie.

"I didn't mean to but I overheard your conversation. First of all honey you suck at this." Said Forth and Beam laughed hiding his head on Forths shoulder.

"You should've gone to him first for advice I'm still leaning to him it comes naturally." I said and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Yeah you are right my bad. But I need help I don't know what to do." I said.

"You're worried about moving in with him." Said Forth knowingly and I nodded.

"Yes, I was excited at first. It has always been our plan to go to the same college that you both went and share the house. Like we basically grew up in that house together with you guys. But I don't know if I will be able to do it while feeling this way. I don't want to ruin our friendship I don't know what to do." I said running my hands through my face I really want to cry now.

"You have known Max basically all your life. Do you really think he's going to hate you for having feelings. Theres also the possibility he feels the same you know?" Said Forth calmly.

"I don't know. How did you guys did it? Go from friends to lovers?" I asked.

"Well I confessed first and I was scared since Beam is a little bit hard to read. But I couldn't hold it anymore and two days after you were gone I just blurted it out when we woke up. I had no idea he felt the same way." Said Forth.

"I don't think I can do that." I said unsure.

"Look Tul the only thing I can tell you is that Max cares deeply about you. You are his favorite person in the whole world. The only way you are going to solve this is by talking with him is the best way if you are planing to keep your friendship with him. If he likes you too then good and if not then you can move on without regrets and wondering what would've happened." Said Forth and I nodded.

"I guess you are right. I will think about it and make a decision tomorrow since we have to move in soon. Thank you for the great advice Forth. Beam you keep practicing." I said and he laughed.

"Sorry next time i'll be better." He said and I laughed.

After having dinner with Forth, Beam, and Sophie I walked over to Max's and I's room. Ive been avoiding his calls today since I needed to clear my head. I was tempted to call him but refrained from touching my phone. I laid awake in bed thinking about every possible scenario when I tell him. Ninety percent had a bad out come. There's a one in a million chance that he might feel the same way. But the reality is that he sees me as his best friend nothing more nothing less. That's the way it always has been. Beam brought over some snacks before going to sleep.

"I know it's probably going to be a long night for you thinking about everything but try to sleep ok? If you need something you can just knock at my door. Not too loudly though because if Sophie wakes up I will kill you." He said and I laughed.

"Thank you uncle Beam." I said and he hugged me tightly.

"Everything's going to be all right Tul. It's just Max, your Max, if someone knows him its you Tul. So you should know that he will never hurt you. If you need help I can call him tomorrow and tell him to come so you can talk. Or if you need something just tell me ok I will help you." He said before pulling away from our hug.

"Thank you, that was much better you took it seriously when you said you were going to improve." I joked to lighten the mood.

"You brat always ruining the moment. Anyways I will leave you alone now. Try to rest." He said before walking away. I tossed and turned for a couple of hours in bed before finally the tiredness took over and I fell asleep.

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