The Bet (part 16)

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Forth's P.O.V.

Being here with Beam is the best feeling ever. He so caring and thoughtful. Even when we are kissing he makes sure not to get to close so he doesn't hurt me. I tried cooking for him in the morning but that was a disaster. I thought he was going to be really mad but instead he ordered food for us. Then he didn't want me to go after. I think he is feeling the same way as me which makes me so happy.

When I started this bet I was just feeling embarrassed. My friends didn't think that I'd be able to maintain a relationship with someone. The truth was that I just wasn't interested in anybody. But they were making fun of me and I was drunk so I agreed. Then I didn't want to back out because I never back out from a bet. Lam was right though I shouldn't have done it I knew it was wrong. But in the end I don't regret it. It didn't take me long to fall in love with Beam. I don't know what was about him but since the first time we kissed is like he put a spell on me. I of course was in denial for a while.

Then he started hanging out with Lam which made me crazy. Park didn't help either because he was so freaking sure that Lam had feelings for Beam. I wanted to kill him every time Park and I found out they were together at Beam's dorm. Even now that I know he and Park are together I still didn't want them too close to my Beam.

I decided to stop this nonsense the day Beam decided to cook a meal for me. I realized I had strong feelings for him that day. Just seeing him make an effort for me made realize how much I cared about him. Everything was good since he didn't knew about the bet so I just started pursuing him for real. I didn't tell anyone I will just wait until I make him mine. If he never finds out then that would be better.

Park and Lam just left after making sure I was ok. I was sitting down in the living room when Beam came back after saying goodbye. He sat down next to me resting his head on my shoulder I pulled him closer putting my arm around his waist.

"I'm happy for Park and Lam! They really seem like they are made for each other. Poor Lam was all worried because he though Park didn't like him like that." Said Beam.

"How did you get him to tell you that? I didn't know." I said confused. Now that I think about it I could see how he treated Park differently. But in the moment I wasn't aware and Lam isn't one to talk much about his feelings.

"I just figured it out. You are stupid so I'm not surprised you didn't notice. I confronted him about it and he told me. He couldn't deny it I already knew anyway. Then he came to me to escape from him because his feelings were only getting stronger. I tried to help him but he didn't want to believe me when I said Park liked him too." He said and I laughed.

"Ah of course Lam is always like that." I said.

"It's nice though that they finally found someone who genuinely loves them." Beam mumbled sadly.

"Hey why do you sound sad?" I asked and he looked up to me. I could tell he was sad but tried to smile anyway.

"I'm not." He said.

"Hey you got me and I'm not going anywhere. If you hadn't noticed then I'm going to tell you. Beam Baramee I'm falling in love with you! I've been trying to court you all this time!" I said and he just scoffed getting out of my embrace.

"Yeah right." He said and I noticed his eyes were getting teary.

"Wow what's wrong Beam?" I asked worried.

"You think I don't know you've been playing me this whole time." He said wiping the tears that were threatening to fall. I was completely shocked now.

"W-what?" I stuttered.

"I know about the bet you did with Park and Lam that day at the bar. If I remember correctly your words exact word were 'I am always up for a challenge. I can make even the Casanova fall for me in a month. Beam doesn't even have a chance against me. I can even make him cry when I leave him at the end of the month.' Don't even try to deny it I heard you myself." He said and to say I was shocked was an understatement.

"H-how is t-that possible." I stuttered feeling so confused.

"I was in the booth next to yours so you couldn't see me. I was thinking about joining you guys but then you started talking. I heard everything then I left. I was going to confront you but then I though if he's gonna play with me then I'm doing the same and let's see who falls first." Said Beam looking mad. I was hurt knowing this. So this is how he must've felt when he found out too.

"Beam hear me out first ok? It was a bet at the start and it was wrong I know that. But you did make me fall in love with you. Very quickly might I add. I stopped playing the game. For me everything was real." I said trying to make him understand that I wasn't playing him. Fuck I messed up so bad if I was him I wouldn't trust myself.

"No no no. You don't have the right to come and say that. I won't believe you! The month isn't even over you could say that just to finish this sick game." He said and by this point he had stood up and was walking around. I stood up and grabbed him making him stop to look at me and he did for a second before looking away as tears started to fall from his eyes.

"Look at me Beam." I said and he did. He looked so small with red eyes and tears running down his face it broke my heart seeing him like that. "I love you Beam you have to believe me. All this time we spent together didn't you feel it? We are good together! You can't tell me you weren't feeling the same way, that it was all because of the bet. I won't believe that. You care for me as much as I do." I said and he looked away.

"It doesn't matter! I can't trust you, I won't. I'm sorry but this whatever we had is over. Maybe if we hadn't started this way this would've worked out. But I can't like this." He said getting away from me.

"Beam come on are we just going to walk away from this because of a stupid bet. Why does it matter how we started? The important thing is how we feel about each other now. I'm sure about my feelings for you and I can tell that you at least care about me. You've been taking care of me since yesterday and I know you wouldn't do that for just anyone. I will make up for it for my wrongdoings but let's just try to get past this ok? Give me a chance." I said and he stayed quiet for a while. I was hopeful but then he shook his head.

"I can't Forth I know you will probably hate me for it but I just can't trust you right now. I think is better if you leave." He said and I just nodded walking away. Once I was out the door I rested my forehead against tit. I could hear him crying inside. I just wanted to enter and hug him and tell him everything was going to be fine. I was mad at myself I was the one who started this mess and I hate myself for it.


Sorry for the delay this one was kind of hard to write because part of me just wanted to get them together and the other wanted them to suffer a bit and guess what won? In other news today I got a ton of BL merchandise I ordered so now I am happy but broke bitch hahahaha.

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