Friends (part 3)

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Beam's P.O.V.

I woke up to an alarm ringing. I was annoyed with the sound disturbing my sleep. I searched around with my hand and when my fingers touched something I slammed my hand to make the alarm stop. But my hand hit something weird and I suddenly opened my eyes after I realized I didn't have an alarm. That's when I heard someone yell.

"Ow Beam what the fuck? Are you trying to kill me in my sleep." Said Forth rubbing his nose and I couldn't help but laugh at him. I was trying to control myself but it was impossible to stop and apologize. He soon joined me even though he was mad.

"I am so sorry." I managed to say between laughs when I was calming down.

"What the fuck were you doing?" He asked looking at me confused.

"I heard an alarm and was searching for it." I replied and he nodded.

"Well damn poor alarm that would've been." He said rubbing his nose and I chuckled. He grabbed his phone that was ringing and turned it off.

"I'm really sorry." I managed to say when I finally calmed down.

"Sorry is not enough you have to cuddle me to make me feel better." He said grabbing me by my waist and pulling me towards him. I got lost in the moment and let him putting my head on his chest. I noticed his heart was beating really fast and I looked up at him confused and noticed him staring at me.

"What are you doing Forth?" I said trying to get away from him but he hugged me tighter.

"What if I say I like you." He whispered and I could feel my heart thumping loudly too. I put some distance between us.

"Stop playing jokes Forth it's not funny." I said mad.

"It's not a joke Beam." He said and I looked away.

"Look Forth I don't know what's gotten into you. But this shit is not funny. We were finally getting along again after I kissed you that time and now you come spitting none sense. I am done with you and your games." I said standing up from the bed mad and going downstairs. I noticed the house was awfully quiet so that means no one is here. Dammit they must have left to go into town to shop I thought.

"Beam, can we talk?" He said and I didn't answer I just went outside. "So that's it you are just going to ignore me?" He asked.

"I should, you are an asshole." I replied.

"Why because I told you I liked you." He said raising his voice and I turned to look at him mad.

"Because until a couple of years ago you were my best friend. Because when I kissed you accidentally you responded to my kiss. Because when I confessed my feelings you pushed me out of you life. Do you know how it felt to not only loose your best friend but also your first love at the same time. Then I had to see you every year and when I was finally done with all of your bullshit and had moved on you just came barging into my room and into my life. Now you're telling me you like me. What kind of games are you playing non huh Forth?" I asked walking over to him and pushed him. He stumbled back a few steps.

"I deserved that." He said and I walked away again but he followed me. I turned to glare at him.

"Leave me alone." I said.

"Can you let me explain myself please." He said and I glared at him.

"Speak." I said.

"I was confused and it was hard for me to accept my feelings for you and the only way to ignore them was pushing them away." I said and I just started at him.

"So that's it?" I asked shocked at his answer.

"What do you want me to say? It's the truth. I have come to terms with it now that's why I decided to try and win you back." He said determined and I look at him incredulously.

"So what? You just want me to accept you like nothing ever happened?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"I kind it wasn't gonna be that simple but I wanted to try. At least know if you still have feelings for me or if there's a chance for me to win you back.

"Well mark my words Forth Jaturapoom I am not going to accept you. You don't deserve it." I said feeling bittersweet.

"Can you at least forgive me?" He asked and I hesitated.

"Let me think about it." I said feeling overwhelmed by the situation.

"Fine then I'll stand here until you accept me." He said and I raised my eyebrow.

"Do what ever you want I don't care about your crazy, stupid Olán just leave me alone for a while." I said entering the house and going straight to my room. I looked out the window and saw Forth standing where I left him. He winked at me when he noticed me and I rolled my eyes. I know he's not going to stay there he isn't that stupid he's just saying it. Since he knows I'm on the room he will move.

I lied down on the bed contemplating the situation because I didn't know how to feel. Because one side of me was thinking that all of this time he has felt the same way and that made me happy. But thinking that he just pushed me away like that and it toon him years to admit it. If I were to accept him what reassurance do I have that he won't change his mind and leave me hurt again? Dammit I am so confused I really don't know what to do. Forth Jaturapoom you keep making my life difficult one way or another. I just can't get a break.


Sorry that it's been so long since I last updated! I've been busy but good news is summer break is just around the corner and I'll be able to write so much more. Also sorry for the shitty chapter I'm kinda not feeling this story which made it harder for me to write. But I already know how to end it and next chapter will be the last and it should be up tomorrow. That's all for now stay safe everyone!

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