Friends with benefits (part 5)

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Beam's P.O.V.

After Forth left I fell asleep for a while. When I woke up I decided to take a quick shower to refresh myself. I put on some old shorts that I only used at home because they were comfortable. As I was looking for a shirt I noticed a pile of Forth's clothes on my closet. I sighed how could I be so stupid. It took me so long to realize what was happening between us but it was so clear. He even had clothes here and I had clothes over there on his dorm. Stupid love I should've stayed single that was really the best option. Oh well I'll get back in the game soon I just need to sort out my feelings. But I still miss him. I decided to take one of his shirts that smelled like him. Besides he's more built than me so it was bigger and more comfortable.

I grabbed my phone contemplating if I should call Phana and Kit to come here so we can hang for a while. But I decided against it. We have a week off school so they must be spending time with their boyfriends. I should leave them alone. But I am so freaking bored. I look at my phone and it was six o'clock. On a normal day I would be getting ready to go to the bar. But I didn't want to today. Considering my bad luck I might run into Forth who I know for certain is going to the bar tonight. I don't want to see him leave with anyone else. I might even cause a scene if I saw him considering I yelled at him just because a girl hugged him. Now that I know his intentions I probably won't be able to contain my anger. Nobody needs to know that I have feelings for Forth so I'll just have to avoid being in the same place as him.

I decided on watching some Netflix. I barely use it since I'm always busy with school of going out. I was scrolling through it and came across a series that captured my interest. I decided to put in on and I instantly got hooked. Guess I just found what I'm going to do for the rest of the day I thought getting comfortable on my bed. I was on the second episode of Stranger Things when I heard a knock on the door. But it couldn't be mine I wasn't expecting anybody so I ignored it but it only got louder. I got up from my bed to see what all the fuss was about when I realized the knocks where probably coming from my door. I opened it to find Forth with everyone else standing in front of my door with food and drinks. I looked at them confused but instead of saying anything they pushed me away entering my dorm which was now crowded.

"What are you all doing here?" I asked when I closed the door. I looked around to see who was here and saw my friends with their boyfriends plus Forth with Lam and Park so a total of seven people were here in my dorm right now. I don't remember inviting anyone. I was thinking hard trying to remember if today was someone's birthday or something like that but I was completely lost.

"Forth told us you were going to stay here tonight instead of going to the bar. So we decided it wouldn't be fun without you so we came here with food and drinks." Answered Phana and the rest of them nodded.

"" I said scratching the back of neck while thinking what to say. I was still confused on why they decided to come here it's not the first time I stay home instead of going to the bar. "I was just watching stranger things in my room. But you can stay if you want." I said unsure.

"I like that series come on let's watch it." Said Kit and they all entered my room taking all the food and drinks. I was left dumbfounded on my spot. The only one left was Forth I looked at him waiting for him to explain but instead he came closer to me.

"You're wearing my shirt. It looks good on you." He said before turning around and walking to my room. I instantly felt my cheeks redden. I had forgotten I put on his shirt but either way I wasn't expecting him to come over! I feel so embarrassed now but it would be too obvious if I changed it.

I walked into the room and it looks like it was about to burst with so many people in. Phana and Wayo were sitting on the small couch. Kit and Ming were on the floor in front of the bed. Park and Lam were sitting down on the left side of my king bed so the only space available was beside Forth on the right side of the bed. I sighed walking up and sitting down next to him. They passed around some beers and the food and I hit play on the series. We spent the rest of the night watching stranger things while eating and drinking we mostly talked when someone didn't understand what was happening. It turned out to be a great night just what I needed some peaceful time with my friends. Once it was almost two in the morning and we had finished the first season everyone started to leave. I accompanied them to the door before turning to Forth who had fell asleep while I was saying goodbye to everyone else.

I thought about waking him up but it wouldn't be safe for him to drive back on his bike if he was sleepy. I was cleaning all the mess when I felt him stirring in my bed. He woke up groggily and looked around.

"Where's everybody?" He asked.

"They already left it's late." I said and he nodded.

"Guess I should leave too." He said and I shook my head.

"You can stay it's not safe for you to be driving like that at this hour." I said and he nodded. I finished picking everything up and returned to bed. He was laying down, still awake but you could tell he was tired. "Why don't you sleep?" I asked getting in beside him.

"I was waiting till you finished cleaning so you could sleep too." He said and I laughed.

"Silly just go to sleep I know you are tired." I said running my hand through his hair. He smiled leaning towards my hand and I pulled it away realizing I shouldn't be doing that.

"Tomorrow's a big day. I'm kind of scared." He said and once again I was left confused.

"Why? What's happening tomorrow?" I asked.

"You'll see." He said pausing for a while. I was about to insist he tell me what was happening when he continued talking. "This is the first time we are together in the same bed without having sex." He said and I thought about it. He was right. "It feels nice." He said and I could feel my heart beat faster.

"Just go to sleep." I said giving my back to him.

"Good night Beam." He said before closing his eyes too.


So Forth has something planned huh. I wonder what it is 🤔😂. See you on the next chapter!

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