Friends (part 2)

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Beams P.O.V.

I returned back to my room where Forth was waiting for me. He was watching the movie I left on playing which was the maze runner.

"What took you so long?" He asked.

"I had to greet Samanthas parents who are downstairs." I said and he nodded.

"Right, thankfully I greeted them when they arrived so I don't have to go back down." He said taking the snacks from me. I sat down next to him opening a bag of chips.

"This movie is good." He said not taking his eyes away from the tv. I didn't reply just try to focus my attention on the movie.

This is just way too weird for me. We've been distant for so long. It's been years since we avoid each other. Now he's acting like we never stopped being friends. Somethings not right here I thought. But I decided to ignore it, just one more day and I'll be leaving this place. After that I probably won't see him for another year anyway. I should just start thinking how to avoid this family trips to be honest.

We spent all day in my room watching movies and eating snacks. We didn't talk much but I was ok with that. When it was dinner time my mom came to tell us to go down. At the dinner table Samantha was glaring at us realizing we were together all this time. But I ignored her focusing on my food.

"Beam, Forth." Called my mom and we both looked up towards her.

"Samantha and her parents are planning to stay the night. The problem is we only have one room left. Would you mind sharing a room just for tonight?" Asked my mom. But I noticed in her face she wasn't really asking. If I said no she would be mad. I sighed about to respond but Forth beat me to it.

"Sure aunty we don't mind. It'll be just like old times." He replied cheerfully and I looked at him with an eyebrow raised. What is wrong with him? "Right Beam?" He said pinching my cheek. I glared at him before turning to face my mother with a fake smile.

"I don't mind." I replied and she smiled content with our answers.

"Great it's settled then. By the way tomorrow we are going into town if you guys want to go. I've been wanting to go shopping there for a long time." She said.

"I'll think about it." I replied.

After that the adults started talking about their plans for tomorrow. I went outside wanting some fresh air so I sat down by the lake who was not far from the house. Soon everyone came to join me but I didn't mind. As we were sitting down Forth came and stole my drink. I started to chase him to get it back. He turned to look at me for a second and tripped over a rock landing on the river. I instantly ran towards him to see if he was ok but he was laughing.

"Shit you scared me." I said getting as close as I could without touching the water.

"What scared I might drown?" He said and I rolled my eyes. But the truth was that I in fact was scared something had happened to him.

"You wish." I replied not giving him the satisfaction.

"Help me get out please. The water is freezing cold." He said and I hesitated.

"Forth Jaturapoom if you even dare to think about pulling me in I am going to drown you for real." I said putting a serious face.

"I promise, now help me before I freeze to death." He said and I complied giving him my hand and helping him get out of the water. I was walking back when Forth put his arms around me hugging me tight.

"You asshole! Get away from me you're still wet." I said trying to get out of his grip. But he of course was stronger than me.

"You said not to throw you into the water, you didn't say anything about hugging you." He said shaking his head and I felt the water landing on me.

"Aish I should've know, you're such an asshole." I said stopping the fight since I was already wet. Everyone was laughing at us and this just felt like the old times. But why was Forth suddenly acting like my friend again? I thought he hated me. I was confused but Forth still dragged me towards the house to get changed.

"I'll go take a shower in the other room and also take all of my stuff since I'm staying with you." He said and I nodded absentmindedly. "Unless you want me to take a shower with you." He said and I gasped which he laughed at.

"You asshole stop saying nonsense!" I said pushing him out of my room. I closed the door and leaned into it. He is going to give me a heart attack I thought feeling my heart beating really fast.

I took a quick shower and dressed myself. I contemplated going back down but I didn't feel like it so I just lay down on the bed. I was about to fall asleep when Forth enteres the room slamming the door which made me startled.

"Sorry." He quickly said looking guilty. "It's just that Samantha enteres the room and she had the audacity to tell me to stay with her and was basically throwing herself at me." He said putting his bag next to mine before he sat on the bed.

"I always thought you liked her." I said confused.

"What? No! She's too clingy and it's always acting maliciously. I tried to put up with her but I just can't." He said annoyed and I nodded.

He made himself comfortable on the bed and I turned to look at him.

"Hey this is my room! You're sleeping on the couch!" I said and he looked at me surprised.

"Oh come on! We used to share a bed all the time." He said giving me his best puppy dog eyes.

"But..." I started to say and he came closer hovering over me.

"What you're afraid I might do something to you." He whispered his face dangerously close to mine.

"Stop playing or I'll throw you out of the room completely." I said nervously.

"Let me sleep on the bed or I'll kiss you." He said and I pushed his chest hard making him fall beside me on the bed.

"Fine you can sleep on the bed." I finally gave up. I turned around giving my back to him. I was tired and wanted to sleep so that's what I did.

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