The Bet (part 5)

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Beam's P.O.V.

I have just gotten out of class. Finally today is Friday and I have the weekend off. I haven't seen Forth all day not even at lunch. So maybe just maybe he has given up. For now I have nothing to worry about. I said goodbye to Phana and Kit before heading to my car. I almost had a heart attack when someone knocked on my window. I was surprised to see Forth standing there.

"Where the hell did you come from?" I said rolling down my window.

"I was beside your car all this time but you were so distracted you just walked right past me." He said and I noticed his bike beside my car.

"What are you doing here anyway?" I asked confused.

"I missed you." He said and I felt my eyes widened. That took me by surprise.

"The hell are you talking about! Why would you miss me?" I said and mentally face palmed. I'm supposed to make him fall for me not hate me. But everything was good because he laughed.

"Let's go somewhere, you and I what do you say?" He said smiling at me and I wanted to roll my eyes. Since when do we go out alone? He's so stupid I swear. But I'll play along.

"Well where should we go then?" I asked.

"I know a place! Your car or my bike? This time I'm driving." He said looking at me sternly and I sighed.

"Fine let's take your bike today." I said and he smiled brightly like a little kid.

"Perfect." He said turning around and grabbing a helmet. I was expecting him to give it to me but instead he put it over my head. I decided to let him taking the time to look at him while he was securing it.

"I could've done it myself." I said rolling my eyes.

"Where's the fun in that." He said turning around to put on his helmet. "Here put this on it's almost night it's just gonna get colder." He said handing me a leather jacket. He came prepared at least. I put it on without much complain and I could feel him staring at me. It was a little big since he had more muscles than me but overall it fit pretty well.

"What are you looking at?" I said after I was done and he looked away embarrassed. My charm is starting to work on him. He should've known he didn't stood a chance. He quickly got on the bike and I sat behind him. I choose to grip his jacket tightly not wanting to be so close to him.

"Are you afraid of me or what?" He said and I tilted my head looking at him confused.

"What?" I asked.

"Round your arms around my waist or you will fall." He said and I rolled my eyes but complied since he will probably speed up to make me give in anyway so I'll save myself the trouble. I put my arms around his waist inevitably making us closer. Once he was satisfied we left. We were driving for a while until he pulled over to the night market.

"I thought you were going to take me to a bar or something." I said getting off the bike and taking my helmet off.

"We are always at the bar I thought we could do something different. Besides I'm not in the mood to drink today." He said and I nodded.

We started walking around seeing what was good. We were very close to each other since the place was full. It was Friday night after all. Forth put a hand around my waist guiding me. Surprisingly I didn't mind being that close to him. After a while we decided on a couple of foods we wanted to try and split up to buy them. When we had everything we needed we looked for a table sitting down and we started eating.

"I wanna try that." He said pointing at some fruit I had bought. I was about to pass him some when he opened his mouth. I raised an eyebrow at him but still put the fruit on his mouth.

"It's really good." He said smiling happily and I couldn't help but smile. He looked so happy. I ate a piece before offering another one to him which he accepted happily. That's how we ended sharing everything and feeding each other since Forth didn't let me take things by myself. We ate until we were both full.

"Damn I don't think I can fit anything else into my stomach." I said and he laughed.

"I'm full too." He said. We walked around for a while before we left. Forth drove me back towards my faculty to pick up my car. When we were there I got off before taking off my helmet and handing it to him.

"Thank you for everything. I had a great time." I said and he smiled.

"You're welcome. We can hang out more if you'd like." He said and I nodded.

"I had completely forgot about this but how are your bruises?" I asked.

"Almost healed thanks to you." He said and I nodded.

"Well I guess I'll be leaving then." I said getting into my car. He waited until I was driving away before doing the same. When I got home I realized I still had his jacket on. I decided to wash it before giving it back to him. As I laid on my bed after taking a bath I looked at my phone to see I had a lot of miss calls and text from both Phana and Kit. They were asking me where I was today since they went to the bar and I was not there. Then after a while a few worried messages since I wasn't responding. I hadn't noticed my phone ring all night. I just replied that I was fine and was out eating before going to bed. I was so damn tired today.


I fell asleep yesterday while writing so you know what that means. I'll be updating again later today. For now enjoy and I'll see you again in a while!

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