Beam's P.O.V.
I went to my dorm room to change and I told Forth to do the same. I am picking him up at his dorm. I took a quick shower before getting dressed. When I was done I headed to Forth's dorm. Once I was there I texted for him to come down. He did after a while. He was dressing casually in some jeans and a black band t-shirt. He looked nice. Typical bad boy look. He got in the car and smiled at me.
"I better not be dead at the end of the night. Or I'll come to you as a ghost and grab your feet." He said and I laughed.
"Well let's hope you make it out alive then." I said backing off before driving away. Kongs and Arthit's apartment was close by so we made it there in a couple of minutes.
"I already want to see Kong's face when you walk in with me." I said grinning. This is going to be epic. I got out of the car and Forth followed me. I let ourselves in since the door was open. I walked to the kitchen where Arthit was finishing the food.
"I'm here." I said when I walked in and Arthit turned to look at me.
"Beam! You're finally here." He said giving me a hug.
"I brought a friend I hope that's not a problem." I said and he smiled.
"Not at all the more the merrier. Hi, I'm Arthit." He introduced himself giving a handshake to Forth.
"Wow! You are the famous head hazer! Nice to meet you I'm Forth Jaturapoom. I'm in my first year of engineering." Said Forth introducing himself and I could see how his facial expressions changed to surprise before he laughed.
"I've heard a lot about you actually." He said before turning to look at me sternly. "Beam what did you do!" He said and I shrugged.
"You said I'm always welcome to invite a date to our weekly dinner." I said and he shook his head.
"I'm so freaking hungry today. Arthit babe is the food do..." started to say Kongpob walking into the kitchen before he was too shocked to continue. He had a surprise look on his face before it turned sour. "What the hell kind of joke is this!" Said Kong and I laughed while Forth gulped beside me.
"I brought a guest to dinner." I said the grin never leaving my face.
"Beam Baramee living room now!" Said Kong furious and I complied walking away.
"Make yourself at home Forth. I'll be right back. Arthit take care of him." I said looking at Arthit who nodded with a smile on his face.
"So Forth sit down I'm almost done with the food. What engineering course are you majoring in?" I managed to hear Arthit say before Kong dragged me away.
"The hell do you think you are doing bringing that brat here!" He said mad.
"I like him." I said and Kong now looked furious about to walk back in but I stopped him. "Not in that way! He just seems fun to have around." I continued quickly.
"Stop playing with me Beam! I have to deal with that brat every day and now you bring him here!" Said Kong trying not to raise his voice.
"That's no way to talk about your freshman mister head hazer." I said and he glared at me.
"Ah you are a brat too I should've expected it to be honest." He said crossing his arms.
"That's what you get for making me help you during Sotus. Besides I see nothing wrong with him. He's just like you who stands up for what he believes in. But he's a much more fun version and actually has the looks to back him up." I said and Kong smacked me in the head.
"Just shut up and let's go eat. Also, stop doing stupid shit to make me mad!" He said walking away and I followed him. We walked to the kitchen where Arthit and Forth were talking animatedly.
"Wow P'Kongpop I don't know why you don't like me! You were worse than me! Saying you wanted to make Arthit your wife! That's why you are the legendary hazers couple. There are so many rumors about you two but the real story is even better than the rumors." Forth said excitedly. I sat beside him and Kong sat across from me beside Arthit.
"Yeah don't tell anybody I didn't want the freshmen to know the story." Said Kong glaring at Arthit who smiled sheepishly. "Also it's not that I don't like you, you just make my job harder." Said Kongpob and Forth nodded.
"It's not my intention though. But I can't help it." Said Forth.
"It's ok let's just forget about it and have a nice meal." Said Kong and I was surprised that he was acting so mature. We all started eating and the conversation kept flowing smoothly. We were all talking and laughing sharing stories while we ate. By the end of the night, I could tell Kong and Forth were on good terms. They kind of understood each other better now. Once we were done it was time for me and Forth to leave. We've already been here for a couple of hours. I gave a hug to both Arthit and Kong.
"See you next week Arthit. I will sadly see you tomorrow Kong." I said when I pulled back and Kong smacked me in the head.
"Thank you for having me P'Arthit." Said Forth politely and Arthit smiled.
"You're welcome to come with Beam anytime."
"P'Kongpob thanks for not killing me." Said Forth and I laughed.
"Ah, you are really a brat." Said Kong rolling his eyes while Forth grinned. "Here I thought I liked you a bit better." Said Kong and we all laughed. "I'll see you both tomorrow. Forth try not to bring that much trouble you give me headaches." Said Kong and we all laughed again. After that, we finally left getting in my car.
"Well, that went better than we expected!" I said happily.
"Yeah, it did, P'Kongpobs face when he saw me was really priceless. I really thought I was dead at that moment. But he was nice afterward. I wasn't expecting that but I had fun. Thank you Beam." He said.
"Hey why do you call Arthit and Kong P' but not me? I'm older than you too!" I said realizing he's been doing it all night."
"Because if I call you P' you'll only think of me as a kid! I don't want that. I want you to think of me as your future boyfriend." He said and I was so surprised I slammed my foot on the brakes.
"Forth!" I said turning to glare at him. "You can't say stuff like that while I'm driving! Do you want me to crash!" I raised my voice a little and he looked guilty.
"Sorry, I didn't know you were going to react like that!" He said and I calmed down before I kept driving.
"Stop saying nonsense we met each other only a couple of hours ago how can you say you like me." I said focusing on driving.
"Love at first sight." He said confidently and I laughed.
"That's not real." I said parking in front of his dorm.
"Oh, but it is! I felt it the first time I saw you while walking into that tent. Anyway, thanks for today I have fun. Also, you owe me a date. I'll text you the details later." He said getting out of my car and I watched him walk away. Before entering the building he turned back to wave goodbye. I drove off after that. What did I get myself into? I thought.
So this was supposed to be a short story. Like really short. My first plan was to make it a one shot but I can't seem to be able to do one of those hahahaha. Then I was thinking it was going to be only a couple of chapters like two or three but now I have changed the story like a million times in my head. I will try to keep it short tho because I have another idea for a story after this one but we will see. That's all for now stay safe everybody!

Forth Beam Short Stories
FanfictionA collection of Forth Beam short stories. Characters don't belong to me, only the plot.