You are mine (part 10)

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Beam's P.O.V.

"Let's have some breakfast before leaving." said Forth coming into the room. I was sitting down on the bed already dressed and ready to go. I didn't want to but still I followed Forth outside the room and into the kitchen where the table was set with our breakfast. I sat down on a chair. "You look pale are you feeling alright?" asked Forth concerned crouching down beside my seat grabbing my face with his hands and inspecting it closely I tried to smile.

"I am ok let's just eat." I replied. He still seemed doubtfull so I leaned down to give him a kiss. When we separated he smiled.

"I will never get tired of that." he said smiling and pulling me in for another kiss which got more heated. I was enjoying it but we had to leave soon so there was no time for that even if I wanted to. I didn't want to make a bad first impression well worst than it's probably going to be so I gently pushed him away.

"Forth you know we can't right now, we have to leave soon." I said grabbing his face making him look me in the eyes and he sighed.

"Ah I know." he pouted. Who would've thought he could turn into such a big baby. I looked at him lovingly.

"We will have time later now let's eat I don't want to be late." I said and he smiled standing up quickly and sitting down to eat. But I couldn't take more than a few bites. I started playing with my food which Forth noticed.

"Beam." he said looking at me sternly. He knew something was wrong and he wanted me to tell him. We agreed that there shouldn't be any secrets between us.

"Im so nervous my hands are shaking and my stomach is in a knot and I want to throw up." I finally said and he took my hand squeezing it gently.

"We are just meeting my parents it's not like Im going to kill you or something." He said and I sighed.

"I know but you didn't tell them you were bringing home a boyfriend instead of a girlfriend. They are going to hate me. Im not good with parents. You wont leave me even if they don't like me right?" I had to ask that question which has been on my mind since yesterday when he told me his parents wanted to meet me and they invited us to dinner and maybe to spend the night.

"You know I wont Beam I love you, all of you and they will too. Even if they didn't you will still have me. I promised you and we have been together for six months already and no matter what we go through I have never left you. Besides they know you make me happy and that's all they want. I didn't mention you were a boy yesterday because they already know I talk to my mother about you and believe me she has even taken your side when I mentioned once we had a fight. So you have nothing to worry about ok?" he said and I felt more at ease nodding.

"Im sorry for being so insecure. I love you too. I was worried because I care about you. I know that your family is important to you so I want them to like me." I said and he nodded understandingly.

"I know love but everythings going to be ok. I know you're not gonna eat anything else so let's clean everything and leave." he said picking up some plates and I did the same. In no time everything was cleaned and we started the long drive to Forths house. We got there around dinner time. Even though Forth managed to calm me down this morning now that we were parked in front of his house I was freaking out again. He got out of the car but I didn't, he came over to my side but before he could open the door I locked it.

"Are you serious? Open the door right now." he said sternly and I shook my head. "Beam Baramee if you don't open the door right now I will bring my mother out here to drag you out herself." he said and I widened my eyes in panic because he was talking loudly.

"Lower your voice!" I said and I noticed his mom opening the front door I instantly panicked and pull the seat to lay backwards so I was hidden.

"Beam? What the hell!" I heard him knocking on the half open window.

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