Annoying freshman (part 5)

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Beam's P.O.V.

It was now Saturday. I had already finished packing everything I need for the trip. We are only staying for two nights I think. Pha and Kit were coming too but the traitors brought their boyfriends. So that means I'm going on my car alone. I could go on the bus but I very much prefer my car so alone it is. Kongpob wanted us to arrive before twelve so I picked everything and left. We were meeting at the parking lot of the engineering faculty. Once I arrived the freshmen were getting in the bus. I greeted Kong and Arthit.

"I didn't know you were coming too." I said to Arthit.

"He made me since I had the weekend off." Said Arthit annoyed and I laughed.

"You can help me with those annoying brats." Said Kong and Arthit shook his head.

"When you were the annoying brat I didn't have anyone to help." Said Arthit and Kong pouted.

"Aish you two stop it be considerate I'm here all alone." I said.

"Not for long." Muttered Kong. I pretended I didn't hear him.

That's when I noticed Forth and his friends coming in our direction. They were laughing and joking. There seemed to be five of them including Forth.

"Ahh with that brat only I know this trip will be hell." Said Kongpob annoyed.

"I'm driving alone since you allowed Pha and Kit to take their boyfriends. So what if I take him with me?" I said and Kong looked at me surprised.

"Ahh you want some alone time with your new boyfriend." Said Kong raising his eyebrows suggestively and I smacked him in the head.

"Stop saying stupid shit or I'll leave him with you." I replied. Kong looked at Arthit pouting.

"You deserved that one." Said Arthit but gave him a kiss where I hit him nonetheless. Soon Forth's friends were getting on the bus him being the last one. Kongpop was giving some instructions to them so I went over to Forth. I put my arm over his shoulders dragging him with me away from his friends.

"What are you doing?" He said surprised once we were separated from his friends.

"Since you are a trouble maker you are coming with me on my car." I said and he looked shocked before smirking.

"If you wanted to spend time with me you should've said so. I would've come willingly." He said before giving me a kiss on the cheek. I was surprised so I pushed him away.

"Hey! Who told you, you could do that!" I said surprised.

"That's payback for dragging me away in front of my friends." He said and I smacked him in the arm.

"Stop that! Now get in before I change my mind." I said and he did as told surprisingly. I looked over at Kong who had now let the boys into the bus.

"I want you there in time! No funny business with the freshman!" Said Kongpob and I rolled my eyes before giving him the finger. After that I walked to the drivers seat getting in the car.

We followed the bus closely behind until the first stop. Forth was talking animatedly during the whole way. I pulled over at the gas station.

"Do you want something?" I asked him.

"I'm good." He said and I nodded walking in to buy some snacks. I saw Arthit and Kong with their hands full already.

"Arthit are you starving my brother or something? You two have snacks for the whole week." I said amused.

"I packed some fruits but he just wants junk food." Said Arthit rolling his eyes.

"If it's only me then I'm not paying for those!" Said Kong pointing to Arthits full hands. I couldn't help but laugh.

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